It is a clear case of “cometh the hour, cometh the man” I consider myself to be very privilidged to bear witness to a very special event in our history that is rarely witnessed. That is the time when the true chiefs rise up to defend their people while the wannabees tend to fade into the background waiting for things to calm down, then they appear again to claim back their wannabe positions.
A “turaga” will always be a turaga, a “bati” will always be a bati, a “gonedau” will always be a gonedau, a “mataisau” will always be a mataisau and a “tauvanua” can never claim to be a true chief. The Marama Roko Tui Dreketi and the Turaga Roko Tui Bau are descendants of the true chiefly family of Fiji.
One may wonder why the respect for the chiefly system in Fiji has eroded so severely. It is solely because those who never have any business in being chiefs are forcing their ways into Ratu and Adi titles which they never have the right to in the first place and claiming to be descendants of non-titled, non-existant chiefs of old. These are the types that is commonly known by any rugby player as “coming in from the side” type of chiefs.
We have often testified that the chiefs are from God. As is evident in this very special moment in the history of our existence as the Fijian race, that statement in the Bible can only apply to true blue blooded chiefs. Not to any Tom, Dick & Harry calling themselves Ratu and Adi but are very much at loss as to the job description of being one. Some of us will be very surprised to know that some of our very prominent Ratu and Adi have no rights at all to those titles. No wonder the members of the BLV were told to go sit under the mango tree and drink home brew. Because that august body is full of wannabees and people who don’t know their job.
A true chief will acknowledge that without his/her people, they are nothing. Therefore his/her service will always be to the people first and self later. A chief who respect his people will get respect in return and a true chief will readily acknowledge that people’s respect should never be taken for granted to justify discontinuing his respect for his people. A true chief will always have the welfare of his people close to his heart.
The above is rarely witnessed nowadays because true Fijians chiefs are an endangered species. Sadly, there are not many of them around and the Fijian people, as a unique race on the face of this earth, are being led to a slow death. Wannabe chiefs are more concerned with the figure in their bank account than with the livelihood of their people.
Many will highlight the fact that a woman is standing up in the face of danger to fight for what she believe in because of the Christian faith gifted to her and her people by her forefathers. What many will fail to realise is that regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, it takes a true blue blood to flow in your veins to be able counter head-on the dangers, the likes of which is descending upon the Fijian people.
I salute the Marama Roko Tui Dreketi for her courage and determination to fight for what she believe in and unconsciously being the hero for those who believe that good will always overcome evil. For a Catholic allowing herself to be humiliated for the sake of the Methodist and more so for her people, she has endeared herself to the hearts of many. Indeed, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Blogger Nasima
This blog has been created to allow stories and information that have been supressed or banned by the administration of Commodore Frank Bainimarama, to impose Public Emergency Regulations, which has led to heavy handed censoring of the media.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mr Lasaro and Mr Kanailagi is being charged by the junta

Former Presidents of the Methodist Church, Reverend Manasa Lasaro and Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi, appeared in the Suva Magistrates Court in the last hour, charged with participating in a meeting in contravention to the Public Emergency Regulation.The court heard that Lasaro and Kanailagi allegedly attended the Standing Committee meeting last Friday.The permit was granted based on the condition that they do not attend the meet.The two have been granted bail based on strict conditions set out by Magistrate Eparama Rokoika.Stay with us we will more details in the next hour
John Prasad the conman bottom feeder
John Prasad – (BOTTOM FEEDER) check the nature of his relationship with AG. It starts with cronyism with no intent to disguise a complete disregard for qualification. Chum hasn’t done much so there isn’t much to write about someone as incompetent and inept.
Chum’s father-in-law was also pretty high up in the Civil service – more cronyism.
Suva Grammar boy blows good Worked at Rewa Dairy as quality controller, went to Massey Uni (P/North) in the mid-80s. Back to Rewa Dairy, came to New Zealand around late eighties, worked for a number of agriculture related companies as sales manager. Went to China , couldn’t handle it, returned with tail between his legs. Did his business admin mid-90s. The programme is average, it did not offer enough Financial modules to warrant any in-depth ability in any financial role.
Chum has never held a management position prior to crony appointment with FDB/Finance and was unemployed for long periods. Chums claims of being chair of Malti Investments is a contrived joke. Malti Investments is Chums family trust – it is not registered on the companies register in New Zealand, has no significant or traceable record of commercial action, joint venture investment and achieved nothing. The trust is a dodge with homes, and increasing with Fiji Govt Taxpayer money.
Chum has had no role to play with any community, and is a professional opportunist. What chum does best and excels at is “bottom feeding”. Re: check AG’s bottom
In a nutshell, here is a monkey put in charge of Fiji’s finance. The bloke has no commercial, management or financial background. That he refuses to accede to doing media interviews shows a lack of transparency. Works even better with a media ban.
No doubt about it. Chum neither has anywhere near the qualifications nor anything like anything resembling experience for the job but then chum is a bottom feeder.
Chum’s father-in-law was also pretty high up in the Civil service – more cronyism.
Suva Grammar boy blows good Worked at Rewa Dairy as quality controller, went to Massey Uni (P/North) in the mid-80s. Back to Rewa Dairy, came to New Zealand around late eighties, worked for a number of agriculture related companies as sales manager. Went to China , couldn’t handle it, returned with tail between his legs. Did his business admin mid-90s. The programme is average, it did not offer enough Financial modules to warrant any in-depth ability in any financial role.
Chum has never held a management position prior to crony appointment with FDB/Finance and was unemployed for long periods. Chums claims of being chair of Malti Investments is a contrived joke. Malti Investments is Chums family trust – it is not registered on the companies register in New Zealand, has no significant or traceable record of commercial action, joint venture investment and achieved nothing. The trust is a dodge with homes, and increasing with Fiji Govt Taxpayer money.
Chum has had no role to play with any community, and is a professional opportunist. What chum does best and excels at is “bottom feeding”. Re: check AG’s bottom
In a nutshell, here is a monkey put in charge of Fiji’s finance. The bloke has no commercial, management or financial background. That he refuses to accede to doing media interviews shows a lack of transparency. Works even better with a media ban.
No doubt about it. Chum neither has anywhere near the qualifications nor anything like anything resembling experience for the job but then chum is a bottom feeder.
Chief, church leaders bailed
Rewa paramount chief Ro Teimumu Kepa and Methodist Church ministers Ame Tugaue and Tuikilakila Waqairatu have been released following their three-day detention.
The three appeared before Suva magistrate Eparama Rokoika inside a packed courtroom.
Prosecutor John Rabuku appeared for the State, Sevuloni Valenitabua for Ro Teimumu and Aseri Vakaloloma for Tugaue and Waqairatu.
Both Tugaue and Waqairatu are alleged to have organized the Methodist Church Standing committee meeting on July 17 in Suva, allowing the attendance of Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi and Manasa Lasaro, which was in contravention of the order.
Ro Teimumu is alleged to have published a letter on the Internet whereby inciting the people of the province of Rewa to meet and assemble for the Bose ko Viti, a clear defiance of the provisions of the Public Emergency Regulations.
The case will be recalled on August 13 when they are expected to take their plea.
The three appeared before Suva magistrate Eparama Rokoika inside a packed courtroom.
Prosecutor John Rabuku appeared for the State, Sevuloni Valenitabua for Ro Teimumu and Aseri Vakaloloma for Tugaue and Waqairatu.
Both Tugaue and Waqairatu are alleged to have organized the Methodist Church Standing committee meeting on July 17 in Suva, allowing the attendance of Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi and Manasa Lasaro, which was in contravention of the order.
Ro Teimumu is alleged to have published a letter on the Internet whereby inciting the people of the province of Rewa to meet and assemble for the Bose ko Viti, a clear defiance of the provisions of the Public Emergency Regulations.
The case will be recalled on August 13 when they are expected to take their plea.
Message to indigenous Fijians from the lady chief Ro Teimumu’s spokesperson
Eratou sa sereki na Gone Marama Bale, kei ratou na Talatala. Ena qai kacivi tale ni oti e 3 na macawa (21 days) na nodratou kisi. Lewa na Mataveilewai meratou kua ni vuka i vanuatani, ka meratou solia na nodratou passport ki na Mataveilewai. Sa vakatabui vei ratou meratou na bose, se veivosaki.
Meda kua ni yalolailai na iTaukei.Na qai qo ena qai ga.
Meda yadra tiko, ka kua ni toso e muri. Ratou nakita qo na mataivalu, ni ra tovolea mera vakamalumalumutaki keda, ni ra tovolea mera veisau taka na noda vakasama kei na noda vakanananu. Ia o keda, e matata tikoga na dina. Oratou ga na butako, na laba, na basu-lawa o Bainimarama, era sa kania tu qo na noda buno na lewenivanua, era vodo wavoki ena pajero, era voli vale ena ilavo ni FDB kei na Merchant Bank, era voli ena motoka kei na vale mai vei ira na daunibisinisi. E matata tiko na dina, ka sega ni tabonaki rawa.
Na qai qo ena qai ga!
Meda kua ni yalolailai na iTaukei.Na qai qo ena qai ga.
Meda yadra tiko, ka kua ni toso e muri. Ratou nakita qo na mataivalu, ni ra tovolea mera vakamalumalumutaki keda, ni ra tovolea mera veisau taka na noda vakasama kei na noda vakanananu. Ia o keda, e matata tikoga na dina. Oratou ga na butako, na laba, na basu-lawa o Bainimarama, era sa kania tu qo na noda buno na lewenivanua, era vodo wavoki ena pajero, era voli vale ena ilavo ni FDB kei na Merchant Bank, era voli ena motoka kei na vale mai vei ira na daunibisinisi. E matata tiko na dina, ka sega ni tabonaki rawa.
Na qai qo ena qai ga!
It’s back to CSR days for Fiji’s poor cane farmers
FSC continues to deny growers data on the amount of sugar manufactured weekly at each of its mills, adding to suspicion that it has something to hide.
It takes the industry back to the days of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company (FSC) when growers often felt cheated of their proper dues because the Company kept such data confidential.
This situation was rectified only after the 1970 Denning Award which finally provided justice and equity to growers and brought a modicum of stability to the sugar industry.
Forty-five years later, things appear to have come full circle. Once again executives of the milling company, no doubt under directions from their (local) expatriate consultants, themselves former CSR staff, are withholding vital information from growers in an industry in which they have a 70% stake.
However, figures NFU managed to obtain show that mills are still performing pathetically indicated by an increasingly poor overall TCTs of 14 tonnes of cane being used to produce one tonne of sugar.
Mill statistics for the week ending 20th July are as follows:
Lautoka Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 22,354
Total crushed to date 65,393
Penang Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 11,935
Total crushed to date 75,880
Labasa Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 32,017
Total crushed to date 141,204
Rarawai Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 4,566
Total crushed to date 6,799
Total sugar in stock : 21,000 tonnes with 12,000 T at Labasa and 9000T at Lautoka
FSC is still 9000 tonnes short of a full load for the deferred shipment now due at the end of the month of July, 2009.
It takes the industry back to the days of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company (FSC) when growers often felt cheated of their proper dues because the Company kept such data confidential.
This situation was rectified only after the 1970 Denning Award which finally provided justice and equity to growers and brought a modicum of stability to the sugar industry.
Forty-five years later, things appear to have come full circle. Once again executives of the milling company, no doubt under directions from their (local) expatriate consultants, themselves former CSR staff, are withholding vital information from growers in an industry in which they have a 70% stake.
However, figures NFU managed to obtain show that mills are still performing pathetically indicated by an increasingly poor overall TCTs of 14 tonnes of cane being used to produce one tonne of sugar.
Mill statistics for the week ending 20th July are as follows:
Lautoka Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 22,354
Total crushed to date 65,393
Penang Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 11,935
Total crushed to date 75,880
Labasa Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 32,017
Total crushed to date 141,204
Rarawai Mill
Weekly cane crushed (tonnes) 4,566
Total crushed to date 6,799
Total sugar in stock : 21,000 tonnes with 12,000 T at Labasa and 9000T at Lautoka
FSC is still 9000 tonnes short of a full load for the deferred shipment now due at the end of the month of July, 2009.
Fiji police lay charges in bid to stop Methodist Church Conference
Fiji police have charged the paramount chief Ro Teimumu Kepa and two top Methodist Church ministers with defying the Public Emergency Regulation.
The church president, the Reverend Ame Tugaue, and the secretary general, the Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, have been charged with contravening orders by organising a meeting last week with two church figures that the interim regime wants to have expelled from the Methodists’ leadership.
Ro Teimumu has been charged with inciting the people of her home province Rewa by publishing a letter on the internet which invited the church for its annual conference after the interim regime had banned the gathering.
The three have been released on bail and made to surrender their passports.
They are due back in court in three weeks to enter a plea.
Although the annual Methodist conference has been banned by the interim regime, there has been no official church statement yet to call off the event.
The church president, the Reverend Ame Tugaue, and the secretary general, the Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, have been charged with contravening orders by organising a meeting last week with two church figures that the interim regime wants to have expelled from the Methodists’ leadership.
Ro Teimumu has been charged with inciting the people of her home province Rewa by publishing a letter on the internet which invited the church for its annual conference after the interim regime had banned the gathering.
The three have been released on bail and made to surrender their passports.
They are due back in court in three weeks to enter a plea.
Although the annual Methodist conference has been banned by the interim regime, there has been no official church statement yet to call off the event.
Council for World Mission to lobby Pacific governments for Fiji action
The Council for World Mission says it’s going to lobby governments throughout Pacific countries to take action against Fiji.
The comment follows the arrest of several Methodist church leaders and Fiji’s most senior female High Chief over the church’s annual conference, which the interim government has banned.
The interim prime minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama says those detained are appearing in court this afternoon, in relation to the breach of a permit given to them when they met as a standing committee seven days ago.
Martin Baker of the council’s Pacific arm says in many countries the church is a major player in national infrastructure and any pressure on government can have a significant influence.
“I think we have a profound concern to see what appears to be a growing level of religious oppression and especially oppression of a major church in Fiji, I don’t think it bodes well for the future. I mean, to alienate a group of that significance seems to me to be a likely cause for growing unrest and increased conflict within that nation.”
Martin Baker says he’s written to New Zealand’s prime minister and the council’s management team will meet next week to form a plan of action.
The comment follows the arrest of several Methodist church leaders and Fiji’s most senior female High Chief over the church’s annual conference, which the interim government has banned.
