FHL Managing Director, Sereana Qoro, in a statement today, admitted there is still no funder for their $190 million wish to buy BP SWPacific.
She’s finally owned up to what the public already knows – that FHL doesn’t have a formal loan approval letter from any financier, despite their many fanciful announcements regarding the already doomed deal.
Shrewd business people know that in this volatile world,success comes when you are able to fix all the variable constraints and unknown key factors of a deal to a known quantifiable value over a strict time-line.
But not so with the way Sereana Qoro and her incapable FHL board are handling this BP deal.
They have shown time and again that they are not in control of their desire to buy BP.
They are negotiating haphazardly compromising their position each time they open their lying mouth.
The FHL board have demonstrated all the “DO NOTs” in Negotiation Skills 101.
And the longer they drag out their BP acquistion lie, the more costly it’ll be for the shareholders of FHL.
Oh, we are glad that CMDA and SPSE are demanding disclosures from FHL.
Better do what you have to do CMDA and SPSE or you will both be dragged down by FHL’s crap.
This blog has been created to allow stories and information that have been supressed or banned by the administration of Commodore Frank Bainimarama, to impose Public Emergency Regulations, which has led to heavy handed censoring of the media.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
bERNY Says: July 11, 2009 at 4:28 am
31:12 Assemble the people–men, women and children, and the aliens living in your towns–so they can listen and learn to fear the Lord your God and follow carefully all the words of this law.
31:13 Their children, who do not know this law, must hear it and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”
To those who oppress God’s people. Your time is at hand. For those of you who know the difference between right and wrong, make your choices now!
The darkness shall be uplifted and the people will be set free of a wicked and evil few who have no fear of the Lord.
There will be a mist of confusion in your camp and the fear of the Lord shall be felt by all. An array of your own darkness that you have fearlessly ensnared over God’s people will penetrate your minds, your hearts and the depths of your souls.
The time is fast approaching and the wickedness of your actions in the might of your false decrees over the land shall fail.
31:12 Assemble the people–men, women and children, and the aliens living in your towns–so they can listen and learn to fear the Lord your God and follow carefully all the words of this law.
31:13 Their children, who do not know this law, must hear it and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”
To those who oppress God’s people. Your time is at hand. For those of you who know the difference between right and wrong, make your choices now!
The darkness shall be uplifted and the people will be set free of a wicked and evil few who have no fear of the Lord.
There will be a mist of confusion in your camp and the fear of the Lord shall be felt by all. An array of your own darkness that you have fearlessly ensnared over God’s people will penetrate your minds, your hearts and the depths of your souls.
The time is fast approaching and the wickedness of your actions in the might of your false decrees over the land shall fail.
FNPF interest payment to members drops …. again!!
It’s confirmed!
FNPF members will get only 5% interest on their funds, a drop from last year’s 6% and 6.5% in the previous year.
The return to FNPF members is lower than Fiji’s going commercial term deposit rates.
Commercial banks in Fiji are offering interest rates between 5.25% and even higher for term deposits and it is expected to increase with Fiji’s liquidity getting tighter by the day.
So what does all that mean for FNPF members?
Ummm …. it means that the current militarized FNPF board and management are not doing a good job as custodians of FNPF members.
It means that FNPF members are getting poorer under the current FNPF board.
It means that FNPF members are not getting premium returns for their money invested in FNPF since interest rates higher than 5% is offered in the open financial market.
It means that FNPF members funds are being looted by the regime.
It means that FNPF investments are not attracting good returns.
It means FNPF is tanking!!!
FNPF members will get only 5% interest on their funds, a drop from last year’s 6% and 6.5% in the previous year.
The return to FNPF members is lower than Fiji’s going commercial term deposit rates.
Commercial banks in Fiji are offering interest rates between 5.25% and even higher for term deposits and it is expected to increase with Fiji’s liquidity getting tighter by the day.
So what does all that mean for FNPF members?
Ummm …. it means that the current militarized FNPF board and management are not doing a good job as custodians of FNPF members.
It means that FNPF members are getting poorer under the current FNPF board.
It means that FNPF members are not getting premium returns for their money invested in FNPF since interest rates higher than 5% is offered in the open financial market.
It means that FNPF members funds are being looted by the regime.
It means that FNPF investments are not attracting good returns.
It means FNPF is tanking!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
llegal Fiji magistrate Elsie Hudson and her scam
The most WORTHLESS of the lot (4 newly appointed illegal magistrates) is No.3, Elsie Hudson, the Nigerian scam lawyer, who has been a company secretary and so called legal drafter all her miserable life. Why is Anthony Gates appointing this foreign, inexperienced opportunist when Fiji has qualified, senior and experienced LOCAL lawyers?? What litigation experience does this con-artist bring to Fiji’s Courts?? This is apart from the fact this opportunist Elsie Hudson is known to despise Pacific people yet has to put up on our turf to get her a decent job! Bloody worthless creature!
Swm please published this asap.
Sa sega vei ira na Dina, iratou tamata DAULABA, DAUBUTAKO, LASULASU, DAUYALEWA, KOCOKOCO, LAWAKICA. Na ka kece qo e lau rai ga kina na TEVORO
Job 19:25-27
‘But in my heart I know that the vindicator lives and that he will rise last to speak in court;
and I shall discern my witness standing at my side and see my defending counsel,
even God himself,
whom I shall see with my own eyes, I myself and no other.
Sa sega vei ira na Dina, iratou tamata DAULABA, DAUBUTAKO, LASULASU, DAUYALEWA, KOCOKOCO, LAWAKICA. Na ka kece qo e lau rai ga kina na TEVORO
Job 19:25-27
‘But in my heart I know that the vindicator lives and that he will rise last to speak in court;
and I shall discern my witness standing at my side and see my defending counsel,
even God himself,
whom I shall see with my own eyes, I myself and no other.
Nazhat Shameem turns down offer
We can confirm that Judge Nazhat Shameem has turned down the offer to join Fiji’s illegitimate judiciary.
Sources say Nazhat is of the view that the claimed abrogation of the 1997 constitution is something she will never support – and we say cheers to that!
Nazhat is said to be enjoying her time as a stay-home mum and wife to her husband and two children
Good stuff Nazhat!
Sources say Nazhat is of the view that the claimed abrogation of the 1997 constitution is something she will never support – and we say cheers to that!
Nazhat is said to be enjoying her time as a stay-home mum and wife to her husband and two children
Good stuff Nazhat!
Destination Fiji – haven for international fugitives
It looks like we’ve found a new industry to replace tourism and sugar – havens for international fugitives.
The regime’s old friend Peter Foster could move back to Denarau to spruik the service.
Apart from showing the crooks around a bit of real estate he could offer tips on extradition law, or if that happens to fail, tips on jumping off bridges and dodging the propeller of boats or the oars of people chasing him.
One tip I know he always stands by is “always wear decent underpants, you never know when you’ll have to swim for your life in them”.
Thaksin will only be the beginning. Criminals from everywhere could be attracted if he’s granted a bolt-hole.
But don’t expect too much in the way of investment. Thaksin didn’t get to be that rich by investing anywhere expect in places where he knew his returns would be guaranteed.
