Well, this hasn't come as a surprise. Steven Ratuva is spot on by pointing out that the people are the victims. I have always feared since last year these events were inevitable considering Voreqe will use all his powers not to lose face. He will keep trying to prove he is right. He has tested the international bodies and this is the consequences. He is basically thinking ahead and realise the embarassment and failure he cannot afford to lose. As a fijian, he will always try to impress but will lack the strategies of coping with the problems associated with it. Yes, it is ego. Yes it is power. But above all it is about keeping a straight face, using and exhausting every avenues thinking he is right.
He is thinking right now what choice does he have following the exclusions? Unfortunately, he will declare himself President then Fiji will be a under full blown dictatorship. Think Uganda, Zimbabwe as egs.
The people will suffer. In fact people already suffering. And we can all talk and talk about the sufferings. Or maybe we wait until we start begging for Aids (charities). THATS NOT FIJI. It will happen unless democracy takes over.
Under dictorship, we are basically slaves. What do we do about it? Ok, there is fear amongst people. We have to be strong and proactive. We have got international sanctions and support will come if we do something. Hopefully our intolerrance will get the better of us.
So, only god will guide us to the truth and righteousness and help us do what is right for the future of the people of fiji.
Power to the People!