The interim prime minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama says those detained are appearing in court this afternoon, in relation to the breach of a permit given to them when they met as a standing committee seven days ago.
Martin Baker of the council’s Pacific arm says in many countries the church is a major player in national infrastructure and any pressure on government can have a significant influence.
“I think we have a profound concern to see what appears to be a growing level of religious oppression and especially oppression of a major church in Fiji, I don’t think it bodes well for the future. I mean, to alienate a group of that significance seems to me to be a likely cause for growing unrest and increased conflict within that nation.”
Martin Baker says he’s written to New Zealand’s prime minister and the council’s management team will meet next week to form a plan of action.
Roko Tui Dreketi was so much in control!
As the Roko Tui Dreketi she was very much in control and knew exactly what had to be done to keep the respect of her people. As a citizen of her birth country, a dictatorship now, under the dictator Frank Bainimarama her rights has been taken away from her and treated like a common criminal. It is not the Fiji that most of us know. Have we all forgotten the date last Monday, 20th of July 2004? This was the day when it was announced in Suva the passing of her older sister, Ro Lady Lala Mara, who was then the Roko Tui Dreketi. Ironically, it was the day after that, Ro Teimumu was arrested for sticking to her principles and standing up to Frank’s Bainimarama’s illegal military regime. She did it not only for herself but for her people of Rewa and the people of Fiji. From her father, Ro Lala inherited the title of Roko Tui Dreketi, the traditional title of the rulers of the Burebasaga Confederacy which covers the provinces of Rewa, Nadroga-Navosa, Namosi, Serua, Kadavu and parts of Ba and Ra. After her death, she was succeeded by her younger sister Ro Teimumu Vuikaba Kepa, sadly and disgracefully arrested one day after the 5th anniversary ( 21/07/09 ) of her older sister’s death from the stately home of Valelevu in Lomanikoro. As I thought back of the few days after Adi Lala’s death when her daughters, especially Koila was in a state of despair and so distressed because her Nau couldn’t be laid to rest in Lakeba close to their Ratu, the Tui Nayau. Twice the people of Lau in the Fijian traditional way asked for the Roko Tui Dreketi, Ro Lala to be taken to Lakeba for burial but was refused by the people of Rewa who at the time had Ului on their side. ( My apologies for not knowing the correct Fijian terms for what was performed that night. ) For one that stood by the Mara children thick and thin, I was upset and felt every little bit of what they were going through. In the Western world it was the norm and honourable thing to have your parents buried side by side. It was the last beautiful task the children could do for their parents. Here we had a great love story and a marriage that lasted 54 years so naturally they should be together for eternity. I could not understand why they had to be apart now. While I was in the kitchen trying to console Koila, Adi Teimumu walked in and sat down. She then asked me to go and sit next to her which I did. Holding my hands and in a soft pleasing manner she explained to me the demands of the indigenous Fijian traditions, customs and protocol. She said it was continuous, involved and even though at times weary it had to be adhered to. She also mentioned that Adi Lala and the children had enjoyed very much the pampering they had all received from her people so it was only befitting that they bury their chief in their chiefly burial ground in Rewa. She concluded that with grace and dignity, none of us must regret later the erosion of the chiefly values and that these values needed to be exercised for the indigenous people of Fiji. I understood what she was saying because I had been brought up to respect the chiefs of Fiji by my dear parents. I was taken back and it was then that I realized how much Ro Teimumu was in control of what was ahead of her as the next Roko Tui Dreketi. Today, because Fiji is a dictatorship ruled by the dictator Frank Bainimarama this innocent human being born into one of the country’s chiefly systems has been denied her responsibility to her people and treated like a common criminal. What can any of us do? How do you fight a Dictator? Why have her nieces and nephew, Ului the military man allowed it to happen when it was them that broke the law first. Why isn’t her other relatives protecting her, Epeli and Tuki? Where does the chiefly system go from here? A lot of questions are going through my head as is for the majority that can never be answered in a dictatorship but can be resolved democratically in a democracy and a just legal system. Ului, you had listened to your Aunty then, please for all our sakes don’t allow her to be used to justify the stance you and the military have taken. The least you could do is protect her from being treated like a common criminal and give her the respect she is entitled to by your late mother’s people and the rest of us that care and love her deeply. Ro Epeli Malaitini, who at the chiefly village of Cuva at the end of Lady Lala’s mourning period said; “God always had the final say in people’s lives, which was why it is so important to appreciate and maintain the links that bound Fiji’s chiefly clans together.” He called on younger indigenous Fijians to learn from the older chiefs who despite political differences, cherished their links to the different tribes that make up the nation. Ro Teimumu also said; “We must examine the traditional demands of our race and social structure in light of the resources we have at hand and strike a workable balance.” Life was never meant to be easy but if we treated each other with honesty, integrity and fairness, we can deal with life a lot better. My Australian family and I have great respect in our hearts for what you have done. You and your family are with us in thought, wishes and prayer. Bubu Laisa’s daughter,
Time to respond to Frank Bainimarama’s madness!
Frank’s and Co.’s attack on the community since 2006, goes beyond the suppression of Religious freedom.It is total suppression now and requires an equally measured response !
Frank & Co’s decrees born of psychotic fear
Fiji’s current judiciary seems completely oblivious to the deep contradictions of its own making which it continues to create. Having accommodated the “clean up coup” of December 5th 2006, the Fiji judiciary, along with the police and military, are now so corrupt through trying to protect themselves in perpetuity that all they can do is continue to make these silly ruling which try to enhance their own legitimacy – “cleaning up whoever doubts their legality”.
And so the targeting of the mass media is widened to include the Methodist Church and its brave office-bearers who will not bow to this Annual conference ban. Why should a church become subservient to a public decree that is born of a psychotic fear from a military that has lost its way and enforce its own nightmare on its own people?
This provocation by the Military and the Police, now confirmed by silly judicial rulings in the courts, simply confirms that the illegal regime are spoiling for a fight with those who stand against it. That is the pre-eminent “incitement” at work in this case. The threat to further unjust dis-order does not come from the justice seeking paramount chief Ro Teimumu Kepa but comes from:
1. the discredited Commodore and his hapless crew of senior officers who refuse to see the writing on the wall and stand against this ridiculous and foolish “state of emergency”;
2. the Miliary Police which is trying to drum up its own Christian crusade to legitimise itself and
3. the judiciary that is bent on trying to bury its own failure to accept its constitutional limits and instead apply a concocted “law” to limit freedom of speech, association and assembly.
One wonders how long this psychosis can last.
And so the targeting of the mass media is widened to include the Methodist Church and its brave office-bearers who will not bow to this Annual conference ban. Why should a church become subservient to a public decree that is born of a psychotic fear from a military that has lost its way and enforce its own nightmare on its own people?
This provocation by the Military and the Police, now confirmed by silly judicial rulings in the courts, simply confirms that the illegal regime are spoiling for a fight with those who stand against it. That is the pre-eminent “incitement” at work in this case. The threat to further unjust dis-order does not come from the justice seeking paramount chief Ro Teimumu Kepa but comes from:
1. the discredited Commodore and his hapless crew of senior officers who refuse to see the writing on the wall and stand against this ridiculous and foolish “state of emergency”;
2. the Miliary Police which is trying to drum up its own Christian crusade to legitimise itself and
3. the judiciary that is bent on trying to bury its own failure to accept its constitutional limits and instead apply a concocted “law” to limit freedom of speech, association and assembly.
One wonders how long this psychosis can last.
In support of Ro Teimumu-Kepa & Methodist Church leaders
I write to offer my support and solidarity to the Gone Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi, who was unjustly and unceremoniously detained in the past few days.
The boldness and courage of this Lady and leader in making a stand against the devious, self-serving, and ultimately self-defeating manipulation of the present illegal Regime, is a breath of fresh air in the cynical and dishonorable times we now live in.
As disgraceful as her detention is though, we must nonetheless accept in faith that this IS all part of God’s Plan, as the lady herself so eloquently put it in her letter to her people.
Jesus, Himself began the battle to throw off darkness and evil, and to replace it with His Kingdom, with His death on Calvary’s Cross.
Since then, Christians have always been impelled by the implications of their faith to struggle and stand against evil. St Telemachus for instance was, by his own death, instrumental in ending the barbaric practice of gladiatorial death sport in the Roman Empire. William Wilberforce, by his life of sacrifice, spearheaded the abolition of slavery in Victorian times. Lord Shaftsbury’s exertions kick-started the dawn of industrial emancipation and worker’s rights during the same era. Elizabeth Fry was the first prison reformer. Samuel Plimsoll spearheaded shipping safety regulations and reform. John Wesley, St Vincent de Paul (Ladies of Charity) and William Booth (Salvation Army) founded pioneering organizations to succor and minister to the poor in the preceding Century. Later the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King forfeited even his own life for his stand of faith and principle against the insidious scourge of racism.
In all cases, these Christian saints acted out of the dictates of their faith, at great personal cost and risk, often against brutal or hardnosed Governments that were either indifferent to the injustice, or who were part of it themselves under the lobbying and control of those, who were directly benefitting from the status quo. But not one of them ever backed down, as to do so would mean betraying their consciences as well as their God.
Fiji once again finds herself faced by this kind of evil. In 2000 it was Speight. Now it is Bainimarama. In 2000 it was rebellion. In 2006/9, the rebellion has succeeded and the Barbarians have risen to power on the back of guns, brutality, lies and intransigence. The situation seems hopeless and the usurpers seem to hold all the cards that count.
But just as the injustice and evil of the past always raised up Christian movers and shakers of conscience to opposition, so are the lies, wickedness and travesty of Bainimarama’s Fiji raising up champions like Ro Teimumu Kepa.
The question for people like her is “Are we our brother’s keeper?” According to God’s law, and people’s man-made constitutional law and values, yes we are. These are for two reasons, the work of the Church in the community, and its prophetic role against the injustice of this coup. The Regime is WRONG to try and stop either.
In any crises management there are four pitfalls that stakeholders may fall into. These are panic, apathy, fear and denial. Good leaders are able to communicate the truth, and inspire peoples’ spirits in order to strategically motivate them out of those pitfalls into just and righteous action. Winston Churchill is the best crises manager known in history when he fearlessly asked for the British peoples’ steadfastness knowing that the technically superior German Army were preparing to bomb London. And England won the battle and the war.
Like the infamous Nazi propaganda machine, Bainimarama’s illegal Regime also hopes to use its ridiculous PER and hand-picked judiciary to deny Ro Temumu-Kepa and the Methodist Church leaders’ right to be their “brother’s keeper”.
But whatever unjust and unjustifiable trumped up charges and punishment they dream up, they will NOT prevail!
Dr. Mere Tuisalalo Samisoni, SDL member for Lami Open Constituency.
The boldness and courage of this Lady and leader in making a stand against the devious, self-serving, and ultimately self-defeating manipulation of the present illegal Regime, is a breath of fresh air in the cynical and dishonorable times we now live in.
As disgraceful as her detention is though, we must nonetheless accept in faith that this IS all part of God’s Plan, as the lady herself so eloquently put it in her letter to her people.
Jesus, Himself began the battle to throw off darkness and evil, and to replace it with His Kingdom, with His death on Calvary’s Cross.
Since then, Christians have always been impelled by the implications of their faith to struggle and stand against evil. St Telemachus for instance was, by his own death, instrumental in ending the barbaric practice of gladiatorial death sport in the Roman Empire. William Wilberforce, by his life of sacrifice, spearheaded the abolition of slavery in Victorian times. Lord Shaftsbury’s exertions kick-started the dawn of industrial emancipation and worker’s rights during the same era. Elizabeth Fry was the first prison reformer. Samuel Plimsoll spearheaded shipping safety regulations and reform. John Wesley, St Vincent de Paul (Ladies of Charity) and William Booth (Salvation Army) founded pioneering organizations to succor and minister to the poor in the preceding Century. Later the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King forfeited even his own life for his stand of faith and principle against the insidious scourge of racism.
In all cases, these Christian saints acted out of the dictates of their faith, at great personal cost and risk, often against brutal or hardnosed Governments that were either indifferent to the injustice, or who were part of it themselves under the lobbying and control of those, who were directly benefitting from the status quo. But not one of them ever backed down, as to do so would mean betraying their consciences as well as their God.
Fiji once again finds herself faced by this kind of evil. In 2000 it was Speight. Now it is Bainimarama. In 2000 it was rebellion. In 2006/9, the rebellion has succeeded and the Barbarians have risen to power on the back of guns, brutality, lies and intransigence. The situation seems hopeless and the usurpers seem to hold all the cards that count.
But just as the injustice and evil of the past always raised up Christian movers and shakers of conscience to opposition, so are the lies, wickedness and travesty of Bainimarama’s Fiji raising up champions like Ro Teimumu Kepa.
The question for people like her is “Are we our brother’s keeper?” According to God’s law, and people’s man-made constitutional law and values, yes we are. These are for two reasons, the work of the Church in the community, and its prophetic role against the injustice of this coup. The Regime is WRONG to try and stop either.
In any crises management there are four pitfalls that stakeholders may fall into. These are panic, apathy, fear and denial. Good leaders are able to communicate the truth, and inspire peoples’ spirits in order to strategically motivate them out of those pitfalls into just and righteous action. Winston Churchill is the best crises manager known in history when he fearlessly asked for the British peoples’ steadfastness knowing that the technically superior German Army were preparing to bomb London. And England won the battle and the war.
Like the infamous Nazi propaganda machine, Bainimarama’s illegal Regime also hopes to use its ridiculous PER and hand-picked judiciary to deny Ro Temumu-Kepa and the Methodist Church leaders’ right to be their “brother’s keeper”.
But whatever unjust and unjustifiable trumped up charges and punishment they dream up, they will NOT prevail!
Dr. Mere Tuisalalo Samisoni, SDL member for Lami Open Constituency.
Charges silence Fiji church conference organisers
A Fiji court order has silenced the paramount chief Ro Teimumu Kepa and two top Methodist Church ministers after it charged them with defying the Public Emergency Regulation over their plans to organise the church’s annual conference next month.
Ro Teimumu and the church president, the Reverend Ame Tugaue, and the secretary general, the Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, are now on bail to appear in court in three weeks.
Matelita Ragogo reports.
“In the next 21 days, they are not allowed to have any meetings, they are not allowed to be seen in public or conduct anything that might be construed to be a meeting. They had to surrender all their travel documents, and Ro Teimumu in particular, she is not to publish any other material pertaining to the annual conference of the Methodist church.”