He knows that all he’d have to invest to get a bolt-hole is a few relatively small amounts in the off-shore account of one VB.
Corruption Fighter
The regime’s old friend Peter Foster could move back to Denarau to spruik the service.
Apart from showing the crooks around a bit of real estate he could offer tips on extradition law, or if that happens to fail, tips on jumping off bridges and dodging the propeller of boats or the oars of people chasing him.
One tip I know he always stands by is “always wear decent underpants, you never know when you’ll have to swim for your life in them”.
Thaksin will only be the beginning. Criminals from everywhere could be attracted if he’s granted a bolt-hole.
But don’t expect too much in the way of investment. Thaksin didn’t get to be that rich by investing anywhere expect in places where he knew his returns would be guaranteed.
He knows that all he’d have to invest to get a bolt-hole is a few relatively small amounts in the off-shore account of one VB.
Corruption Fighter
The military council and the Methodist Church
The Military Council and the Methodist Church
The surprise announcement by the dictator (telegraphed all the way from Vanuatu!) that he wiii now meet with Methodist Church leaders tells us three important things.
First, the reversal is a sure sign that Frank’s bluff has been called.
Second, it throws a revealing light on the ongoing power struggle within the RFMF and the vital role of the shadowy Military Council in determining how Frank deals with the Methodists.
And third, it backs up freedom blog reports that Land Forces Commander, Pita Driti, was ordered by the dictator to take leave after being observed hob-nobbing with former Methodist Church head, the outspoken Reverend Manasa Lasaro.
When Frank Bainimarama decided to take on the Methodist Church, he blundered into double trouble because his military are overwhelmingly followers of the Methodist faith.
The ensuing split in the RFMF over the dictator-versus-Methodist Church confrontation goes right through the middle of the armed forces and even extends all the way up to the Military Council.
The Military Council is the body which Bainimarama said on 6 December 2006 would exist only until such time as an interim government was appointed. But it lives to this day.
We should not forget that it was the Military Council that ultimately prevailed over the dictator, forcing him against his will to sack the interim finance minister, Mahendra Pal Chaudhry.
On Tuesday, as soon as Frank was out of the country on his way to Vanuatu, the Military Council once again demonstrated that it has a mind of its own.
It did nothing to stop the Standing Committee of the Methodist Church from convening a meeting, despite the fact that such a gathering was in clear breach of the PER.
The mentally challenged and over-promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Neumi Leweni threatened members of the Standing Committee with arrest if the meeting went ahead, but nothing happened!
That’s because the Military Council deliberately sat on its hands, which gave the Standing Committee a “Leave Pass” and made Leweni’s shrill threats sound as hollow as his stupid head.
This monumental cock-up at the highest levels of our illegal military regime leaves the dictator very exposed. His authority has been seriously undermined.
He now knows that his meeting with the Methodist Church leadership will be crucial to his survival.
And that’s not just because he bit off more than he can chew by engineering a confrontation with our biggest religious body.
The other crucial issue facing the dictator in this unfolding dramais the prospect of another standoff with the Military Council.
And that makes you very, very nervous, doesn’t it Frank?
Fiji Democracy Now
The surprise announcement by the dictator (telegraphed all the way from Vanuatu!) that he wiii now meet with Methodist Church leaders tells us three important things.
First, the reversal is a sure sign that Frank’s bluff has been called.
Second, it throws a revealing light on the ongoing power struggle within the RFMF and the vital role of the shadowy Military Council in determining how Frank deals with the Methodists.
And third, it backs up freedom blog reports that Land Forces Commander, Pita Driti, was ordered by the dictator to take leave after being observed hob-nobbing with former Methodist Church head, the outspoken Reverend Manasa Lasaro.
When Frank Bainimarama decided to take on the Methodist Church, he blundered into double trouble because his military are overwhelmingly followers of the Methodist faith.
The ensuing split in the RFMF over the dictator-versus-Methodist Church confrontation goes right through the middle of the armed forces and even extends all the way up to the Military Council.
The Military Council is the body which Bainimarama said on 6 December 2006 would exist only until such time as an interim government was appointed. But it lives to this day.
We should not forget that it was the Military Council that ultimately prevailed over the dictator, forcing him against his will to sack the interim finance minister, Mahendra Pal Chaudhry.
On Tuesday, as soon as Frank was out of the country on his way to Vanuatu, the Military Council once again demonstrated that it has a mind of its own.
It did nothing to stop the Standing Committee of the Methodist Church from convening a meeting, despite the fact that such a gathering was in clear breach of the PER.
The mentally challenged and over-promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Neumi Leweni threatened members of the Standing Committee with arrest if the meeting went ahead, but nothing happened!
That’s because the Military Council deliberately sat on its hands, which gave the Standing Committee a “Leave Pass” and made Leweni’s shrill threats sound as hollow as his stupid head.
This monumental cock-up at the highest levels of our illegal military regime leaves the dictator very exposed. His authority has been seriously undermined.
He now knows that his meeting with the Methodist Church leadership will be crucial to his survival.
And that’s not just because he bit off more than he can chew by engineering a confrontation with our biggest religious body.
The other crucial issue facing the dictator in this unfolding dramais the prospect of another standoff with the Military Council.
And that makes you very, very nervous, doesn’t it Frank?
Fiji Democracy Now
Who’s left?
The war drums are beating, the Fiji Military is in a command crisis. The bastion of Fijian paramountcy with its predominantly ethnic Fijian makeup will be put to the blow torch in the coming weeks prior to the Methodist’s Annual Conference in Rewa. The ossified traditional triune of Lotu Vanua and Matanitu will undergo the ultimate temporal test of coercive force. Fijian Spiritual Hegemony versus Frank and Ayarse’s counter Hegemony viz a viz “the new order” and of course spruced up with Teleni’s new Methodist twist.
Just two weeks after the abrogation of the constitution on Good Friday by the President, Commodore Bainimarama his Land Force Commander Colonel Pita Driti and his Chief of Staff Colonel Aziz Mohamed in a grand show of military machismo were conferred the Companion and Officer’s of the Order of Fiji for “distinguished service of a high degree to Fiji and humanity at large”. The high priests of the “new order” had been anointed. Nothing was going to stop the military juggernaught- not Good Friday even Easter Sunday.
Three months later the ‘anointed’ colonels bought with a miserable two pieces of silver are on the outer of palace politics. One hanging onto dear life with his corrupt FHL wannabies, the other wanting to make a ‘brave’ stand for the Methodist conference against his master’s worst nightmare. ( sa qai rere ko Pita)
My! How times change. Well now lets see.. umm.. who’s next senior on the officer graduation list … eh officer cadet Curu Oso Sir!
Aah.. se qai pass out ga.. top recruit Sir!
OK promote taki koya .. full colonel OK!
Just two weeks after the abrogation of the constitution on Good Friday by the President, Commodore Bainimarama his Land Force Commander Colonel Pita Driti and his Chief of Staff Colonel Aziz Mohamed in a grand show of military machismo were conferred the Companion and Officer’s of the Order of Fiji for “distinguished service of a high degree to Fiji and humanity at large”. The high priests of the “new order” had been anointed. Nothing was going to stop the military juggernaught- not Good Friday even Easter Sunday.