Matelita Ragogo
News Content © Radio New Zealand InternationalPO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand
Ro Teimumu and the church president, the Reverend Ame Tugaue, and the secretary general, the Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, are now on bail to appear in court in three weeks.
Matelita Ragogo reports.
“In the next 21 days, they are not allowed to have any meetings, they are not allowed to be seen in public or conduct anything that might be construed to be a meeting. They had to surrender all their travel documents, and Ro Teimumu in particular, she is not to publish any other material pertaining to the annual conference of the Methodist church.”
Matelita Ragogo
News Content © Radio New Zealand InternationalPO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand
Attack on the Gospel’
The former President of the Methodist Church in New Zealand, Reverend Tavake Tupou told Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat program that politics cannot be separated from spiritual life.
He says it is important for Pacific church leaders to demonstrate their concern over the detention of the Fijian Methodist Church leaders.
The detention of church leaders, “is not just an attack on Fiji’s constitution,” he said.
“I think this is an attack on the heart of the Gospel.”
- Radio Australia
He says it is important for Pacific church leaders to demonstrate their concern over the detention of the Fijian Methodist Church leaders.
The detention of church leaders, “is not just an attack on Fiji’s constitution,” he said.
“I think this is an attack on the heart of the Gospel.”
- Radio Australia
Show of solidarity
Christian leaders in Australia and New Zealand are showing solidarity for their colleagues in Fiji.
Australia’s Uniting Church has flown a special representative to Fiji to support members of the Fiji Methodist Church.
Bruce Mullen is Associate Director of Church Solidarity in the Pacific for the Uniting Church of Australia – a union of Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Churches.
He says he’s met with representatives from the Fiji Methodists Church and admires their courage and commitment to democracy.
“There is probably very little we can do in Fiji itself except to stand with the Church here, but in our own situation, our own backyard, we can advocate on their behalf with our own governments, with the international church community and with the international community generally,” he said.
Australia’s Uniting Church has flown a special representative to Fiji to support members of the Fiji Methodist Church.
Bruce Mullen is Associate Director of Church Solidarity in the Pacific for the Uniting Church of Australia – a union of Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Churches.
He says he’s met with representatives from the Fiji Methodists Church and admires their courage and commitment to democracy.
“There is probably very little we can do in Fiji itself except to stand with the Church here, but in our own situation, our own backyard, we can advocate on their behalf with our own governments, with the international church community and with the international community generally,” he said.
Church conference tumult
Fiji Government spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Neumi Leweni on Wednesday confirmed the cancellation of the annual church conference, planned for the end of August.
He says if the conference covers political issues it would be a clear breach of Fiji’s Public Emergency Regulations.
Ro Teimumu Kepa, whose village was to play host to the conference, had urged that the meeting proceed as planned.
Fiji’s interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama told Fiji Live he believed the media was blowing the issue out of proportion.
“I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of this because the government and the military have said no and that’s where the matter should rest,” he said.
“I think it’s the press people that are making a big deal out of this.”
He says if the conference covers political issues it would be a clear breach of Fiji’s Public Emergency Regulations.
Ro Teimumu Kepa, whose village was to play host to the conference, had urged that the meeting proceed as planned.
Fiji’s interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama told Fiji Live he believed the media was blowing the issue out of proportion.
“I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of this because the government and the military have said no and that’s where the matter should rest,” he said.
“I think it’s the press people that are making a big deal out of this.”
Methodist Church of Fiji get support from Australia and NZ
Police have released two Methodist ministers and Fiji’s former education minister, who had been detained and questioned over government concerns an upcoming church conference would veer into political territory.
The Fiji Live website is reporting former education minister and Rewa paramount chief, Ro Teimumu Kepa, and two Methodist Church ministers have appeared in the Suva Magistrate Court and were released on bail following a three-day detention.
The Fiji Live website is reporting former education minister and Rewa paramount chief, Ro Teimumu Kepa, and two Methodist Church ministers have appeared in the Suva Magistrate Court and were released on bail following a three-day detention.
An opinion
As a long-time observer of Fijian affairs, who wrote about 400 Fiji-related articles on Wikipedia, I have long been mystified by the behaviour of the Mara children. What I’m about to say may not be the whole truth, but there is one that most of the media just don’t get:
In the 2000 coup, Adi Koila was kidnapped by Speight’s thugs and held hostage for 56 days. From what I have heard, she was brutally treated. According to the late Sir Vijay Singh, that was what prompted her father to resign the presidency. I have reason to believe that Qarase’s leniency towards Speight – AND his inclusion of some of Speight’s supporters, including his brother, in the government – enraged the Mara family.
While that doesn’t excuse their behaviour, it does change the context of it, in my opinion.
Having said that, I don’t think they’d be doing it if their father were alive.
In the 2000 coup, Adi Koila was kidnapped by Speight’s thugs and held hostage for 56 days. From what I have heard, she was brutally treated. According to the late Sir Vijay Singh, that was what prompted her father to resign the presidency. I have reason to believe that Qarase’s leniency towards Speight – AND his inclusion of some of Speight’s supporters, including his brother, in the government – enraged the Mara family.
While that doesn’t excuse their behaviour, it does change the context of it, in my opinion.
Having said that, I don’t think they’d be doing it if their father were alive.
The common link
Have you noticed what links these vultures cum conman John Prasad, John Sami, Francis Narayan,Paul Gautam Ramswarup, Felix anthony and Freddie Keshwan and several others preying on the poor people of Fiji.
They all take their roots from Hindu families but converted to Christianity for their own opportunistic self interests. There is a saying in Hindi that says if one cannot be loyal to their own people and religion and values , then they cannot be loyal and honest with others and a converted religion.
These people have blasphemed the great principles and cannons of not just Hinduism but also Christainity.
Ultimately they they will die damned.
They all take their roots from Hindu families but converted to Christianity for their own opportunistic self interests. There is a saying in Hindi that says if one cannot be loyal to their own people and religion and values , then they cannot be loyal and honest with others and a converted religion.
These people have blasphemed the great principles and cannons of not just Hinduism but also Christainity.
Ultimately they they will die damned.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Marama Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa spent last night locked up in a military cell with her own peronal blanket.Ro Teimumu, arrested from Lomanikoro village in Rewa around 12am on Wednesday, spent close to 10 hours in a police cell at Central Police Station in Suva until she was taken to the CID headquarters in Toorak for interrogation. Ro Teimumu was given temporary reprieve when she was released from police custody to rest at a home in Suva but was told to return last night for further questioning. Sources have confirmed that Ro Teimumu went to the Central Police Station and after police completed their interview to try and establish whether she was inciting people, the high chief was told she was free and being formally released. But at the same time Ro Teimumu was told by police that military officers wanted to question her as well. We can confirm that while a few of her people from Rewa were waiting at the front entrance of CPS to take her home, soldiers arrived through the back gate of the police station located opposite the Reserve Bank of Fiji building. The soldiers whisked Ro Teimumu away through the back gate in a military vehicle, unknown to the few people of Rewa who were waiting in front of the station. We have confirmation that she was locked up in a military cell at Queen Elizabeth Barracks. We can also confirm from sources close to the military that Frank Bainimarama's trusted ally Sitiveni Qiliho was seen repeatedly walking outside the cell in what sources say was an attempt to intimidate Ro Teimumu. Qiliho was in full military uniform and armed with a pistol in a holster that he normally wears aroynd the knee. He is the operations chief of Third Infantry Regiment led by Ro Teimumu's nephew Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara. Coupfourpointfive can also confirm that the general secretary of Methodist Church Reverend Tuikilakila aqairatu, Reverend Manasa Lasaro and Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi were taken by soldiers to their respective homes last night to have their shower and change their clothes before being returned to QEB where they are also detained.Meanwhile sources have told us that some people from Rewa province staying and working in Suva tried to pay a visit to Ro Teimumu last night but were stopped at the QEB main entrance and told to go away.
Lady chief and church ministers to appear in court
We have received information that paramount chief, Ro Teimumu Kepa and some church leaders who were detained along with her will be appearing at the Suva courts today.
The report says they will be answering to charges laid on them for “breaching” murderous Frank Bainimarama’s public emergency regulation
The report says they will be answering to charges laid on them for “breaching” murderous Frank Bainimarama’s public emergency regulation
Latest spate of detention sets Fiji back
Human rights violations committed by Frank & Co. has become the hallmark of Fiji’s strongman.
He is well known for committing deplorable violence against humanity even on Fiji’s women, youths and children.
Frank has repeatedly shown that he is the kind who will break every human rights law for his own self-preservation.
The latest spate of detention targetted at the Methodist Church and a Catholic paramount chief has undoubtedly sent wrong and disturbing signals to the rest of the civilized world.
They know the people of Fiji have been denied their rights to live like respectable and dignified human beings in their own land.
But make no mistake!
Frank Bainimarama can not continue applying harsh treatment on the Fiji peoples without expecting retaliatory reactions.
It has started and Frank himself has provoked it.
Where will it end?
We don’t doubt peoples power will prevail over Frank & Co.
He is well known for committing deplorable violence against humanity even on Fiji’s women, youths and children.
Frank has repeatedly shown that he is the kind who will break every human rights law for his own self-preservation.
The latest spate of detention targetted at the Methodist Church and a Catholic paramount chief has undoubtedly sent wrong and disturbing signals to the rest of the civilized world.
They know the people of Fiji have been denied their rights to live like respectable and dignified human beings in their own land.
But make no mistake!
Frank Bainimarama can not continue applying harsh treatment on the Fiji peoples without expecting retaliatory reactions.
It has started and Frank himself has provoked it.
Where will it end?
We don’t doubt peoples power will prevail over Frank & Co.
Latest report from supporters following lady chief Ro Teimumu Kepa
Last night when Ro Teimumu came out of the interrogation room friends and family waiting were all there waiting for her. There were hugs, kisses, tears and heart breaking to know that our high chief was treated like a criminal only because she chose to stand by her principles for her people and for the people of Fiji. After the CID HQ questioning they again took her to the camp at Nabua where she spent the night. This morning Ro Teimumu with the others will appear in court so it is going to be a new challenge for us all. Our love, wishes and prayers go out to her as we await and try to figure out how we could all help to get her through this. Ro Teimumu Supporters
Tyrant Frank Bainimarama don’t like press coverage on latest spate of arrest
Fiji’s military government says the media is exaggerating the issue of arrests of key leaders of the Methodist Church.
Government spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Neumi Leweni, on Wednesday confirmed the cancellation of the Church’s annual conference planned for August.
He says if the conference covers political issues it would be a clear breach of Fiji’s Public Emergency Regulations.
Fiji’s interim prime minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama told the Fiji Live website he believed the media was blowing the issue out of proportion.
“I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of this because the government and the military have said no and that’s where the matter should rest,” he said.
“I think it’s the press people that are making a big deal out of this.”Among those arrested on Wednesday, are former President of the Fiji Methodist Church, Reverend Manasa Lasaro; General Secretary, Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, the Secretary for Pastoral Ministry, Tomasi Kanailagi and the Church’s Finance Secretary Viliame Gonelevu.
Lieutenant Colonel Leweni says Methodist church leaders who are in custody for questioning will be released once an investigation is complete.Reverend Waqairatu was also among five Methodist Church leaders and another five lay people, who had also been taken in for questioning by the military regime on Tuesday.
The Church says it is planning to go ahead with the conference regardless of the interim government’s stand.Lieutenant Colonel Leweni says the Chief of Rewa, Ro Teimumu Kepa, had also been arrested and detained over a statement she released Tuesday.
She was picked up late Tuesday night by more than a dozen police officers and escorted to military barracks for questioning.
Since then she has been held in a Suva police station.
Authorities would not tell her family or lawyer what she has been charged with.
A statement from the interim government said she was being investigated for possible incitement.
Ro Teimumu Kepa had urged that the proposed Methodist church conference should still go ahead in her village as planned which is just over a half hour drive from Suva.
Government spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Neumi Leweni, on Wednesday confirmed the cancellation of the Church’s annual conference planned for August.
He says if the conference covers political issues it would be a clear breach of Fiji’s Public Emergency Regulations.
Fiji’s interim prime minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama told the Fiji Live website he believed the media was blowing the issue out of proportion.
“I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of this because the government and the military have said no and that’s where the matter should rest,” he said.
“I think it’s the press people that are making a big deal out of this.”Among those arrested on Wednesday, are former President of the Fiji Methodist Church, Reverend Manasa Lasaro; General Secretary, Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, the Secretary for Pastoral Ministry, Tomasi Kanailagi and the Church’s Finance Secretary Viliame Gonelevu.
Lieutenant Colonel Leweni says Methodist church leaders who are in custody for questioning will be released once an investigation is complete.Reverend Waqairatu was also among five Methodist Church leaders and another five lay people, who had also been taken in for questioning by the military regime on Tuesday.
The Church says it is planning to go ahead with the conference regardless of the interim government’s stand.Lieutenant Colonel Leweni says the Chief of Rewa, Ro Teimumu Kepa, had also been arrested and detained over a statement she released Tuesday.
She was picked up late Tuesday night by more than a dozen police officers and escorted to military barracks for questioning.
Since then she has been held in a Suva police station.
Authorities would not tell her family or lawyer what she has been charged with.
A statement from the interim government said she was being investigated for possible incitement.
Ro Teimumu Kepa had urged that the proposed Methodist church conference should still go ahead in her village as planned which is just over a half hour drive from Suva.
Message to all indigenous Fijians
Ni ra a vesu toka na Gone Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi kei iratou na Talatala ni Lotu Wesele ena Guardhouse mai Delainabua (QEB) enabogi, ratou cakava toka na mateni o Voreqe, Teleni, Driti, Ului kei ira kece na senior officers era sa vodoka toka na Gravy Train, ena RFMF mess, ena bogi. Ratou gunu toka me ratou vakadeitaka ni oratou, na tamata qaqa taudua e Viti, ka ni ratou vesuki ira rawa na Gone Marama Bale, kei ira na Talatala ni Kalou. Ko ya gona na lotu ra cakava tiko na sotia ni Viti – ratou rumrum, whiskey toka. Ia, e sega ni ura me tei damu gonei!