Three months later the ‘anointed’ colonels bought with a miserable two pieces of silver are on the outer of palace politics. One hanging onto dear life with his corrupt FHL wannabies, the other wanting to make a ‘brave’ stand for the Methodist conference against his master’s worst nightmare. ( sa qai rere ko Pita)
My! How times change. Well now lets see.. umm.. who’s next senior on the officer graduation list … eh officer cadet Curu Oso Sir!
Aah.. se qai pass out ga.. top recruit Sir!
OK promote taki koya .. full colonel OK!
FDFM denounce Frank Bainimarama’s foggy roadmap
The Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement would like to denounce the announcement a week ago by Fiji’s interim Prime Minister, Commodore Bainimarama, of a Road Map for the Restoration of Fiji’s Democracy.
It is a lot of fancy words about nothing and another poorly attempted strategy for Commodore Bainimarama to legitimise his illegal term as Prime Minister for another five years.
Commodore Bainimarama must first of all cease his many attempts at insulting our collective intelligence with his claim of a so called President’s Mandate. The President is now an illegal occupier of that High Office after his treasonous purported abrogation of the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands on the 10th of April 2009.
Commodore Bainimarama should also cease from claiming a Presidential Mandate when the whole world knows that he is the puppeteer pulling the strings of a proverbial puppet, the figurehead President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo.
Having stated that, the Movement will keep reminding Commodore Bainimarama, and the World as our witness, that any suggestion of reforms and change must come from the people and the 1997 Constitution of Fiji is still pulsating in the veins of the people of Fiji and can never be abrogated.
The people of Fiji must give the mandate, and the world does not recognise some false claim of a Presidential Mandate. Changes can only be made by those that represent the people in a legally constituted parliament under Chapter 15 of the 1997 Constitution of Fiji.
Commodore Bainimarama, in his speech said that in his road map for change, he will seek to re-engage with his neighbours and development partners. The Movement wishes to remind Fiji’s regional neighbours and development partners that it was not them that disengaged from dealing with Fiji.
It was Commodore Bainimarama that so rudely disengaged from Fiji’s regional neighbours by snubbing them twice. First, at the Pacific islands Forum Leaders meeting in Niue and secondly at the Special Leaders Retreat on Fiji in Port Moresby early this year.
It was also Commodore Bainimarama that lied after he promised to have a general election for Fiji in March 2009. He made this commitment at the 2007 Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in Tonga.
The Movement would like to remind regional leaders and development partners planing to re-engage with Commodore Bainimarama that while they are legal and elected, he is not. While their first priority is the people they represent, Bainimarama’s first priority is his personal survival and the delaying of his inevitable arrest and imprisonment.
Any leader that engages and dialogues with Bainimarama is doing business with a common criminal who has raped the democracy of his country and pillage the national assets of its people.
Bainimarama’s leadership scorecard since grabbing power via the barrel of a gun is pathetic. In his two and a half years of leadership, Bainimarama has presided over the decimation of the sugar industry, the destruction of the tourism industry, the devaluation of the Fijian Dollar, the wholesale sacking of thousands of public servants, the destruction of the future of an entire generation of Fiji’s youths and most recently the destruction of Fiji’s Dairy Industry.
Commodore Bainimarama in his address puts forward the false claim that a new legal order exists. A new legal order can only exist if the people have accepted it.
The World must be reminded that the Military overthrew a popularly elected coalition Government that was voted in just six months before being overthrown in December 2006. The two political parties that made up the ruling coalition attracted 84% of the votes cast in the May 2006 General Election.
There has been no popular opposition to the Bainimarama Regime since the purported abrogation of the Constitution because of the draconian Public Emergency Regulation Decree introduced after the abrogation declaration on the 10th of April 2009.
This decree was suppose to be in force for only thirty days but has now been extended till the end of the year. The draconian terms of the Decree included the censoring of any news items that may portray the government in a negative way and the suppression of freedom of speech.
With the threat of an indefinite closure of any news outlet that attempts to defy the Decree, newspapers are not publishing any letters to the editor or statements that opposes the Regime.
Since the 10th of April 2009, the people of Fiji have been drawn under a dark blanket of news blackouts while bombarded with government propaganda modelled on some Stalinist totalitarian regime.
The framework for the return to constitutional democracy announced a week ago by Commodore Bainimarama lacks any clearly defined milestones and timeframes for his three year grandiose socio-economic dreams.
The Bainimarama Regime’s total mismanagement of the economy and erosion of the social structure of Fiji’s Society so far has created a lot of doubt about their ability to deliver on their latest attempt to provide a clear roadmap to democracy.
Delaying the start of their illegal constitutional reform till 2012 is just another poor attempt to conveniently come up with some sort of excuse that they will need more time in the constitutional consultation process and therefore extend their illegal governing mandate past 2014 when their self imposed five year mandate is about to expire.
Therefore, the Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement calls on Fiji’s Regional Neighbours and Development Partners not to be fooled by Commodore Bainimarama’s latest attempt to pull the wool over their eyes. They should learn from his many false promises and lies of the past.
Pacific regional leaders need to up the level of pressure and sanctions and demand an immediate return to constitutional democracy under the terms handed down by the Fiji Court of Appeal in the Case of Qarase and Others v Bainimarama and Others on the 9th of April 2009.
It is a lot of fancy words about nothing and another poorly attempted strategy for Commodore Bainimarama to legitimise his illegal term as Prime Minister for another five years.
Commodore Bainimarama must first of all cease his many attempts at insulting our collective intelligence with his claim of a so called President’s Mandate. The President is now an illegal occupier of that High Office after his treasonous purported abrogation of the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands on the 10th of April 2009.
Commodore Bainimarama should also cease from claiming a Presidential Mandate when the whole world knows that he is the puppeteer pulling the strings of a proverbial puppet, the figurehead President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo.
Having stated that, the Movement will keep reminding Commodore Bainimarama, and the World as our witness, that any suggestion of reforms and change must come from the people and the 1997 Constitution of Fiji is still pulsating in the veins of the people of Fiji and can never be abrogated.
The people of Fiji must give the mandate, and the world does not recognise some false claim of a Presidential Mandate. Changes can only be made by those that represent the people in a legally constituted parliament under Chapter 15 of the 1997 Constitution of Fiji.
Commodore Bainimarama, in his speech said that in his road map for change, he will seek to re-engage with his neighbours and development partners. The Movement wishes to remind Fiji’s regional neighbours and development partners that it was not them that disengaged from dealing with Fiji.
It was Commodore Bainimarama that so rudely disengaged from Fiji’s regional neighbours by snubbing them twice. First, at the Pacific islands Forum Leaders meeting in Niue and secondly at the Special Leaders Retreat on Fiji in Port Moresby early this year.
It was also Commodore Bainimarama that lied after he promised to have a general election for Fiji in March 2009. He made this commitment at the 2007 Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in Tonga.
The Movement would like to remind regional leaders and development partners planing to re-engage with Commodore Bainimarama that while they are legal and elected, he is not. While their first priority is the people they represent, Bainimarama’s first priority is his personal survival and the delaying of his inevitable arrest and imprisonment.
Any leader that engages and dialogues with Bainimarama is doing business with a common criminal who has raped the democracy of his country and pillage the national assets of its people.
Bainimarama’s leadership scorecard since grabbing power via the barrel of a gun is pathetic. In his two and a half years of leadership, Bainimarama has presided over the decimation of the sugar industry, the destruction of the tourism industry, the devaluation of the Fijian Dollar, the wholesale sacking of thousands of public servants, the destruction of the future of an entire generation of Fiji’s youths and most recently the destruction of Fiji’s Dairy Industry.
Commodore Bainimarama in his address puts forward the false claim that a new legal order exists. A new legal order can only exist if the people have accepted it.
The World must be reminded that the Military overthrew a popularly elected coalition Government that was voted in just six months before being overthrown in December 2006. The two political parties that made up the ruling coalition attracted 84% of the votes cast in the May 2006 General Election.
There has been no popular opposition to the Bainimarama Regime since the purported abrogation of the Constitution because of the draconian Public Emergency Regulation Decree introduced after the abrogation declaration on the 10th of April 2009.
This decree was suppose to be in force for only thirty days but has now been extended till the end of the year. The draconian terms of the Decree included the censoring of any news items that may portray the government in a negative way and the suppression of freedom of speech.
With the threat of an indefinite closure of any news outlet that attempts to defy the Decree, newspapers are not publishing any letters to the editor or statements that opposes the Regime.
Since the 10th of April 2009, the people of Fiji have been drawn under a dark blanket of news blackouts while bombarded with government propaganda modelled on some Stalinist totalitarian regime.
The framework for the return to constitutional democracy announced a week ago by Commodore Bainimarama lacks any clearly defined milestones and timeframes for his three year grandiose socio-economic dreams.
The Bainimarama Regime’s total mismanagement of the economy and erosion of the social structure of Fiji’s Society so far has created a lot of doubt about their ability to deliver on their latest attempt to provide a clear roadmap to democracy.
Delaying the start of their illegal constitutional reform till 2012 is just another poor attempt to conveniently come up with some sort of excuse that they will need more time in the constitutional consultation process and therefore extend their illegal governing mandate past 2014 when their self imposed five year mandate is about to expire.
Therefore, the Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement calls on Fiji’s Regional Neighbours and Development Partners not to be fooled by Commodore Bainimarama’s latest attempt to pull the wool over their eyes. They should learn from his many false promises and lies of the past.
Pacific regional leaders need to up the level of pressure and sanctions and demand an immediate return to constitutional democracy under the terms handed down by the Fiji Court of Appeal in the Case of Qarase and Others v Bainimarama and Others on the 9th of April 2009.
Why didn’t FHL make a market announcement on no cement?
FHL is still on its dangerous trail of non-compliance as a publicly listed company.
Their board and management have breached just about every rule governing Fiji’s stock exchange – the questionable stock exchange whose board has FHL listed as one of its public trading companies.
One of the basic fundamental rules of publicly listed companies is the requirement that they must always be truthful and transparent in all their dealings.
Public companies like FHL are required by law to always make a market announcement via the stock exchange on important matters happening in their business .
It is a basic necessity to keep the public informed about what is going on and the performance of their share investment in the public companies.
But FHL have been hopelessly secretive on some major developments in their growth strategy plans and the way they’re conducting their business.
The truth about their failed BP Oil acquisition was never transparently communicated to the public by FHL.
Those disclosures were taken to the public domain by bloggers and not FHL as required of them.
The same thing happened when FHL’s top three were suspended.
The bloggers broke the news first forcing FHL to release an announcement to the Stock Exchange which is what they should have done in the first place.
Now, the no cement reality.
Again, that piece of news was dissiminated by bloggers, now picked up by the mainstream media who have been unsuccessful in getting a response from FHL.
Meanwhile, no public announcement has been forthcoming from FHL via the stock exchange which again raises the question as to why such a dishonest team like FHL board and management are still allowed to run a public company by CMDA and SPSE.
We say – be warned people! Refrain from buying any public company shares in Fiji until the watchdog CMDA and SPSE get their act right.
Your share investment has been looted right infront of your eyes by dishonest incompetent boards like FHL.
And guess what, the useless CMDA and SPSE are toothless tigers who don’t know how to protect your investment.
Their board and management have breached just about every rule governing Fiji’s stock exchange – the questionable stock exchange whose board has FHL listed as one of its public trading companies.
One of the basic fundamental rules of publicly listed companies is the requirement that they must always be truthful and transparent in all their dealings.
Public companies like FHL are required by law to always make a market announcement via the stock exchange on important matters happening in their business .
It is a basic necessity to keep the public informed about what is going on and the performance of their share investment in the public companies.
But FHL have been hopelessly secretive on some major developments in their growth strategy plans and the way they’re conducting their business.
The truth about their failed BP Oil acquisition was never transparently communicated to the public by FHL.
Those disclosures were taken to the public domain by bloggers and not FHL as required of them.
The same thing happened when FHL’s top three were suspended.
The bloggers broke the news first forcing FHL to release an announcement to the Stock Exchange which is what they should have done in the first place.
Now, the no cement reality.
Again, that piece of news was dissiminated by bloggers, now picked up by the mainstream media who have been unsuccessful in getting a response from FHL.
Meanwhile, no public announcement has been forthcoming from FHL via the stock exchange which again raises the question as to why such a dishonest team like FHL board and management are still allowed to run a public company by CMDA and SPSE.
We say – be warned people! Refrain from buying any public company shares in Fiji until the watchdog CMDA and SPSE get their act right.
Your share investment has been looted right infront of your eyes by dishonest incompetent boards like FHL.
And guess what, the useless CMDA and SPSE are toothless tigers who don’t know how to protect your investment.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Fugitive former Thai PM’s secret Fiji talks with tyrant Frank Bainimarama
FUGITIVE billionaire former Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra flew in his Learjet to Fiji for a secret meeting with the controversial prime minister and military commander Frank Bainimarama.
The subject of their discussions, held in Mr Bainimarama’s office in Suva on Monday, is unknown, but informed sources in Fiji say Mr Thaksin is considering investing $300million in the country.
In return, he would probably be assured safety there from extradition, if he should choose to use Fiji as one of his bases in exile. Thailand is seeking to return him to Bangkok, where he faces two years in jail for abuse of power.
Mr Thaksin used an assumed name to enter Fiji, although his true identity was known to the authorities, who approved his visit in advance. The Thai government has cancelled Mr Thaksin’s Thai passport, and says he is currently using a passport issued by Montenegro.
Thailand’s deputy prime minister, Thaworn Sennian, said Mr Thaksin had earlier flown to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where he stayed en route to Fiji. Thai embassy officials immediately sought Mr Thaksin’s arrest and extradition.
“Somehow, Thaksin managed to get wind of the impending arrest and escaped,” Mr Thaworn said.
Mr Thaksin was believed to be heading next for Tonga and then to Port Vila in Vanuatu, which is tomorrow hosting the annual meeting of the heads of the Melanesian Spearhead Group of countries — Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji.
The MSG meeting is important for Mr Bainimarama because he will not be able to attend this year’s Pacific Islands Forum summit in Cairns in August, as Fiji has been suspended from the Pacific body.