Matata vakasigalevu, ni lai vesu mai na Gone Marama Bale, kei ira na Talatala ni Kalou, ena loma ni bogi, ra vakasaurarataki tu me dua na siga taucoko, mera sega ni moce rawa vakavinaka, ni ra tovolea tiko na sotia rumrum, mera vakamalumalumutaki ira, kei keda na lewenivanua lotu vakarisito. Na dina kece qo ena qai kaburaki mai, ni ra sa tu cala o ira na sotia, kei ira kece na turaga/marama ni valu, era sa mai coko tu ena butako levu, na great train robbery, sa mai vakayacori tu ena noda vanua. Era nanuma ni da drop-out sotia dau rumrum vakataki ratou, ia e cala na nodra nanuma.
Na veibeitaki vakailasu sa mai caka qo vei ira na Gone Marama Bale, kei na Talatala ni Kalou, ena qai sauti ira lesu na mataivalu rogorogoca, e liutaka tiko o Voreqe, ka sa rairai, e nodra Kalou, na sotia dau rumrum oqo. Na nodratou lawa lasulasu, eratou sakitaka tiko qo, me rawa ga kina me kana tikoga kina na vore, mai na buno ni lewenivanua, me rawa kina ni ra vodo tikoga kina, ena gravy train qo. Eratou kila vinaka tiko, ni ratou sa na vakasoburi, sa na biu na pajero, na karua kei na katolu ni vale era sa volia rawa ena ilavo ni FDB kei na Merchant Bank, ka mera toki lesu tale ki na vale e levu kina na kokoroti, mai Delainabua, se mera toki sara ki Naboro! Ko ga ya era rerevaka tiko! Era via mai benuci ira na Gone Marama Bale, kei ira na Talatala ni Kalou, mera kaya tiko ni ra basu lawa, era via vunitaka, na laba mada ni CRW, Rabaka, Whippy, Verebasaga kei Malasebe, kei na nodra basuka na lawa, ni ra a kovea na noda Matanitu, ena Tiseba, 2006. Ia, eda sega ni lialia, se drop out vakataki ira na sotia, o keda na lewenivanua, ka matata vinaka tu vei keda, na butako, na laba, kei na basulawa ni Mataivalu nei Voreqe.
O keda na lewenivanua, meda dei, ka yaloqaqa, ni dodonu tiko na sala eda muria, me vakayacori na noda koniferedi, e Rewa, ena yabaki oqo. Era lewe 4,000 ga na sotia. Vei ira oqo, era lewe 2,000 ga era se cauravou. Ia o keda, eda lewelevu cake! – eda lewe 800,000, na lewenivanua! E sega ni dua na ka meda rerevaka, ka ni tiko vata kei keda na Kalou, ka rawarawa sara meda valuti ira na Sotia rumrum oqo.
Era lako mai ena lomaloma ni bogi, baleta oya na gauna eda moce kina, era kila ni gauna oya, e sega ni yadra vinaka kina na vakasama. Ia o keda, meda sa sasabai. Meda yadra tiko. Meda namaki ira. Vakacava kevaka eda kaya vei ira – Au sega ni kila na lawa o tukuna tiko qori! Au bese na lako! Vakacava kevaka era yadra kece mai na lewenikoro, mera kaya – Sa Yala Eke! Sa yala eke! Sa yala eke! Sa yala eke!
Matata vakasigalevu, ni lai vesu mai na Gone Marama Bale, kei ira na Talatala ni Kalou, ena loma ni bogi, ra vakasaurarataki tu me dua na siga taucoko, mera sega ni moce rawa vakavinaka, ni ra tovolea tiko na sotia rumrum, mera vakamalumalumutaki ira, kei keda na lewenivanua lotu vakarisito. Na dina kece qo ena qai kaburaki mai, ni ra sa tu cala o ira na sotia, kei ira kece na turaga/marama ni valu, era sa mai coko tu ena butako levu, na great train robbery, sa mai vakayacori tu ena noda vanua. Era nanuma ni da drop-out sotia dau rumrum vakataki ratou, ia e cala na nodra nanuma.
Na veibeitaki vakailasu sa mai caka qo vei ira na Gone Marama Bale, kei na Talatala ni Kalou, ena qai sauti ira lesu na mataivalu rogorogoca, e liutaka tiko o Voreqe, ka sa rairai, e nodra Kalou, na sotia dau rumrum oqo. Na nodratou lawa lasulasu, eratou sakitaka tiko qo, me rawa ga kina me kana tikoga kina na vore, mai na buno ni lewenivanua, me rawa kina ni ra vodo tikoga kina, ena gravy train qo. Eratou kila vinaka tiko, ni ratou sa na vakasoburi, sa na biu na pajero, na karua kei na katolu ni vale era sa volia rawa ena ilavo ni FDB kei na Merchant Bank, ka mera toki lesu tale ki na vale e levu kina na kokoroti, mai Delainabua, se mera toki sara ki Naboro! Ko ga ya era rerevaka tiko! Era via mai benuci ira na Gone Marama Bale, kei ira na Talatala ni Kalou, mera kaya tiko ni ra basu lawa, era via vunitaka, na laba mada ni CRW, Rabaka, Whippy, Verebasaga kei Malasebe, kei na nodra basuka na lawa, ni ra a kovea na noda Matanitu, ena Tiseba, 2006. Ia, eda sega ni lialia, se drop out vakataki ira na sotia, o keda na lewenivanua, ka matata vinaka tu vei keda, na butako, na laba, kei na basulawa ni Mataivalu nei Voreqe.
O keda na lewenivanua, meda dei, ka yaloqaqa, ni dodonu tiko na sala eda muria, me vakayacori na noda koniferedi, e Rewa, ena yabaki oqo. Era lewe 4,000 ga na sotia. Vei ira oqo, era lewe 2,000 ga era se cauravou. Ia o keda, eda lewelevu cake! – eda lewe 800,000, na lewenivanua! E sega ni dua na ka meda rerevaka, ka ni tiko vata kei keda na Kalou, ka rawarawa sara meda valuti ira na Sotia rumrum oqo.
Era lako mai ena lomaloma ni bogi, baleta oya na gauna eda moce kina, era kila ni gauna oya, e sega ni yadra vinaka kina na vakasama. Ia o keda, meda sa sasabai. Meda yadra tiko. Meda namaki ira. Vakacava kevaka eda kaya vei ira – Au sega ni kila na lawa o tukuna tiko qori! Au bese na lako! Vakacava kevaka era yadra kece mai na lewenikoro, mera kaya – Sa Yala Eke! Sa yala eke! Sa yala eke! Sa yala eke!
Incarceration of the most despotic form
The issue is not so much that a high chief has been apprehended at midnight and taken for questioning without any justfication.
It is more about the moral repugnance and abomination of denial of very basic tenets of natural justice to a decent citizen of fiji whose rights to human freedom , dignity and freedom of speech are enshrined in not only the abbrogated constitution but also in the preamble to the Charter tha the regime has adopted as its mantra.
It is also about the traditional respect that we have for all the mothers, sisters and citisens of our country.
Religious freedoms form the cornestone of all civilised societies and the suppression of the Methodists in Fiji cannot and should not be condoned by those who have any respect for their own rights and religions.
It is time for all the religious groups to show total solidarity with the Methodists.
It is more about the moral repugnance and abomination of denial of very basic tenets of natural justice to a decent citizen of fiji whose rights to human freedom , dignity and freedom of speech are enshrined in not only the abbrogated constitution but also in the preamble to the Charter tha the regime has adopted as its mantra.
It is also about the traditional respect that we have for all the mothers, sisters and citisens of our country.
Religious freedoms form the cornestone of all civilised societies and the suppression of the Methodists in Fiji cannot and should not be condoned by those who have any respect for their own rights and religions.
It is time for all the religious groups to show total solidarity with the Methodists.
We salute Ro Teimumu & Methodist priests – it’s time to stand up to the bully boys
Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish dictatorship, so wrote George Orwell. And that is what has been taking place in Fiji since December 2006. Now, the deranged and illegal bully boys in the police and military have once again barred their dictatorial fangs, supported by a section of the Mara-Ganilau clan, in arresting the men of God – the Methodists – and the paramount chief of Rewa, Ro Teimumu Kepa, whose late husband taught us the meaning and value of human rights in Fiji.
But we must not be distracted from our ultimate mission – to peacefully or violently overthrow the devils in disguise who are currently ruling Fiji, encouraged by a pliant and corrupt judiciary and an illegal president who has no constitutional powers to issue decrees or impose or extend public emergency.
To Justice Daniel Goundar, Anthony Gates, Paul Madigan and all judicial lackeys of the regime, we say, enjoy your days on the bench, for in the end justice will catch up with you – as to Madigan, he exemplifies the corruption and cronyism at its best – the very thing he had claimed he was trying to eradicate in the establishment of FICAC.Military fear is reasonable fear, and the more reasonable it is, the less there is to fear in it.
So, to the bully boys, we say, your days are numbered. Remember what happened to Oliver Cromwell. He died of malaria in 1858. He had abolished the monarchy, de-established the church and united British Isles.
When the monarchy was restored in 1660, Cromwell’s body was exhumed in 1660 and beheaded. His head was kept on public display until 1685.
People often ask me, Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the UN once wrote, what difference one person can make in the face of injustice, conflict, human rights violations, mass poverty and disease: I answer by citing the courage, tenacity, dignity and magnanimity of Nelson Mandela.
We must draw courage and hope from Mandela’s long march to freedom, as he told his fellow South Africans in 1951: “Sons and daughters of Africa, our tasks are mighty indeed, but I have abundant faith in our ability to reply to the challenge posed by the situation. Under the slogan of FULL DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS IN SOUTH AFRICA NOW, we must march forward into victory.”
We repeat to the people of Fiji, what Mandela told his suffering people: “You can see that there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops of our desires.”
Again, we hear that Ro Teimumu Kepa will be prosecuted for incitement. Let the bully boys and the brainless A-G charge you, for remember Mandela’s ringing words of 7November 1962: “Posterity will prove that I was innocent.”He told his people: “I am charged with inciting people to commit an offence by way of protest against the law; a law which neither I nor any of my people had any say in preparing.”
The same applies to all the laws that have been passed since the abrogation of the Constitution – we have no obligation to obey unjust laws, for as Mahatma Gandhi, once reminded us: “An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.”
There must be no turning back now, for as Mandela told the world from the dock in his Rivonia Trial in 1964: “The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two choices – submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defence of our people, our future and our freedom.”
So let us support Ro Temimum Kepa and the valiant Methodist talatalas – it is now time to fight the illegal regime.
These brainless brawns are beyond redemption.
The future of the Fijian race is at stake in Fiji!
But we must not be distracted from our ultimate mission – to peacefully or violently overthrow the devils in disguise who are currently ruling Fiji, encouraged by a pliant and corrupt judiciary and an illegal president who has no constitutional powers to issue decrees or impose or extend public emergency.
To Justice Daniel Goundar, Anthony Gates, Paul Madigan and all judicial lackeys of the regime, we say, enjoy your days on the bench, for in the end justice will catch up with you – as to Madigan, he exemplifies the corruption and cronyism at its best – the very thing he had claimed he was trying to eradicate in the establishment of FICAC.Military fear is reasonable fear, and the more reasonable it is, the less there is to fear in it.
So, to the bully boys, we say, your days are numbered. Remember what happened to Oliver Cromwell. He died of malaria in 1858. He had abolished the monarchy, de-established the church and united British Isles.
When the monarchy was restored in 1660, Cromwell’s body was exhumed in 1660 and beheaded. His head was kept on public display until 1685.
People often ask me, Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the UN once wrote, what difference one person can make in the face of injustice, conflict, human rights violations, mass poverty and disease: I answer by citing the courage, tenacity, dignity and magnanimity of Nelson Mandela.
We must draw courage and hope from Mandela’s long march to freedom, as he told his fellow South Africans in 1951: “Sons and daughters of Africa, our tasks are mighty indeed, but I have abundant faith in our ability to reply to the challenge posed by the situation. Under the slogan of FULL DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS IN SOUTH AFRICA NOW, we must march forward into victory.”
We repeat to the people of Fiji, what Mandela told his suffering people: “You can see that there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops of our desires.”
Again, we hear that Ro Teimumu Kepa will be prosecuted for incitement. Let the bully boys and the brainless A-G charge you, for remember Mandela’s ringing words of 7November 1962: “Posterity will prove that I was innocent.”He told his people: “I am charged with inciting people to commit an offence by way of protest against the law; a law which neither I nor any of my people had any say in preparing.”
The same applies to all the laws that have been passed since the abrogation of the Constitution – we have no obligation to obey unjust laws, for as Mahatma Gandhi, once reminded us: “An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.”
There must be no turning back now, for as Mandela told the world from the dock in his Rivonia Trial in 1964: “The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two choices – submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defence of our people, our future and our freedom.”
So let us support Ro Temimum Kepa and the valiant Methodist talatalas – it is now time to fight the illegal regime.
These brainless brawns are beyond redemption.
The future of the Fijian race is at stake in Fiji!
Imprisoned chief and clerics yet to appear in court
Sources from Fiji have confirmed that there was no sighting of high chief, Ro Teimumu Kepa and the four Methodist Church clerics at or around Suva’s court house this morning.
Their contacts at the court registry say there is provision for them to appear later in the day.
Meanwhile, they report that people in the greater Suva area are going about their normal Thursday errands.
Their contacts at the court registry say there is provision for them to appear later in the day.
Meanwhile, they report that people in the greater Suva area are going about their normal Thursday errands.
If it means death – so be it!
This saga has a new twist. The move by the military has encouraged the entire Fiji people to breakloose from their controls. Any retaliation from now onwards is not of a law-breaking citizen, but a mere patriach protection as the defender of what is left with us – the vanua and the lotu.
Mobilizing the kaiviti into a communal activity is nothing new. It is part of us – something that we are born with. Hyped and psyched from the continuos injustice and military intimidation for the past two and half years, the kaiviti has now reached its limits and a breakthrough to insanity is coming.
We have been holding back because of the knowlege that Aiyaz is behind this, for his ploy to destroy the Fijian system and the Lotu. Articles were written to bring the “ulukaus” (likes of Frank, Teleni & others)into some sanity for the future of the kaiviti. Now, they have ignored the many call to sanity and initiated a move – by rounding the “Gone Marama Bale Na Roko Tuidreketi” and the “Prophets” of our living God into the barracks unto the Fiji Courts;as heralds of the truth we stand to call for all “dra ni kaiviti dina” to stand and fight back.
Our fight today will secure the future of our children. If it means death – so be it. Follow through this blog for the time has come to carry that “crusade sword” and terminate the “ungodly”.
Mobilizing the kaiviti into a communal activity is nothing new. It is part of us – something that we are born with. Hyped and psyched from the continuos injustice and military intimidation for the past two and half years, the kaiviti has now reached its limits and a breakthrough to insanity is coming.