The Fiji economy is in considerable trouble, with tourism in a downward spiral globally as a result of the economic downturn, and with the other major industry, sugar, suffering from the withdrawal of subsidies from the European Union following the failure of the Fiji government to announce elections.
The major investor there this year has been Fiji’s own national provident fund, with some financially stretched smaller tourism operators seeking to exit but finding no buyers at present — thus reinforcing the attraction of Mr Thaksin’s business empire.
Mr Bainimarama’s military-installed government has said it will not hold an election until September 2014, providing Mr Thaksin with five years’ security if necessary, reinforced by the Fiji government’s control of the courts.
Mr Thaksin’s legal adviser, Noppadon Patama, said the stopover in Kuala Lumpur was merely in order to refuel the jet.
He said there was no attempt to arrest him in Malaysia. He said foreign leaders were willing to welcome Mr Thaksin because they understood the charges against him were politically motivated.
Thailand’s deputy foreign minister, Panich Vikitsreth, said extradition requests had been filed to Malaysia and to Australia, apparently in the hope Canberra could use its influence in Fiji.
But relations between Australia and Fiji have become increasingly strained, especially since Mr Bainimarama’s government in April abrogated the constitution, dismissed the judiciary, and ruled out elections for five years.
Mr Thaksin was a senior police officer who built a telecommunications empire worth billions of dollars.
He became Thailand’s prime minister from 2001 before being ousted in a military coup in September 2006, while he was attending the UN general assembly.
The subject of their discussions, held in Mr Bainimarama’s office in Suva on Monday, is unknown, but informed sources in Fiji say Mr Thaksin is considering investing $300million in the country.
In return, he would probably be assured safety there from extradition, if he should choose to use Fiji as one of his bases in exile. Thailand is seeking to return him to Bangkok, where he faces two years in jail for abuse of power.
Mr Thaksin used an assumed name to enter Fiji, although his true identity was known to the authorities, who approved his visit in advance. The Thai government has cancelled Mr Thaksin’s Thai passport, and says he is currently using a passport issued by Montenegro.
Thailand’s deputy prime minister, Thaworn Sennian, said Mr Thaksin had earlier flown to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where he stayed en route to Fiji. Thai embassy officials immediately sought Mr Thaksin’s arrest and extradition.
“Somehow, Thaksin managed to get wind of the impending arrest and escaped,” Mr Thaworn said.
Mr Thaksin was believed to be heading next for Tonga and then to Port Vila in Vanuatu, which is tomorrow hosting the annual meeting of the heads of the Melanesian Spearhead Group of countries — Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji.
The MSG meeting is important for Mr Bainimarama because he will not be able to attend this year’s Pacific Islands Forum summit in Cairns in August, as Fiji has been suspended from the Pacific body.
The Fiji economy is in considerable trouble, with tourism in a downward spiral globally as a result of the economic downturn, and with the other major industry, sugar, suffering from the withdrawal of subsidies from the European Union following the failure of the Fiji government to announce elections.
The major investor there this year has been Fiji’s own national provident fund, with some financially stretched smaller tourism operators seeking to exit but finding no buyers at present — thus reinforcing the attraction of Mr Thaksin’s business empire.
Mr Bainimarama’s military-installed government has said it will not hold an election until September 2014, providing Mr Thaksin with five years’ security if necessary, reinforced by the Fiji government’s control of the courts.
Mr Thaksin’s legal adviser, Noppadon Patama, said the stopover in Kuala Lumpur was merely in order to refuel the jet.
He said there was no attempt to arrest him in Malaysia. He said foreign leaders were willing to welcome Mr Thaksin because they understood the charges against him were politically motivated.
Thailand’s deputy foreign minister, Panich Vikitsreth, said extradition requests had been filed to Malaysia and to Australia, apparently in the hope Canberra could use its influence in Fiji.
But relations between Australia and Fiji have become increasingly strained, especially since Mr Bainimarama’s government in April abrogated the constitution, dismissed the judiciary, and ruled out elections for five years.
Mr Thaksin was a senior police officer who built a telecommunications empire worth billions of dollars.
He became Thailand’s prime minister from 2001 before being ousted in a military coup in September 2006, while he was attending the UN general assembly.
Fiji’s Young Peoples Concerned Network open letter
Bula Vinaka
The Young Peoples Concerned Network is a network of Youth Advocates like yourself from around Fiji who have been working in the area of youth advocacy for some time.
We have been excited just as you are, about this Pacific Youth Festival. To us, the festival is a pot of many ingredients – ingredients needed to carry and sustain youth advocacy in the region, setting the bar for better understanding, involvement and standards for young people in all our Pacific nations especially Fiji.
We as an organization cannot be part of this years gathering of great minds, wise voices and future leaders of our Pacific but I sincerely hope you all the best.
As a youth network, the YPCN has faced some very trying trails that have tested our endevours and strenghen our beliefs. When I say this, I make mention of our Democracy Shrine that was destroyed 2 times by militant elements in 2006, later on termed by a Insurance Report into the incident as a ‘terrorist attack’. I recall the hardships many of the members of the YPCN have faced whilst been detained and abused for the cause of Youth Progression. I recall members and 100 plus supporters who have since Easter 2009 worn the ‘Black Arm Band’ to silently share their thoughts on the extent of human rights violations we face not only as youth but as citizens of Fiji after the Junta Administration has been set up and have replaced our laws with their own, demeaned the Judiciary and gagged our media. I make mention also of many events we were to organised but unkindly blocked out by security forces and denied permits or spaces to encourage meaningful dialouge on the furture of Fiji youths. I recall my own personal trials, where i and other mebers have been arrested, on a handful of accasions warned, intimidated, and abused for believing that ‘youths should have a voice’. In making these recollections, I plead with all participants in the PYF to use their time wisely and make every moment count. Many voices that have gone before you, have ensured that our governments and civil society have specified programs that factor in young people and prepare them for sustainable futures.
I also make mention of the efforts of many Department of Youth and Pacific Youth Council Memebers to tried their very best to negotiate our presence at the PYF this year and keep us in. Because of our principles and extensive experiences in the area of youth progression we have eventually been blocked out of the PYF, an event we have been preparing for, with heartfelt appreciation of its endureing promises. It has been our prayer from the very begining that the PYF engage all sectors of our society and not be as politicised and controlled as it looks. Now as a result we cant help but mourn the missed opportunity where many young people have been denied the help of some of the worlds most inspirational speakers and great minds of democracy, human rights and gender equality.
But the answer for Fiji is Peace, Dialouge and Understanding, and we accept the ban placed upon us by Fiji’s Junta, but we make this statement, we will not be dettered. The YPCN holds onto its priciples and will continue with its work with young people and will push the ‘youth agenda’ striving for ‘youth justice’ in all spheres of our lives. It is our calling!
We will be pasteing our resources and speeches we hoped to share at different sessions throughout the PYF on our website www.ypcnfiji.com (which is also self censored for the safety of its members) and please do visit the page and access our database of youth advocacy materials.
Enjoy yourselves and make every moment count.