We have been holding back because of the knowlege that Aiyaz is behind this, for his ploy to destroy the Fijian system and the Lotu. Articles were written to bring the “ulukaus” (likes of Frank, Teleni & others)into some sanity for the future of the kaiviti. Now, they have ignored the many call to sanity and initiated a move – by rounding the “Gone Marama Bale Na Roko Tuidreketi” and the “Prophets” of our living God into the barracks unto the Fiji Courts;as heralds of the truth we stand to call for all “dra ni kaiviti dina” to stand and fight back.
Our fight today will secure the future of our children. If it means death – so be it. Follow through this blog for the time has come to carry that “crusade sword” and terminate the “ungodly”.
Murderous Frank Bainimarama wants to destroy Methodist Church supreme body – Annual Confe
The no holds barred attempt to snuff out the Methodist Church in Fiji by Frank’s illegal regime is coming to a head. What is unfolding is the struggle between the forces of good represented by the Methodist Church and evil represented by Frank’s illegal regime. Frank the evil accuser in his warped sense of being above politics accusers the Church through its lawfully constituted constitution via its annual Conference of being involved in politics.
All except him folks! What then is Frank and his evil empire’s strategy?
Answer: Simple- by not having the annual Methodist Conference the Church becomes illegal like him and his regime!
For the Annual Conference is the only lawful constituted forum that authorises all church business both spiritual and temporal.
Under the Methodist Constitution, the hierarchy of the Methodist Church has at its apex the Annual Conference, also known as Church Conference or simply Conference. The following Chart shows what the power structure of the Church looks like.
Fiji Methodist Church Structure
Annual Conference (Supreme body)
Standing Committee (Executive body of the Conference)
President of the Church (Chief pastor and official Representative of the Church)
General Secretary (Executive Officer of the Conference)
Divisional Superintendents (Responsible pastors and officials of the Church in each Division)
Circuit Ministers and Ministers (Responsible pastors within the Circuit)
Church laity
From the above Chart, it is clear that the supreme or all-powerful body of the Church is the Annual Conference. It is a large and representative body and meets only once a year. Clauses 67 and 68 of the Constitution provide as follows:-
"67. There shall be a Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji, which shall meet annually. There shall be one Conference only, comprising both ministerial and lay representatives.
68. The Conference shall consist of the following:
(a) Ordained ministers
(b) The lay vice- President
(c) The two immediate past vice- Presidents
(d) Circuit lay representatives
(e) One lay representative from each section of the secretariat
(f) The head or one representative from
Dilkusha Girls' Home Veilomani Boys' home Ba Methodist Hospital Methodist Lay Training Centre Methodist Handcraft and Farming School
(g) The Administrator of the Deaconess Order
(h) The President and the Secretary of the Methodist Women's Fellowship
(i) A representative of the Overseas Missions Committee
(j) The Secretary for Education
(k) The Principal or Head Teacher of each church school or his/ her representative
(l) All ordained deaconesses
(m) One woman representative from each division
(n)One youth representative from each division, being a member of the Church under 30 years of age
(o) Ex officio lay national leaders of the church (Financial Secretary, Property Development Supervisor)
(p) The President's Panel. For this the President may appoint no more than ten extra lay members of Conference choosing church members who, in his judgment, have a special contribution to make to the work of the Annual Conference."
"Each Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji shall appoint a Standing Committee to act as the executive of the Conference in matters which may arise between Conferences.
The responsibilities and functions of the Standing Committee are set out in the Appendix to the Constitution of the Church which provides as follows:
A. Terms of Reference of the Standing Committee
1. To make decisions on matters which are not otherwise provided for in the Constitution of the Methodist Church in Fiji.
2. To deal with matters which, by the Constitution of the Methodist Church in Fiji, are under the authority of the Conference.
3. To see that Conference decisions are carried out, making any supplementary decisions necessary to ensure this.
4. To deal with matters which the Conference directs the Standing Committee to handle, including the items under Section A of the Conference Agenda.
5. To receive reports of the decisions of the Working Committee on Ministry, and to take any action necessary.
B. Personnel of the Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall consist of 32 people. Provision shall be made for representation of women, youth and minority groups in the Church.
1. The following shall be ex officio members:
The President, Ex- President, Vice- President, General Secretary, the Superintendent of the Suva-Davuilevu Division, the Superintendent of the Indian Division,
1 lay representative of the Indian Division recommended by its Annual Divisional Meeting.
2. The remaining members shall be elected by Conference in such a way as to give equal representation on the committee to ministers and lay people, including the ex officio members. They shall include at least 4 women, at least 1 young person, and at least 3 representatives of minority groups within the Church (e.g. Indian, Rotuman, Banaban, European etc.).
3. Any lay person who has been a representative to any two Conferences may be included in the personnel, subject to the provisions in paragraph C on the method of election, and provided that he/she is a confirmed member of the Methodist Church for a period of not less than four continuous years, and has consented in writing to being nominated.
4. The Standing Committee shall serve from January to December of the year following its election."
Yes all ye faithful Methodists should their be no Conference this August then according to our constitution the church and we the flock will all become like Frank and his regime- Illegal. The persecution and jailing of the standing committee members is the harbinger of the beast that has been foretold in the bible in the end days.
This is just what the Devil Frank wants! Do we want that and suffer eternal damnation! No! So stand up and defend your faith now!
Modechai Ester
All except him folks! What then is Frank and his evil empire’s strategy?
Answer: Simple- by not having the annual Methodist Conference the Church becomes illegal like him and his regime!
For the Annual Conference is the only lawful constituted forum that authorises all church business both spiritual and temporal.
Under the Methodist Constitution, the hierarchy of the Methodist Church has at its apex the Annual Conference, also known as Church Conference or simply Conference. The following Chart shows what the power structure of the Church looks like.
Fiji Methodist Church Structure
Annual Conference (Supreme body)
Standing Committee (Executive body of the Conference)
President of the Church (Chief pastor and official Representative of the Church)
General Secretary (Executive Officer of the Conference)
Divisional Superintendents (Responsible pastors and officials of the Church in each Division)
Circuit Ministers and Ministers (Responsible pastors within the Circuit)
Church laity
From the above Chart, it is clear that the supreme or all-powerful body of the Church is the Annual Conference. It is a large and representative body and meets only once a year. Clauses 67 and 68 of the Constitution provide as follows:-
"67. There shall be a Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji, which shall meet annually. There shall be one Conference only, comprising both ministerial and lay representatives.
68. The Conference shall consist of the following:
(a) Ordained ministers
(b) The lay vice- President
(c) The two immediate past vice- Presidents
(d) Circuit lay representatives
(e) One lay representative from each section of the secretariat
(f) The head or one representative from
Dilkusha Girls' Home Veilomani Boys' home Ba Methodist Hospital Methodist Lay Training Centre Methodist Handcraft and Farming School
(g) The Administrator of the Deaconess Order
(h) The President and the Secretary of the Methodist Women's Fellowship
(i) A representative of the Overseas Missions Committee
(j) The Secretary for Education
(k) The Principal or Head Teacher of each church school or his/ her representative
(l) All ordained deaconesses
(m) One woman representative from each division
(n)One youth representative from each division, being a member of the Church under 30 years of age
(o) Ex officio lay national leaders of the church (Financial Secretary, Property Development Supervisor)
(p) The President's Panel. For this the President may appoint no more than ten extra lay members of Conference choosing church members who, in his judgment, have a special contribution to make to the work of the Annual Conference."
"Each Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji shall appoint a Standing Committee to act as the executive of the Conference in matters which may arise between Conferences.
The responsibilities and functions of the Standing Committee are set out in the Appendix to the Constitution of the Church which provides as follows:
A. Terms of Reference of the Standing Committee
1. To make decisions on matters which are not otherwise provided for in the Constitution of the Methodist Church in Fiji.
2. To deal with matters which, by the Constitution of the Methodist Church in Fiji, are under the authority of the Conference.
3. To see that Conference decisions are carried out, making any supplementary decisions necessary to ensure this.
4. To deal with matters which the Conference directs the Standing Committee to handle, including the items under Section A of the Conference Agenda.
5. To receive reports of the decisions of the Working Committee on Ministry, and to take any action necessary.
B. Personnel of the Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall consist of 32 people. Provision shall be made for representation of women, youth and minority groups in the Church.
1. The following shall be ex officio members:
The President, Ex- President, Vice- President, General Secretary, the Superintendent of the Suva-Davuilevu Division, the Superintendent of the Indian Division,
1 lay representative of the Indian Division recommended by its Annual Divisional Meeting.
2. The remaining members shall be elected by Conference in such a way as to give equal representation on the committee to ministers and lay people, including the ex officio members. They shall include at least 4 women, at least 1 young person, and at least 3 representatives of minority groups within the Church (e.g. Indian, Rotuman, Banaban, European etc.).
3. Any lay person who has been a representative to any two Conferences may be included in the personnel, subject to the provisions in paragraph C on the method of election, and provided that he/she is a confirmed member of the Methodist Church for a period of not less than four continuous years, and has consented in writing to being nominated.
4. The Standing Committee shall serve from January to December of the year following its election."
Yes all ye faithful Methodists should their be no Conference this August then according to our constitution the church and we the flock will all become like Frank and his regime- Illegal. The persecution and jailing of the standing committee members is the harbinger of the beast that has been foretold in the bible in the end days.
This is just what the Devil Frank wants! Do we want that and suffer eternal damnation! No! So stand up and defend your faith now!
Modechai Ester
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
talibantaka THE BLOGGER Says: July 22, 2009 at 3:13 AM
its time to stand up guys…..this chance comes only once in a lifetime… something…..don’t sit around for news….make news where ever you are……the countdown has already begun for Frank and his cronies…..I foresee bloodshed but thats part of the struggle…..Vore is a foreshadow of the anti-christ……pretending to be an angel of light…..but now we see his real colour……but he is fighting the wrong battle….he choose the wrong foe……down with the dick..tator.
its time to stand up guys…..this chance comes only once in a lifetime… something…..don’t sit around for news….make news where ever you are……the countdown has already begun for Frank and his cronies…..I foresee bloodshed but thats part of the struggle…..Vore is a foreshadow of the anti-christ……pretending to be an angel of light…..but now we see his real colour……but he is fighting the wrong battle….he choose the wrong foe……down with the dick..tator.
Word from within the echelons of the Methodist Church is that the terrorist Police Commissioner Esala Teleni had rung the Church executives to confirm that he had not authorized and was completely unaware of the moves to detain senior executives of the Church over the last couple of days. What? One may ask, how could the head poncho of the Fiji Police force be unaware of the detainment of senior ministers and officers of the Church? Isn’t it true that just a couple of days ago, terrorist Teleni had issued a statement supporting the mentally deranged terrorist Prime Minister stating that there will be no permits issued for the Church’s Rewa conference?
If one gives this law-breaking leader of the Fiji Police the benefit of the doubt and were to believe he was unaware of the detainment of Ministers of the Church, then what is terrorist Teleni’s business telling the public? As servants of this oppressive regime, is it not the duty of his Police officers to make arrests and detain under the laws including the public emergency regulation? Or where in the law does it say that all arrests and detainment should first have the personal approval of the Police Commissioner?
The truth is, Teleni is lying; nowhere in the laws does it say that arrests and detainment may only be made at the express authority of the Commissioner. And the arrest of the Church General Secretary and 7 other senior ministers confirm that neither Bainimarama nor Teleni and the government have any respect for the prophetic role of the Church in standing up for God’s morality in the public domain. The more likely scenario is that terrorist Teleni is employing a smoke screen to hoodwink the Church. It is an attempt to fool the executives of the Church and stem the growing tide of anti regime sentiments. Having firmly made its stance for the restoration of basic rights, the rule of law, and a quick return to democracy as a means to alleviate the oppression and growing poverty, and after deciding that the Rewa conference will go ahead despite threats from the terrorists in power, the terrorist’s regime only weapon is either get the Church back on their side through whatever means or enforce their threat through force including the gun for which they will be held fully accountable either locally or by the international community.
So as the Church executives meet with terrorist Teleni today, let them be mindful of the real motive behind this visit. The Church is facing a serious test of faith. The Fiji community and the world is watching; good people agree and fully support the godly stance the Church has taken this far, and the Lord Jesus says that the price will be persecution. No matter what terrorist Teleni may say, by supporting and enforcing the new Methodists, terrorist Teleni has severely breached the right to belief and has declared war on other religions including the Methodist Church. Jesus teaches us to forgive; at Calvary he forgave but he died gruesomely standing up for God’s principles.
If one gives this law-breaking leader of the Fiji Police the benefit of the doubt and were to believe he was unaware of the detainment of Ministers of the Church, then what is terrorist Teleni’s business telling the public? As servants of this oppressive regime, is it not the duty of his Police officers to make arrests and detain under the laws including the public emergency regulation? Or where in the law does it say that all arrests and detainment should first have the personal approval of the Police Commissioner?
The truth is, Teleni is lying; nowhere in the laws does it say that arrests and detainment may only be made at the express authority of the Commissioner. And the arrest of the Church General Secretary and 7 other senior ministers confirm that neither Bainimarama nor Teleni and the government have any respect for the prophetic role of the Church in standing up for God’s morality in the public domain. The more likely scenario is that terrorist Teleni is employing a smoke screen to hoodwink the Church. It is an attempt to fool the executives of the Church and stem the growing tide of anti regime sentiments. Having firmly made its stance for the restoration of basic rights, the rule of law, and a quick return to democracy as a means to alleviate the oppression and growing poverty, and after deciding that the Rewa conference will go ahead despite threats from the terrorists in power, the terrorist’s regime only weapon is either get the Church back on their side through whatever means or enforce their threat through force including the gun for which they will be held fully accountable either locally or by the international community.
So as the Church executives meet with terrorist Teleni today, let them be mindful of the real motive behind this visit. The Church is facing a serious test of faith. The Fiji community and the world is watching; good people agree and fully support the godly stance the Church has taken this far, and the Lord Jesus says that the price will be persecution. No matter what terrorist Teleni may say, by supporting and enforcing the new Methodists, terrorist Teleni has severely breached the right to belief and has declared war on other religions including the Methodist Church. Jesus teaches us to forgive; at Calvary he forgave but he died gruesomely standing up for God’s principles.
Fiji police tightlipped over latest wave of detentions
The police in Fiji are refusing to confirm reports of more detentions by police and the military.