Peter WaqavonovonoPresidentYPCN
The Young Peoples Concerned Network is a network of Youth Advocates like yourself from around Fiji who have been working in the area of youth advocacy for some time.
We have been excited just as you are, about this Pacific Youth Festival. To us, the festival is a pot of many ingredients – ingredients needed to carry and sustain youth advocacy in the region, setting the bar for better understanding, involvement and standards for young people in all our Pacific nations especially Fiji.
We as an organization cannot be part of this years gathering of great minds, wise voices and future leaders of our Pacific but I sincerely hope you all the best.
As a youth network, the YPCN has faced some very trying trails that have tested our endevours and strenghen our beliefs. When I say this, I make mention of our Democracy Shrine that was destroyed 2 times by militant elements in 2006, later on termed by a Insurance Report into the incident as a ‘terrorist attack’. I recall the hardships many of the members of the YPCN have faced whilst been detained and abused for the cause of Youth Progression. I recall members and 100 plus supporters who have since Easter 2009 worn the ‘Black Arm Band’ to silently share their thoughts on the extent of human rights violations we face not only as youth but as citizens of Fiji after the Junta Administration has been set up and have replaced our laws with their own, demeaned the Judiciary and gagged our media. I make mention also of many events we were to organised but unkindly blocked out by security forces and denied permits or spaces to encourage meaningful dialouge on the furture of Fiji youths. I recall my own personal trials, where i and other mebers have been arrested, on a handful of accasions warned, intimidated, and abused for believing that ‘youths should have a voice’. In making these recollections, I plead with all participants in the PYF to use their time wisely and make every moment count. Many voices that have gone before you, have ensured that our governments and civil society have specified programs that factor in young people and prepare them for sustainable futures.
I also make mention of the efforts of many Department of Youth and Pacific Youth Council Memebers to tried their very best to negotiate our presence at the PYF this year and keep us in. Because of our principles and extensive experiences in the area of youth progression we have eventually been blocked out of the PYF, an event we have been preparing for, with heartfelt appreciation of its endureing promises. It has been our prayer from the very begining that the PYF engage all sectors of our society and not be as politicised and controlled as it looks. Now as a result we cant help but mourn the missed opportunity where many young people have been denied the help of some of the worlds most inspirational speakers and great minds of democracy, human rights and gender equality.
But the answer for Fiji is Peace, Dialouge and Understanding, and we accept the ban placed upon us by Fiji’s Junta, but we make this statement, we will not be dettered. The YPCN holds onto its priciples and will continue with its work with young people and will push the ‘youth agenda’ striving for ‘youth justice’ in all spheres of our lives. It is our calling!
We will be pasteing our resources and speeches we hoped to share at different sessions throughout the PYF on our website www.ypcnfiji.com (which is also self censored for the safety of its members) and please do visit the page and access our database of youth advocacy materials.
Enjoy yourselves and make every moment count.
Peter WaqavonovonoPresidentYPCN
Shareholders and directors of Namosi Development Company & Winproject Limited should be FICACed
FICAC should look into this investigative reporting by Communications Fiji. Something stinks in this scheme of arrangement. The four shareholders of Namosi Development Company, the investment arm of the Namosi Provincial Council must be investigated to find out whether the rental receipts from the Namosi House was used for the livelihood of the people of the Namosi Province or is it another of those corrupt cases where the office bearers and high thiefly chiefs continue to steal from their people. If that’s the case, then Suliano & Co. must be taken to task.
By Communications Fiji
Thousands of dollars which have been made as rent payment by the government for Namosi House have ended up in the bank account of Winproject Limited, not the Namosi Development Company.
Following investigations, it is now clear that Namosi House which was given out on rent to the Health Ministry based on the tenancy agreement signed by Namosi Development Company.
However, according to information gathered by Fijivillage, all the money paid has been forwarded to Winproject Limited which is owned by a group of local businessmen.
Based on the records obtained by us, it is also clear that Winproject owns Namosi House at the moment.
It was earlier claimed that the building is owned by Namosi Development Company.
A company search shows that Namosi Development Company has four shareholders, issued with $1 shares namely Ratu Suliano Matanitobua, Ratu Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro, Samisoni Tuilawaki and Leone Tuvutokona.
We have also received confirmation that on 30th October last year, a cheque for the sum of $695,265 was paid by the government to Namosi Development Company.
This government cheque was for rent arrears for the period 4th January 2008 to 30th November 2008.
All monthly rent payments of $63,766 for Namosi House has also been deposited in the same ANZ bank account number provided by Namosi Development Company.
Investigations reveal that the ANZ bank account number where all this money has paid out belongs to Winproject Limited.
Namosi Development Company also has a bank account with ANZ.
Transaction history of the account shows a deposit of a government cheque of $695,265 on 3rd November, 2008.
The same amount was withdrawn from the Namosi Development Company account the same day and deposited into the bank account of Winproject Limited.
When Fijivillage contacted Namosi Development Company chairman Ratu Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro, he confirmed that Namosi House is currently owned by Winproject Limited.
Although it was earlier said publically that Namosi House is owned by the people of Namosi, Taukeinikoro admitted that the house does not belong to them at this stage.
There is an audio file attached to this story. Please login to listen.
Namosi House is currently occupied by the Health Ministry, under an agreement that the government has to assist the province’s development.
By Communications Fiji
Thousands of dollars which have been made as rent payment by the government for Namosi House have ended up in the bank account of Winproject Limited, not the Namosi Development Company.
Following investigations, it is now clear that Namosi House which was given out on rent to the Health Ministry based on the tenancy agreement signed by Namosi Development Company.
However, according to information gathered by Fijivillage, all the money paid has been forwarded to Winproject Limited which is owned by a group of local businessmen.
Based on the records obtained by us, it is also clear that Winproject owns Namosi House at the moment.
It was earlier claimed that the building is owned by Namosi Development Company.
A company search shows that Namosi Development Company has four shareholders, issued with $1 shares namely Ratu Suliano Matanitobua, Ratu Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro, Samisoni Tuilawaki and Leone Tuvutokona.
We have also received confirmation that on 30th October last year, a cheque for the sum of $695,265 was paid by the government to Namosi Development Company.
This government cheque was for rent arrears for the period 4th January 2008 to 30th November 2008.
All monthly rent payments of $63,766 for Namosi House has also been deposited in the same ANZ bank account number provided by Namosi Development Company.
Investigations reveal that the ANZ bank account number where all this money has paid out belongs to Winproject Limited.
Namosi Development Company also has a bank account with ANZ.
Transaction history of the account shows a deposit of a government cheque of $695,265 on 3rd November, 2008.
The same amount was withdrawn from the Namosi Development Company account the same day and deposited into the bank account of Winproject Limited.
When Fijivillage contacted Namosi Development Company chairman Ratu Kiniviliame Taukeinikoro, he confirmed that Namosi House is currently owned by Winproject Limited.
Although it was earlier said publically that Namosi House is owned by the people of Namosi, Taukeinikoro admitted that the house does not belong to them at this stage.
There is an audio file attached to this story. Please login to listen.
Namosi House is currently occupied by the Health Ministry, under an agreement that the government has to assist the province’s development.