The SDL Party, which was ousted in the 2006 coup, says the military has this morning taken in its general-secretary, Peceli Kinivuwai.
It has also been confirmed that the Reverend Manasa Lasaro was one of the Methodist leaders who was taken into custody last night.
That comes after police earlier confirmed that seven Methodists were being held for questioning.
Police spokesperson Ema Mua has refused to confirm the detentions.
But she says the police are investigating allegations that the Methodist Church has not complied with the public emergency regulations in applying for a permit for its annual conference.
“We will not entertain organisations or parties for that matter that are conducting meetings which we believe could have issues that could instigate incitement perhaps, or civil unrest. We would just like to reiterate to the public at this stage, please comply with the PER.”
Fiji police spokesperson, Ema Mua
The Paramount chief of the Fiji province of Rewa, Ro Teimumu Kepa, was also taken into police custody early this morning.
The SDL Party, which was ousted in the 2006 coup, says the military has this morning taken in its general-secretary, Peceli Kinivuwai.
It has also been confirmed that the Reverend Manasa Lasaro was one of the Methodist leaders who was taken into custody last night.
That comes after police earlier confirmed that seven Methodists were being held for questioning.
Police spokesperson Ema Mua has refused to confirm the detentions.
But she says the police are investigating allegations that the Methodist Church has not complied with the public emergency regulations in applying for a permit for its annual conference.
“We will not entertain organisations or parties for that matter that are conducting meetings which we believe could have issues that could instigate incitement perhaps, or civil unrest. We would just like to reiterate to the public at this stage, please comply with the PER.”
Fiji police spokesperson, Ema Mua
The Paramount chief of the Fiji province of Rewa, Ro Teimumu Kepa, was also taken into police custody early this morning.
Police detain Fiji church leaders again
Fiji’s military regime has again arrested and detained key leaders of Fiji’s Methodist Church.
It’s believed they are being questioned in relation to the upcoming Methodist Church Conference planned for late August.
Among those arrested was former President of the Fiji Methodist Church, Reverend Manasa Lasaro; General Secretary, Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, the Secretary for Pastoral Ministry, Tomasi Kanailagi and the Church’s Finance Secretary Viliame Gonelevu.
The Chief of Rewa, Rotemumu Kepa, who was to host the conference, has also been arrested and detained.
Observers say at least three military vehicles turned up at their respective residences last night and picked them up.
Reverend Waqairatu was also among five Methodist Church leaders and another five lay people, who were taken in for questioning by the military regime yesterday.
The interim government authorities are not talking about their action, but Reverend Waqairatu had earlier said that it was in relation to conference.
The Church is planning to go ahead with the conference regardless of the interim government’s stand.
‘Not mistreated’
Earlier, Reverend Waqairatu said he and the other church ministers were not mistreated by the police during their first detention.
“Actually they were members of the Methodist Church and they were concerned about their responsibility,” he said.
“We know that there was a little bit of worry that they showed in their facial expressions because they are taking the men of God. And we told them ‘Don’t you worry, just do your responsibility and we will do ours’. And we ended up, afternoon tea, and then a word of prayer.”
It’s believed they are being questioned in relation to the upcoming Methodist Church Conference planned for late August.
Among those arrested was former President of the Fiji Methodist Church, Reverend Manasa Lasaro; General Secretary, Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, the Secretary for Pastoral Ministry, Tomasi Kanailagi and the Church’s Finance Secretary Viliame Gonelevu.
The Chief of Rewa, Rotemumu Kepa, who was to host the conference, has also been arrested and detained.
Observers say at least three military vehicles turned up at their respective residences last night and picked them up.
Reverend Waqairatu was also among five Methodist Church leaders and another five lay people, who were taken in for questioning by the military regime yesterday.
The interim government authorities are not talking about their action, but Reverend Waqairatu had earlier said that it was in relation to conference.
The Church is planning to go ahead with the conference regardless of the interim government’s stand.
‘Not mistreated’
Earlier, Reverend Waqairatu said he and the other church ministers were not mistreated by the police during their first detention.
“Actually they were members of the Methodist Church and they were concerned about their responsibility,” he said.
“We know that there was a little bit of worry that they showed in their facial expressions because they are taking the men of God. And we told them ‘Don’t you worry, just do your responsibility and we will do ours’. And we ended up, afternoon tea, and then a word of prayer.”
Paramount chief’s letter distributed widely
There are reports that Ro Teimumu Kepa’s open letter to her people in Rewa has been translated and distributed widely in Fiji by some cell groups.
Sources say that there seem to be some kind of “Fijian heralding” going on summoning indigenous Fijian people to show their support for the high chief and the clerics.
How and when is not clear.
It is also said that certain vigils will be taking place soon in organised venues.
Sources say that there seem to be some kind of “Fijian heralding” going on summoning indigenous Fijian people to show their support for the high chief and the clerics.
How and when is not clear.
It is also said that certain vigils will be taking place soon in organised venues.
Frank & Co. indirectly galvanizing indigenous Fijians together
Frank and Co. recent attempts to silence the masses by trying to scare them by detaining their Church and Village leaders, may very well be the thing that needed to be done to galvanise the Indigenous Fijian Community into one voice, fighting for one purpose, the return of a Democratically elected Government and the arrest of all those involved in this and past coups.The very thing Frank has tried to avoid, he, once again, has inevitably steered toward !
Fiji – A shameful police state
Day by day, this Military Government and the Military Police (that is what they have to be now called), take this country deeper and deeper into an evil “police state”.
At midnight, a whole group of police officers woke up Ro Temumu Kepa to take her to the Police Station.
Was she a dangerous criminal about to commit a crime at mid-night? Caught in the act? So dangerous as to require several police officers?
No. She is just an elderly woman, insisting on her basic human right to host an annual meeting of the Methodist Church of Fiji; the basic human right for all their Church members to participate at the meeting; their basic human right to discuss whatever issues affect their lives- economic, social or political. Who are the military to decide otherwise?
How demoralizing for professional police officers to blindly following this Military Government’s immoral orders, and treat this senior lady, Roko Tui Dreketi, like a common dangerous criminal.
They could have called on her in the morning. She was not running away from anyone. But no, the police had to mount a raid at midnight. Which evil person made that decision?
Notice that the media have been stopped from reporting on these immoral arrests and detentions.
Quite clearly, this military government and police have totally lost their way. Shame on them.
Shame on the Military Council and all the military-appointed Ministers who are going along with this evil immoral treasonous Military Government of Frank Bainimarama.
Shame on all those citizens and non-citizens who have taken appointments from this illegal Military Government and continue to do so.
Shame on all those coup supporters (all those in the NCBBF, CCF etc) who are now totally silent in the face of this onslaught on our people’s civil rights, while some make tiny bleating noises here and there, having helped to create this military monster over the last two and a half years.
Shame on all those businessmen who support Bainimarama and his immoral actions.
The blog-sites need to boldly name all of these coup supporters with pictures so that the ordinary public can identify them.
It is time that the rest of Fiji stops tolerating and associating with all these evil people who are destroying our country. When are we going to draw the line?
It is time for the ordinary decent folk to speak up, using their names. Do it on the blog-sites if the newspapers and TV won’t give you space.
As was said once before, if you do not speak up when others are taken away, “one day the evil ones will come for you, and there will be nobody left to speak for you”.
At midnight, a whole group of police officers woke up Ro Temumu Kepa to take her to the Police Station.
Was she a dangerous criminal about to commit a crime at mid-night? Caught in the act? So dangerous as to require several police officers?
No. She is just an elderly woman, insisting on her basic human right to host an annual meeting of the Methodist Church of Fiji; the basic human right for all their Church members to participate at the meeting; their basic human right to discuss whatever issues affect their lives- economic, social or political. Who are the military to decide otherwise?
How demoralizing for professional police officers to blindly following this Military Government’s immoral orders, and treat this senior lady, Roko Tui Dreketi, like a common dangerous criminal.
They could have called on her in the morning. She was not running away from anyone. But no, the police had to mount a raid at midnight. Which evil person made that decision?
Notice that the media have been stopped from reporting on these immoral arrests and detentions.
Quite clearly, this military government and police have totally lost their way. Shame on them.
Shame on the Military Council and all the military-appointed Ministers who are going along with this evil immoral treasonous Military Government of Frank Bainimarama.
Shame on all those citizens and non-citizens who have taken appointments from this illegal Military Government and continue to do so.
Shame on all those coup supporters (all those in the NCBBF, CCF etc) who are now totally silent in the face of this onslaught on our people’s civil rights, while some make tiny bleating noises here and there, having helped to create this military monster over the last two and a half years.
Shame on all those businessmen who support Bainimarama and his immoral actions.
The blog-sites need to boldly name all of these coup supporters with pictures so that the ordinary public can identify them.
It is time that the rest of Fiji stops tolerating and associating with all these evil people who are destroying our country. When are we going to draw the line?
It is time for the ordinary decent folk to speak up, using their names. Do it on the blog-sites if the newspapers and TV won’t give you space.
As was said once before, if you do not speak up when others are taken away, “one day the evil ones will come for you, and there will be nobody left to speak for you”.
Stay calm Fiji!
To all law-abiding citizens of Fiji!
I wrote in one of my earlier posting about the importance for Fiji to be driven by their principles rather than emotion.
As justified, one might feel in their emotions about the travesty unfolding in the island nation of Fiji, we cannot resort to an armed revolution.
Ro Teimumu has shown us how it is done. The battle lies in the spiritual.She has taken up fasting as she awaits in custody. She has a clear vision of what is to be achieved. Let us not be blinded by rage and calm our spirits.
Just simply stand up and follow her example. Do not resort to armed revolts, rather arm yourself with courage, faith, and love and you will cause bewilderment amongst the regime.
It would be like walking into the enemy’s camp without lifting a hand.
No armed revolution has benefited a nation. Even if one party thinks they have won at the expense of their fellow citizens, sadly, they are the real losers for they have to live with that guilt in their conscience.
Killing and suppressing others never creates a victor.
I have shared countless times of the importance of making our voices heard through acts of non-violence. History has proven that acts of non-violence against social injustice have always produced a more unifying spirit of love and forgiveness even in the face of violent suppression by regimes.
This is a revolution of love and faith..these are fruits of a prayerful individual.
If you consider yourself to be a man and woman of prayer…then you ought to be bearing these fruits.
The real battle lies in the spiritual; not in the physical.
I wrote in one of my earlier posting about the importance for Fiji to be driven by their principles rather than emotion.
As justified, one might feel in their emotions about the travesty unfolding in the island nation of Fiji, we cannot resort to an armed revolution.
Ro Teimumu has shown us how it is done. The battle lies in the spiritual.She has taken up fasting as she awaits in custody. She has a clear vision of what is to be achieved. Let us not be blinded by rage and calm our spirits.
Just simply stand up and follow her example. Do not resort to armed revolts, rather arm yourself with courage, faith, and love and you will cause bewilderment amongst the regime.
It would be like walking into the enemy’s camp without lifting a hand.
No armed revolution has benefited a nation. Even if one party thinks they have won at the expense of their fellow citizens, sadly, they are the real losers for they have to live with that guilt in their conscience.
Killing and suppressing others never creates a victor.
I have shared countless times of the importance of making our voices heard through acts of non-violence. History has proven that acts of non-violence against social injustice have always produced a more unifying spirit of love and forgiveness even in the face of violent suppression by regimes.
This is a revolution of love and faith..these are fruits of a prayerful individual.
If you consider yourself to be a man and woman of prayer…then you ought to be bearing these fruits.
The real battle lies in the spiritual; not in the physical.
Latest on Ro Temumu’s detention
Ro Teimumu is currently being interviewed at CID HQ in Toorak. She was picked up from Lomanikoro at midnight last night in the middle of her sleep. They took her to Central Police Station and then transfered her to CID HQ in Toorak this morning. She is being interviewed by 3 CID Officers – they just doing their job. Voreqe and Teleni who gave the orders have no guts to face Ro Teimumu or the Talatalas. Sa dua nai tovo lolovira qai vakaloloma – me da tu vakarau na Kai Viti baleta sa voleka na gauna meda yavala kina me qai macala o ira na yavu kaisi ra veiliutaki tiko qo.Make no mistake – this is like Hitler’s and Stalin’s days. Midnight arrests and detention.Civil disobedience is the key – all march to Rewa for meeting and sit down all over Fiji and lockdown the nation. Rewa, Naitasiri and Namosi (dont trust the Tailevuns) will lock down the capital. No guns are needed as happened to the Berlin Wall, the fall of the Soviet Union and in Thailand.AWAIT THE WORD WHICH WILL COME AT THE ANNOINTED TIME (makataka rawa o koya mo koba).ITS NOW OR NEVER.
Ro Temumu Fiji’s hero today
Ro Teimumu has led by example by not resisting arrest..I wouuldnt be surprised if she instructed her people not to interfere with the police at the village site.
Her calmness and peace of heart is already winning the officers who came to arrest her..they seem bewildered with the modest and calm responses they are receving from her and the Church Ministers! It is affecting them already.
I learnt from a Marist Brother during my days in school that, “to respond in kindness and quiet demure to threats has the same effect of heaping hot coals on yr enemy’s heads”.
Perhaps this is what the regime is beginning to experience…”the hot coal effect is taking effect”.
Let us stand by a real leader who now has risen in our midst. She is the ‘David’ of today.
Her calmness and peace of heart is already winning the officers who came to arrest her..they seem bewildered with the modest and calm responses they are receving from her and the Church Ministers! It is affecting them already.
I learnt from a Marist Brother during my days in school that, “to respond in kindness and quiet demure to threats has the same effect of heaping hot coals on yr enemy’s heads”.
Perhaps this is what the regime is beginning to experience…”the hot coal effect is taking effect”.
Let us stand by a real leader who now has risen in our midst. She is the ‘David’ of today.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Teleni’s Last Stand!
Well people tomorrow at 9:00 am Tuesday july 21 09 is D Day for the Police Force. On the Nasova parade ground all officers have been told to report by 7: 00am for parade to be dressed down and up by the boss. It will be more of the Lamu Lamu!,Lamu Sona! and Liu Muri! Rousing rhetoric and Don’t mess with my Jesus! shouting display as Teleni draws the line between the so called loyal cops (fall yarrh!!) and the liu muri , arghe piche ones.
To all loyal cops, your boss has committed high treason with Frank. Stand Up and defend the constitution which is still alive. Send the Daunisai worshipper home to where he belongs- Naboro!
Teleni and Mere could not bear children for the first 12 years of their marriage until they were freed of their Daunisai satanic worship by a evangelical pastor.
To all loyal cops, your boss has committed high treason with Frank. Stand Up and defend the constitution which is still alive. Send the Daunisai worshipper home to where he belongs- Naboro!
Teleni and Mere could not bear children for the first 12 years of their marriage until they were freed of their Daunisai satanic worship by a evangelical pastor.
Commissioner Teleni Methodist Mission Impossible
New to hand that Comish Teleni is dead scared of the upcoming standoff with the Methodist Church who are as resolute as Joske’s thumb to stick it up the regime’s ‘How’s your Father’ come next month.Inside sources from Nasova say that their top rotund rogue cop has sent the Police Force’s officially appointed Methodist Minister (not his brother Vulaono’s New Methodist bullshit ministry) on a hearts and mind campaign to convince fellow ministers not to back the Church’s stand to go ahead with the Bose ko Viti in Rewa next month.
We say to the Comish Teleni the roque Cop of the century, getting your brother’s New Methodist to splinter the Methodist Church and now using the officially appointed Methodist Police Force’s Minster in such a politically vile and sinister way shows your convoluted evil intentions. Just like you and your family did in worshipping the heathen traditional god Daunisai during the 80’s and 90’s. Sa gai tobo o Van Dam. SWM ...MORE
We say to the Comish Teleni the roque Cop of the century, getting your brother’s New Methodist to splinter the Methodist Church and now using the officially appointed Methodist Police Force’s Minster in such a politically vile and sinister way shows your convoluted evil intentions. Just like you and your family did in worshipping the heathen traditional god Daunisai during the 80’s and 90’s. Sa gai tobo o Van Dam. SWM ...MORE
Soldier killed in latest Afghanistan explosion named as Rifleman Aminiasi Toge

Rifleman Aminiasi Toge, 26, was killed in Afghanistan whilst on patrol on Thursday.He is the 185th British soldier to be killed in the Afghanistan War.Rugby fanatic Aminiasi was known as Togey by his friends, and was born in Fiji.Sixteen British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan so far this month as Nato forces step up operations against the Taliban. Soldier killed in latest Afghanistan explosion named as Rifleman Aminiasi Toge
A British soldier killed in an explosion in southern Afghanistan has been named as Rifleman Aminiasi Toge from 2nd Battalion The Rifles.
Rifleman Toge, who would have turned 27 on Sunday, died while on a foot patrol near Gereshk in central Helmand Province on Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said. His death took the number of UK troops who have died in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001 to 185, six more than the total death toll in the Iraq war. Rifleman Toge, known as Togey by his friends, was born in Suva, Fiji, and leaves a twin brother, three sisters and his parents. He was from the same battalion as the five soldiers - three of them aged just 18 - who were killed during a foot patrol near the town of Sangin in central Helmand on July 10. Lieutenant Colonel Rob Thomson MBE, commanding officer of 2 Rifles, said Rifleman Toge was one of the toughest riflemen under his command and "was adored - heart-breakingly so - by all who had the privilege to encounter him". He said Fijian riflemen gathered in small groups across the Upper Sangin Valley today to remember him and bid him farewell.
185 British soldiers have now been killed in Afghanistan.
Number of dead servicemen from each UK nationEngland:
7Northern Ireland
: 3From abroad:
12Not released
: 28Cause of deathHostile
: 70%Accident
: 14%Friendly fire
: 3%Suicide
: 1%Other
: 13%Age19 and under
: 8%20-29: 67%30-39
: 18%40+
: 6%Not released
: 1%ServiceArmy
: 74%Royal Marines
: 18%RAF
: 8%Royal Navy
: 0%RankOfficers
: 11%Other ranks
: 83%Not released
: 6%"Rifleman Toge was my fastest Fijian and was known as 'Lightning'," he said. "He was smaller than most of my South Pacific heroes but no less robust, determined and wily with an oval ball under his arm. "And that was when he was at his happiest - on our (usually wet) pitch in Northern Ireland or throwing the ball around his FOB in the dust." He went on: "He had that uniquely infectious Fijian laugh and was a godly man who knew in whom he placed his trust. "We have lost a courageous man of great stature - there was no truer moral compass in the Battle Group but there was mischief too, all very appropriate and full of fun. "Rifleman Toge will be sorely missed and our first thoughts are with his family at this unimaginably difficult time." Sixteen British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan this month as Nato forces step up operations against the Taliban. Many died taking part in Operation Panchai Palang, or Panther's Claw, a major assault against insurgents in Helmand ahead of next month's Afghan elections. Some 3,000 troops are involved in the operation, which began on June 19 and has seen fierce fighting and significant casualties on both sides. But Rifleman Toge was killed in an explosion while on foot patrol close to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Keenan, near Gereshk in central Helmand Province. At the time of his death, his platoon were attached to C Squadron Light Dragoons as part of a Danish-led Battle Group, the MoD said. Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth said Rifleman Toge was "a strong, brave and popular soldier with a promising career ahead of him". Major Sam Plant, the officer commanding C squadron group of the Light Dragoons, described him as "very much a key player within his platoon". "He was a determined and skilful soldier who clearly enjoyed the trust and affection of his fellow men," he said. "This approach inspired those around him and he was ever present whenever a comrade needed help. He was an all round inspiration. "Forward Operating Base Keenan has lost a great man and a true team player." Captain Andy Huxter, 11 Platoon Commander of 2 Rifles, described Rifleman Toge as a man who was a "pleasure to command" and who "faced everything, including the cold - which he hated - with the broadest and brightest of smiles". "He was killed carrying his general purpose machine gun, the job he enjoyed most," he said. "My lasting memories will be of him running around in the FOB in the heat of an Afghan summer trying to warm up because it was too cold in the FOB 'pool'." Other senior officers described him as "a larger than life character who was forever lifting the spirits of his mates" and "a natural infantryman who was very proficient and professional". His fellow riflemen said he was "the easiest bloke to make friends with" and was "always smiling". Rifleman Robert Gatward said: "March to heaven and help guide us through these dark times. Never forget us as we shall never forget you." Rifleman Toge was posted to the 2 Rifles, based in Ballykinler, County Down, after he passed out in April 2008 and served in Kosovo before returning to the UK to start pre-deployment training for Afghanistan. He loved to travel, was a keen swimmer, and an outstanding rugby player who could open gaps in a defence with the deftest of steps before accelerating through with his extraordinary pace, the MoD said. Other Fijian-born UK soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan include: Fusilier Petero "Pat" Suesue, 28, of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who died in May this year; Trooper Ratu Babakobau, 29, of the Household Cavalry Regiment who died in May last year, and Ranger Anare Draiva, 27, of 1 Royal Irish Regiment who died in September 2006. Thousands of people lined the streets of Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire on Tuesday to pay their respects as the bodies of eight soldiers killed in a bloody 24-hour period last week were brought back to the UK. There has been intense controversy in recent weeks about whether the Government is providing enough resources for UK forces in Afghanistan. In particular former defence chiefs and opposition politicians have warned that a shortage of helicopters in Afghanistan could be putting British lives at risk (the British Army has almost 700 helicopters but only a tiny fraction are in Afghanistan). Prime Minister Gordon Brown insisted yesterday that UK troops were "properly equipped" and promised: "We will do whatever is necessary and what is right to equip our Armed Forces."
A British soldier killed in an explosion in southern Afghanistan has been named as Rifleman Aminiasi Toge from 2nd Battalion The Rifles.
Rifleman Toge, who would have turned 27 on Sunday, died while on a foot patrol near Gereshk in central Helmand Province on Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said. His death took the number of UK troops who have died in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001 to 185, six more than the total death toll in the Iraq war. Rifleman Toge, known as Togey by his friends, was born in Suva, Fiji, and leaves a twin brother, three sisters and his parents. He was from the same battalion as the five soldiers - three of them aged just 18 - who were killed during a foot patrol near the town of Sangin in central Helmand on July 10. Lieutenant Colonel Rob Thomson MBE, commanding officer of 2 Rifles, said Rifleman Toge was one of the toughest riflemen under his command and "was adored - heart-breakingly so - by all who had the privilege to encounter him". He said Fijian riflemen gathered in small groups across the Upper Sangin Valley today to remember him and bid him farewell.
185 British soldiers have now been killed in Afghanistan.
Number of dead servicemen from each UK nationEngland:
7Northern Ireland
: 3From abroad:
12Not released
: 28Cause of deathHostile
: 70%Accident
: 14%Friendly fire
: 3%Suicide
: 1%Other
: 13%Age19 and under
: 8%20-29: 67%30-39
: 18%40+
: 6%Not released
: 1%ServiceArmy
: 74%Royal Marines
: 18%RAF
: 8%Royal Navy
: 0%RankOfficers
: 11%Other ranks
: 83%Not released
: 6%"Rifleman Toge was my fastest Fijian and was known as 'Lightning'," he said. "He was smaller than most of my South Pacific heroes but no less robust, determined and wily with an oval ball under his arm. "And that was when he was at his happiest - on our (usually wet) pitch in Northern Ireland or throwing the ball around his FOB in the dust." He went on: "He had that uniquely infectious Fijian laugh and was a godly man who knew in whom he placed his trust. "We have lost a courageous man of great stature - there was no truer moral compass in the Battle Group but there was mischief too, all very appropriate and full of fun. "Rifleman Toge will be sorely missed and our first thoughts are with his family at this unimaginably difficult time." Sixteen British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan this month as Nato forces step up operations against the Taliban. Many died taking part in Operation Panchai Palang, or Panther's Claw, a major assault against insurgents in Helmand ahead of next month's Afghan elections. Some 3,000 troops are involved in the operation, which began on June 19 and has seen fierce fighting and significant casualties on both sides. But Rifleman Toge was killed in an explosion while on foot patrol close to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Keenan, near Gereshk in central Helmand Province. At the time of his death, his platoon were attached to C Squadron Light Dragoons as part of a Danish-led Battle Group, the MoD said. Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth said Rifleman Toge was "a strong, brave and popular soldier with a promising career ahead of him". Major Sam Plant, the officer commanding C squadron group of the Light Dragoons, described him as "very much a key player within his platoon". "He was a determined and skilful soldier who clearly enjoyed the trust and affection of his fellow men," he said. "This approach inspired those around him and he was ever present whenever a comrade needed help. He was an all round inspiration. "Forward Operating Base Keenan has lost a great man and a true team player." Captain Andy Huxter, 11 Platoon Commander of 2 Rifles, described Rifleman Toge as a man who was a "pleasure to command" and who "faced everything, including the cold - which he hated - with the broadest and brightest of smiles". "He was killed carrying his general purpose machine gun, the job he enjoyed most," he said. "My lasting memories will be of him running around in the FOB in the heat of an Afghan summer trying to warm up because it was too cold in the FOB 'pool'." Other senior officers described him as "a larger than life character who was forever lifting the spirits of his mates" and "a natural infantryman who was very proficient and professional". His fellow riflemen said he was "the easiest bloke to make friends with" and was "always smiling". Rifleman Robert Gatward said: "March to heaven and help guide us through these dark times. Never forget us as we shall never forget you." Rifleman Toge was posted to the 2 Rifles, based in Ballykinler, County Down, after he passed out in April 2008 and served in Kosovo before returning to the UK to start pre-deployment training for Afghanistan. He loved to travel, was a keen swimmer, and an outstanding rugby player who could open gaps in a defence with the deftest of steps before accelerating through with his extraordinary pace, the MoD said. Other Fijian-born UK soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan include: Fusilier Petero "Pat" Suesue, 28, of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who died in May this year; Trooper Ratu Babakobau, 29, of the Household Cavalry Regiment who died in May last year, and Ranger Anare Draiva, 27, of 1 Royal Irish Regiment who died in September 2006. Thousands of people lined the streets of Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire on Tuesday to pay their respects as the bodies of eight soldiers killed in a bloody 24-hour period last week were brought back to the UK. There has been intense controversy in recent weeks about whether the Government is providing enough resources for UK forces in Afghanistan. In particular former defence chiefs and opposition politicians have warned that a shortage of helicopters in Afghanistan could be putting British lives at risk (the British Army has almost 700 helicopters but only a tiny fraction are in Afghanistan). Prime Minister Gordon Brown insisted yesterday that UK troops were "properly equipped" and promised: "We will do whatever is necessary and what is right to equip our Armed Forces."
Fiji’s economy spiralling out of control
Yes people, hang onto your wallets as the illegal regime tries to squeeze more funds anyhow to run a lifeless corpse of a nation let alone a clueless and corrupt government.
Read the latest draconian mind boggling methods as proposed by coup apologist Serulagilagi.
PSC hopes 5000 take up offer
The Public Service Commission is looking at close to 5000 civil servants who are on the verge of retiring to take up the voluntary redundancy packages being offered.
PSC Chairman Josefa Serulagilagi confirmed that they have put together a proposal and it is with Frank Bainimarama, who will make the decision on whether they will go ahead with the proposed plan.
Serulagilagi said that if Frank is happy with what the PSC has planned on the redundancy packages, then they will prepare another proposal seeking cabinet approval.
Serulagilagi said with the voluntary redundancy packages they are hoping to save 20 percent on the current cost of civi service.
We say to Serulagilagi, the solution is simple – go rewrite your proposal as :
1) Start with downsizing the army like PNG has done and send the 3000 soldiers to plant tavioka for Jim AkHoys ethanol plant
Read the latest draconian mind boggling methods as proposed by coup apologist Serulagilagi.
PSC hopes 5000 take up offer
The Public Service Commission is looking at close to 5000 civil servants who are on the verge of retiring to take up the voluntary redundancy packages being offered.
PSC Chairman Josefa Serulagilagi confirmed that they have put together a proposal and it is with Frank Bainimarama, who will make the decision on whether they will go ahead with the proposed plan.
Serulagilagi said that if Frank is happy with what the PSC has planned on the redundancy packages, then they will prepare another proposal seeking cabinet approval.
Serulagilagi said with the voluntary redundancy packages they are hoping to save 20 percent on the current cost of civi service.
We say to Serulagilagi, the solution is simple – go rewrite your proposal as :
1) Start with downsizing the army like PNG has done and send the 3000 soldiers to plant tavioka for Jim AkHoys ethanol plant
Gautam Ramswarup’s incompetency at PriceWaterHouse
Many people have commented on Gautam Ramswarup’s incompetence and the shock and disbelief surrounding his appointment as the new Chairman of FSC. It is also being revealed that he is on an overseas junket now which is going to cost FSC $150,000. This is very serious.