Dictator Frank Bainimarama shows signs of desperation
Fiji’s interim prime minister, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, says he hopes Fiji will be allowed to sit in at next month’s Pacific Islands Forum summit in Australia despite its suspension.
Commodore Bainimarama refused to attend last year’s Niue summit and he sent his attorney-general to the Papua New Guinea summit in January which was called to discuss the Fiji situation.
The Forum suspended Fiji in May after its interim regime refused to commit to relinquishing the power seized in the 2006 coup by holding elections this year.
Speaking to Auckland’s Radio Tarana, Commodore Bainimarama says if the Forum invites him to the Cairns summit in August he will attend.
He is in Vanuatu for an extraordinary meeting of the Melanesian Spearhead Group whose members backed Fiji’s Forum suspension.
Commodore Bainimarama says he wants to explain his road map which will provide for elections in five years, a year after a new constitution is to have been drawn up.
Commodore Bainimarama refused to attend last year’s Niue summit and he sent his attorney-general to the Papua New Guinea summit in January which was called to discuss the Fiji situation.
The Forum suspended Fiji in May after its interim regime refused to commit to relinquishing the power seized in the 2006 coup by holding elections this year.
Speaking to Auckland’s Radio Tarana, Commodore Bainimarama says if the Forum invites him to the Cairns summit in August he will attend.
He is in Vanuatu for an extraordinary meeting of the Melanesian Spearhead Group whose members backed Fiji’s Forum suspension.
Commodore Bainimarama says he wants to explain his road map which will provide for elections in five years, a year after a new constitution is to have been drawn up.
Landforce Commander Pita Driti sacked by Frank Bainimarama?
The military’s Land Force Commander, Colonel Pita Driti, has been ordered to take leave.
Well-placed sources have confirmed that Driti was told to take all of his leave after he was seen talking to former Methodist Church head, the Reverend Manasa Lasaro recently. It is not known where the conversation took place.
Lasaro and former church president, Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi, are regarded as anti-regime elements by army commander and interim prime minister, Frank Bainimarama.
Bainimarama used the two powerful leaders of the Church as the main reason why he ordered the cancellation of the annual Methodist Church conference scheduled for next month.
Our sources say Driti was basically stood down as Land Force Commander. The Land Force comprises the largest force of the military, under which is he powerful 3rd Infantry Regiment (3FIR, that is led by a son of the late Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara.
Coupfourpointfive has been informed that Driti was asked ordered to relinquish his uniform as well and that leave is a precursor to his inevitable termination as Land Force Commander.
Meanwhile, the standing committee of the Methodist Church was meeting late yesterday afternoon. According to a report posted on teh Fiji Village website last evening, the meeting was supposed to discuss the option of approaching Bainimarama once more to request him to allow the conference to go ahead next month.
Posted by rawfijinews
Well-placed sources have confirmed that Driti was told to take all of his leave after he was seen talking to former Methodist Church head, the Reverend Manasa Lasaro recently. It is not known where the conversation took place.
Lasaro and former church president, Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi, are regarded as anti-regime elements by army commander and interim prime minister, Frank Bainimarama.
Bainimarama used the two powerful leaders of the Church as the main reason why he ordered the cancellation of the annual Methodist Church conference scheduled for next month.
Our sources say Driti was basically stood down as Land Force Commander. The Land Force comprises the largest force of the military, under which is he powerful 3rd Infantry Regiment (3FIR, that is led by a son of the late Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara.
Coupfourpointfive has been informed that Driti was asked ordered to relinquish his uniform as well and that leave is a precursor to his inevitable termination as Land Force Commander.
Meanwhile, the standing committee of the Methodist Church was meeting late yesterday afternoon. According to a report posted on teh Fiji Village website last evening, the meeting was supposed to discuss the option of approaching Bainimarama once more to request him to allow the conference to go ahead next month.
Posted by rawfijinews
3rd FIR chief Ului Mara wants the Methodist Church & Bose Ko Viti to go ahead
Reliable sources have confirmed to us that 3rd FIR chief, Ului Mara, is with Pita Driti, in their stand to allow the Methodist Church and the Bose Ko Viti to go ahead.
Frank Bainimarama’s two most important men, Driti and Ului, have openly defied their Commander’s discriminatory decision to try and suffocate the Methodist Church.
Sources have reported that Ului, whose late mother was the high chief of the host Rewa Province, is disturbed by Frank Bainimarama’s decision to follow Aiyaz Khaiyum’s advise in trying to dismantle Methodist Church.
He is also said to be upset about the way Aiyaz Khaiyum is trying to influence and weaken the indigenous Fijian structures and its forums like the Bose Ko Viti.
Frank Bainimarama’s two most important men, Driti and Ului, have openly defied their Commander’s discriminatory decision to try and suffocate the Methodist Church.
Sources have reported that Ului, whose late mother was the high chief of the host Rewa Province, is disturbed by Frank Bainimarama’s decision to follow Aiyaz Khaiyum’s advise in trying to dismantle Methodist Church.
He is also said to be upset about the way Aiyaz Khaiyum is trying to influence and weaken the indigenous Fijian structures and its forums like the Bose Ko Viti.
Smith not confident about Fiji democracy
There is little confidence Fiji will return to democracy in the short term, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says.
The island nation, led by self-appointed Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, needs to be engaged in some way to set a realistic timetable to return to democracy, Mr Smith said in Perth on Wednesday.
Fiji was axed from the Pacific Island leaders forum after tearing up the country's constitution.
Commodore Bainimarama seized power in a December 2006 coup and has faced a barrage of international criticism after a speech last week which set an election date more than five years away.
He says he needs until September 2014 to introduce a fairer, non-race-based voting system and write it into a new constitution that replaces the one his regime tore up in April.
Mr Smith said reports the military leader was lobbying other Melanesian countries to oppose Fiji's exclusion from the Pacific Island Forum were not a concern.
"I'm confident that all members of the Pacific Island Forum will conduct themselves in accordance with the two most recent unanimous resolutions of the Pacific Island leaders forum ..." Mr Smith told reporters in Perth on Wednesday.
A method to successfully engage Fiji in a plan to return to democracy was necessary, the foreign minister said.
"The recent abrogation of the constitution and Commodore Bainimarama's recent speech give us no confidence that there is any short-term prospect for advancement or for improvement," Mr Smith said.
"But at some point in the process we need to successfully engage Fiji in a dialogue about its return to democracy on a timetable which is much more realistic than the timetable, the unreasonable timetable, which Commodore Bainimarama published through his speech in the last week or so."
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There is little confidence Fiji will return to democracy in the short term, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says.
The island nation, led by self-appointed Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, needs to be engaged in some way to set a realistic timetable to return to democracy, Mr Smith said in Perth on Wednesday.
Fiji was axed from the Pacific Island leaders forum after tearing up the country's constitution.
Commodore Bainimarama seized power in a December 2006 coup and has faced a barrage of international criticism after a speech last week which set an election date more than five years away.
He says he needs until September 2014 to introduce a fairer, non-race-based voting system and write it into a new constitution that replaces the one his regime tore up in April.
Mr Smith said reports the military leader was lobbying other Melanesian countries to oppose Fiji's exclusion from the Pacific Island Forum were not a concern.
"I'm confident that all members of the Pacific Island Forum will conduct themselves in accordance with the two most recent unanimous resolutions of the Pacific Island leaders forum ..." Mr Smith told reporters in Perth on Wednesday.
A method to successfully engage Fiji in a plan to return to democracy was necessary, the foreign minister said.
"The recent abrogation of the constitution and Commodore Bainimarama's recent speech give us no confidence that there is any short-term prospect for advancement or for improvement," Mr Smith said.
"But at some point in the process we need to successfully engage Fiji in a dialogue about its return to democracy on a timetable which is much more realistic than the timetable, the unreasonable timetable, which Commodore Bainimarama published through his speech in the last week or so."
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Frank’s lying spree continues
Fiji’s (illegal) interim Prime Minister claims to have a mandate to impose his rule for the next five years as he plans to explain his deferral of elections to the leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group.
Commodore Frank Bainimarama has told Auckland’s Radio Tarana he believes the MSG leaders meeting in Port Vila this week will appreciate what he calls the reality that elections won’t be held until 2014.
He has arrived in Port Vila ahead of the meeting on Friday and is meeting with Vanuatu’s Prime Minister, Edward Natapei, this afternoon.
Commodore Bainimarama says he would like to personally share with his fellow MSG leaders the mandate that guides his government to ensure democratic elections are held by
Commodore Frank Bainimarama has told Auckland’s Radio Tarana he believes the MSG leaders meeting in Port Vila this week will appreciate what he calls the reality that elections won’t be held until 2014.
He has arrived in Port Vila ahead of the meeting on Friday and is meeting with Vanuatu’s Prime Minister, Edward Natapei, this afternoon.
Commodore Bainimarama says he would like to personally share with his fellow MSG leaders the mandate that guides his government to ensure democratic elections are held by
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
SUVA (AFP) Washington on Monday condemned the Fijian military regime's roadmap for a return to democracy and its suppression of the media and free speech.
Military leader Voreqe Bainimarama, who overthrew the elected government in a 2006 coup, said last week that a new constitution would be introduced by September 2013, a year before planned elections to restore democracy.
In a statement released through the US embassy in Suva, the State Department said it supported steps to hasten Fiji's return to a constitution and free elections.
But it said "the roadmap falls short of that goal".
"It is imposed without the participation or consent of the Fijian people and it delays the process leading to elections," the State Department said.
"We are also concerned that public emergency regulations that curb freedoms of speech, press and political assembly remain in place."
Fiji has been suspended from the 16-nation Pacific Islands Forum and is expected to face similar action from the British Commonwealth after Bainimarama broke a promise to hold elections to restore democracy by March this year.
In April he abrogated the constitution, sacked the judiciary, and introduced emergency regulations after a court ruled his regime was illegal.
Last week the military strongman told Radio Fiji that the emergency regulations would stay in place until the end of the year.
The new constitution will remove the ethnic-based voting system introduced in the 1997 version, he says.
He blames the voting system for aggravating racial divisions because most of the legislative seats are chosen along racial lines by the majority indigenous population and minority ethnic Indians.
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SUVA (AFP) Washington on Monday condemned the Fijian military regime's roadmap for a return to democracy and its suppression of the media and free speech.
Military leader Voreqe Bainimarama, who overthrew the elected government in a 2006 coup, said last week that a new constitution would be introduced by September 2013, a year before planned elections to restore democracy.
In a statement released through the US embassy in Suva, the State Department said it supported steps to hasten Fiji's return to a constitution and free elections.
But it said "the roadmap falls short of that goal".
"It is imposed without the participation or consent of the Fijian people and it delays the process leading to elections," the State Department said.
"We are also concerned that public emergency regulations that curb freedoms of speech, press and political assembly remain in place."
Fiji has been suspended from the 16-nation Pacific Islands Forum and is expected to face similar action from the British Commonwealth after Bainimarama broke a promise to hold elections to restore democracy by March this year.
In April he abrogated the constitution, sacked the judiciary, and introduced emergency regulations after a court ruled his regime was illegal.
Last week the military strongman told Radio Fiji that the emergency regulations would stay in place until the end of the year.
The new constitution will remove the ethnic-based voting system introduced in the 1997 version, he says.
He blames the voting system for aggravating racial divisions because most of the legislative seats are chosen along racial lines by the majority indigenous population and minority ethnic Indians.
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Fiji’s stock exchange under siege

The decision by the military regime to step in and to take-over operations at Fijian Holdings Limited, a public company listed on Fiji’s stock exchange, is affecting their stock exchange credibility ratings.
Fiji’s stock exchange independence and integrity is now in question with the regime disregarding the stock exchange strict guidelines on how listed companies should conduct itself for the sake of their public shareholders.
Again we say, Fiji’s South Pacific Stock Exchange should move fast and suspend FHL from trading as they are obviously contaminating the stock exchange.
Fiji’s stock exchange independence and integrity is now in question with the regime disregarding the stock exchange strict guidelines on how listed companies should conduct itself for the sake of their public shareholders.
Again we say, Fiji’s South Pacific Stock Exchange should move fast and suspend FHL from trading as they are obviously contaminating the stock exchange.
Melanesian leaders should learn to follow the rule of law.
Melanesian leaders should learn to follow the rule of law.
And that means not entertaining coupmakers like Fiji’s Frank Bainimarama.
There is nothing glorious in promoting lawbreaking power hungry self-serving usurpers who don’t respect the rights of their fellow men.
These Melanesian leaders had better remember that they simply can’t depend on their melanesian brotherhood for their survival, particularly when members of their brotherhood have committed indescribable treasonous and human rights violation acts on their fellow citizens.
Melanesian people are more aware and sophisticated these days and they can not be easily fooled by corrupt leaders.
Melanesian indigenous Fijians know Frank Bainimarama is bad karma to them.
They know Frank is only there for himself and his supporters.
They also know that Frank and his group of thieves are running on a desperate mode right now as they begin to drown in their own corrupt practices and lies.
Quite frankly, we’re not particularly interested in the outcome of that Melanesian spearhead group – they’re soiled with the presence of that stinking parasite Frank Bainimarama.
And we doubt they can derail the international community’s no-nonsense stand on Frank & Co.
And that means not entertaining coupmakers like Fiji’s Frank Bainimarama.
There is nothing glorious in promoting lawbreaking power hungry self-serving usurpers who don’t respect the rights of their fellow men.
These Melanesian leaders had better remember that they simply can’t depend on their melanesian brotherhood for their survival, particularly when members of their brotherhood have committed indescribable treasonous and human rights violation acts on their fellow citizens.
Melanesian people are more aware and sophisticated these days and they can not be easily fooled by corrupt leaders.
Melanesian indigenous Fijians know Frank Bainimarama is bad karma to them.
They know Frank is only there for himself and his supporters.
They also know that Frank and his group of thieves are running on a desperate mode right now as they begin to drown in their own corrupt practices and lies.
Quite frankly, we’re not particularly interested in the outcome of that Melanesian spearhead group – they’re soiled with the presence of that stinking parasite Frank Bainimarama.
And we doubt they can derail the international community’s no-nonsense stand on Frank & Co.
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