I left Fiji in 1983. But I was a junior employee at Price Waterhouse,Suva in the early 1970’s when Ramswarup was member of the PW mangement consulting Division. I remember very vividly how he used to flutter around the office talking big, foulmouthing and talking down others and disturbing thesecretaries and other staff. This used to be his routine day in and day out- a tradition he successsfully maintained,i am told in FSC as well. He always talked low of the USP graduates.
The worst and most unethical consequence of his widely known unproductivity and inability to apply himself to any serious work was his habit of arbitrarily charging the clients.
Of course it did not take long for the expatriate partners of Price Waterhouse and the sole local partner Bhaskar Bhindi to express their grave concerns and take immediate action. Despite, many rumours of internal disciplinary action and counselling , he showed no improvement and was discreetly asked to leave. His savior came in the form of Rasheed Ali who knowing well his general incompetence offerred him a Management Accountants job-well protected from the rigours of financial accounting.
He developed such a deep vendetta against Price Waterhouse after he was virtually asked to leave , that a few years later he engineered the move to appoint Peat Marvick Mitchell ( now KPMG)as the extenal auditors of FSC in place of the existing auditors Price Waterhouse. Everybody in the accounting fraternity knew about Ramswarup’s personal association with one of the two local Peat Marvick Partners by the name of Abdul Khan who later was fired himself. Some junior staff who had studied in Auckland were themselves aware of the mediocrity of Khan as a professional person and the fact that he passed one of the acoounting papers only after his third attempt.
Birds of the same feather flock together as they say and certainly Ramswarup and Abdul Khan had a lot in common , not the least of which was their proven mediocrity.
I left Fiji in 1983. But I was a junior employee at Price Waterhouse,Suva in the early 1970’s when Ramswarup was member of the PW mangement consulting Division. I remember very vividly how he used to flutter around the office talking big, foulmouthing and talking down others and disturbing thesecretaries and other staff. This used to be his routine day in and day out- a tradition he successsfully maintained,i am told in FSC as well. He always talked low of the USP graduates.
The worst and most unethical consequence of his widely known unproductivity and inability to apply himself to any serious work was his habit of arbitrarily charging the clients.
Of course it did not take long for the expatriate partners of Price Waterhouse and the sole local partner Bhaskar Bhindi to express their grave concerns and take immediate action. Despite, many rumours of internal disciplinary action and counselling , he showed no improvement and was discreetly asked to leave. His savior came in the form of Rasheed Ali who knowing well his general incompetence offerred him a Management Accountants job-well protected from the rigours of financial accounting.
He developed such a deep vendetta against Price Waterhouse after he was virtually asked to leave , that a few years later he engineered the move to appoint Peat Marvick Mitchell ( now KPMG)as the extenal auditors of FSC in place of the existing auditors Price Waterhouse. Everybody in the accounting fraternity knew about Ramswarup’s personal association with one of the two local Peat Marvick Partners by the name of Abdul Khan who later was fired himself. Some junior staff who had studied in Auckland were themselves aware of the mediocrity of Khan as a professional person and the fact that he passed one of the acoounting papers only after his third attempt.
Birds of the same feather flock together as they say and certainly Ramswarup and Abdul Khan had a lot in common , not the least of which was their proven mediocrity.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
MPs convicted for breaking the law in a democracy
Reading the Courier Mail made me think that Fijian citizens must keep fighting for their Democracy so that all coup perpetrators can be convicted for the act of treason carried out on the 5th of December, 2006. Here in Australia Gordon Nuttall is the latest in a long list of Australian politicians jailed for serious criminal offences in the last 22 years. Gordon Nuttall gets 7 years for receiving secret commissions. The other 12 former MPs including state premiers have been convicted of serious crimes ranging from accepting bribes, stealing from the public purse, sex offences, falsely obtaining money from parliamentary travel account, stealing through false travel claims, for travel rorts, rape, fraud, bribery, electoral fraud and blackmail. These are serious crimes, so it should be a foregone conclusion that those who have accorded Frank’s regime “legitimacy” and have taken up positions should be convicted when the time comes. Gordon Nutall’s ignominious demise has demonstrated that the state of Queensland’s criminal investigation and justice system does work. The same can happen when Fiji is out of the murky world of the military regime, the conviction and demise of Frank and his team will also demonstrate that Fiji’s criminal investigation and justice system is working at its best and so should be the death of the coup culture. These criminals should never be allowed to get away with anything and must be hauled in before a criminal trial and subsequently jailed. Like Nutall, Frank and his men demonstrates both a hide thicker than a bullock’s and a complete disconnect with reality and the standards expected of people elected to public office let alone couped to get there. They should never be given another chance to serve as a member of parliament in any democracy. These people are “bad apples” and should be dealt with severely but sadly it will only be after the rotten fruit has fallen to the ground. Gary WhiteQLD
A poem for Driti and his military regime
We must all agree that any military regime will exploit their people to remain in power. This poem often answers that question many often ponder. Why? POWER HUNGRY The men that have gained great power from the barrel of the gunUsually does not have the mind to use itThe ones that we have in Fiji at this hourDo nothing more than abuse it. They tip the scales in their favourTo get just what they want and needThey do it to no regard to our futureBecause they are only driven by greed They use the people they controlLike pawns in a game of chessTo pull you into an empty holeAnd make your life a mess What makes a man’s heart turn sourAnd choose to take the wrong roadNothing but the hunger for money and powerAnd the yearning to be in control
Mills performance pathetic : farmers suffer
Fiji’s sugar industry is heading for collapse unless quick action is taken to set things right at FSC and its four mills.
The industry continues to lose millions as both FSC and the Sugar Ministry seem helpless to fix the four sugar mills which have been plagued with defects since the start of the season resulting in gross overall under- performance.
It is now confirmed that the first sugar shipment of 30,000 tonnes scheduled to have left the port of Lautoka on 15 July, did not materialise.
As of 13 July, the Corporation had only 15,000 tonnes of sugar in stock (9000 tonnes at Labasa and 6000 tonnes at Lautoka). This is only one-half of the quantity for a full shipload hence the delayed shipment.
The four mills crushed 218,382 tonnes of cane to 13th July, manufacturing about 15,000 tonnes of sugar. This gives a TCTS ratio of almost 15 tonnes of cane to one tonne of sugar – an alarming state of affairs!
TCTS at this time of the year should be around 8.5 tonnes of cane to a tonne of sugar. Using this as an indicator, the cane crushed so far should have produced 25,692 tonnes of sugar. There is therefore a shortfall of 10,692 tonnes which is worth around $11 million of which the farmers’ share comes to $8m or $3.20 per tonne of cane based on current crop estimates.
Individual Mill figures are as follows:
Mill Cane crushed Sugar made TCTSLautoka 43,039T 500T 86.0Penang 63,945 5500 11.63Labasa 109,186 9000 12.13Rarawai 2212 NIL –
It will be seen that cane crushed at Lautoka and Rarawai Mills has produced virtually no sugar. The Lautoka Mill has made just 500 tonnes of sugar from 43,039 tonnes of cane it has crushed since the mills began operating a month ago.
What a disgraceful state of affairs for the country’s largest sugar mill! And at a time like this when mills are under performing and FSC does not have enough sugar to meet shipment commitments, its chairman and CEO are away on a world junket.
The TCTS ratio at the Penang and Labasa Mills is high at 11.63 and 12.13 tonnes of cane to a tonne of sugar.
Will the sugar industry do anything to compel FSC to compensate growers for the colossal loss they have so far suffered? It does not seem so. It is now clear that the Ministry is in league with FSC. It is reported to be working on amendments to the Sugar Industry Master Award to give leverage to FSC and reduce the income of the growers.
The Ministry has already dismantled two important industry institutions, SCOF and the Sugar Marketing Company at the behest of Australian consultants hired by FSC. Growers who have a 70% stake in the sugar proceeds have been shut out of the marketing arm of the industry.
What further evidence does one need of the direction in which the Sugar Ministry is leaning?
The industry continues to lose millions as both FSC and the Sugar Ministry seem helpless to fix the four sugar mills which have been plagued with defects since the start of the season resulting in gross overall under- performance.
It is now confirmed that the first sugar shipment of 30,000 tonnes scheduled to have left the port of Lautoka on 15 July, did not materialise.
As of 13 July, the Corporation had only 15,000 tonnes of sugar in stock (9000 tonnes at Labasa and 6000 tonnes at Lautoka). This is only one-half of the quantity for a full shipload hence the delayed shipment.
The four mills crushed 218,382 tonnes of cane to 13th July, manufacturing about 15,000 tonnes of sugar. This gives a TCTS ratio of almost 15 tonnes of cane to one tonne of sugar – an alarming state of affairs!
TCTS at this time of the year should be around 8.5 tonnes of cane to a tonne of sugar. Using this as an indicator, the cane crushed so far should have produced 25,692 tonnes of sugar. There is therefore a shortfall of 10,692 tonnes which is worth around $11 million of which the farmers’ share comes to $8m or $3.20 per tonne of cane based on current crop estimates.
Individual Mill figures are as follows:
Mill Cane crushed Sugar made TCTSLautoka 43,039T 500T 86.0Penang 63,945 5500 11.63Labasa 109,186 9000 12.13Rarawai 2212 NIL –
It will be seen that cane crushed at Lautoka and Rarawai Mills has produced virtually no sugar. The Lautoka Mill has made just 500 tonnes of sugar from 43,039 tonnes of cane it has crushed since the mills began operating a month ago.
What a disgraceful state of affairs for the country’s largest sugar mill! And at a time like this when mills are under performing and FSC does not have enough sugar to meet shipment commitments, its chairman and CEO are away on a world junket.
The TCTS ratio at the Penang and Labasa Mills is high at 11.63 and 12.13 tonnes of cane to a tonne of sugar.
Will the sugar industry do anything to compel FSC to compensate growers for the colossal loss they have so far suffered? It does not seem so. It is now clear that the Ministry is in league with FSC. It is reported to be working on amendments to the Sugar Industry Master Award to give leverage to FSC and reduce the income of the growers.
The Ministry has already dismantled two important industry institutions, SCOF and the Sugar Marketing Company at the behest of Australian consultants hired by FSC. Growers who have a 70% stake in the sugar proceeds have been shut out of the marketing arm of the industry.
What further evidence does one need of the direction in which the Sugar Ministry is leaning?
FSC trio’s junket to New York, London, New Delhi
FSC top brass have embarked on an extensive overseas tour which will take them to New York, London and New Delhi.
It is reported the junket is funded by cash-strapped FSC to send its chairman Gautam Ram Swarup, CEO Deo Saran and consultant Rashid Ali to plead for concessions from the buyers of our sugar and the lenders of FSC’s mill upgrade programme.
In London, they will plead with Tate & Lyle, buyers f Fiji’s sugar, to allow FSC more time to fulfil its quota because it is hampered by serious milling problems and unable to ship agreed quantities of sugar on time.
Tate & Lyle is reportedly concerned about sad state of the industry here. It is pressing FSC to come clean with whether it is able to meet its obligations under the long term supply contract.
In New Delhi, the trio will seek an extension of the moratorium on FSC’s loan repayments to the Exim Bank of India. The Bank is financing the Corporation’s mill upgrade programme at a cost of about $86 million. Repayment instalments are due from this year when the five year grace granted in 2004 expires.
But the troubled FSC, broke as it is, will not be able to meet the repayment and is seeking an extension.
At this stage, the purpose of the trio’s venture to New York is not known but no doubt it has something to do with seeking long term cheap money to keep FSC’s mills grinding. The Corporation is unable to borrow locally.
NFU questions the wisdom of forking out travel costs for three executives at a time when FSC is technically bankrupt. Could not the exercise be undertaken by just the CEO or, better still, through teleconference?
The total cost of the junket could well be around $150,000
It is reported the junket is funded by cash-strapped FSC to send its chairman Gautam Ram Swarup, CEO Deo Saran and consultant Rashid Ali to plead for concessions from the buyers of our sugar and the lenders of FSC’s mill upgrade programme.
In London, they will plead with Tate & Lyle, buyers f Fiji’s sugar, to allow FSC more time to fulfil its quota because it is hampered by serious milling problems and unable to ship agreed quantities of sugar on time.
Tate & Lyle is reportedly concerned about sad state of the industry here. It is pressing FSC to come clean with whether it is able to meet its obligations under the long term supply contract.
In New Delhi, the trio will seek an extension of the moratorium on FSC’s loan repayments to the Exim Bank of India. The Bank is financing the Corporation’s mill upgrade programme at a cost of about $86 million. Repayment instalments are due from this year when the five year grace granted in 2004 expires.
But the troubled FSC, broke as it is, will not be able to meet the repayment and is seeking an extension.
At this stage, the purpose of the trio’s venture to New York is not known but no doubt it has something to do with seeking long term cheap money to keep FSC’s mills grinding. The Corporation is unable to borrow locally.
NFU questions the wisdom of forking out travel costs for three executives at a time when FSC is technically bankrupt. Could not the exercise be undertaken by just the CEO or, better still, through teleconference?
The total cost of the junket could well be around $150,000
Driti yearns for the power of the American eagle
We were so impressed with these two well thought of articles posted on the opposition site and with our thoughts would like to share it with others. The first comments has been deleted and could it be that Driti is now ashamed of the poem he wrote and had published in the Fiji Times because it was all about power. It was a solid piece of work and not difficult to work out what he was trying to say. “Powerful Eagle” according to Driti “powerful” in that the USA had control over others and the ability to exercise control and authority with strength or force exerted. It takes one to know one and this sounds all too familiar to all of us because of the way in which they themselves have obtained power. His poem is one we would not like to remember. His yearning for “power” and not realizing that the eagle is the national emblem of the US and is used to symbolize “freedom” not “power” was a big mistake because he exposed himself as a power hungry military man. As illustrated by Maude M. Grant the eagle was used to symbolize “freedom” and not “power.” On the backs of our gold coins, the silver dollar, the half dollar and the quarter, we see an eagle with outspread wings. On the Great Seal of the US and in many places which are exponents of our nation’s authority we see the same emblem. The eagle represents freedom. Living as he does on the tops of lofty mountains, amid the solitary grandeur of Nature, he has unlimited freedom, whether with strong pinions he sweeps into the valleys below, or upward into the boundless spaces beyond. It is said the eagle was used as a national emblem because, at one of the first battles of the Revolution ( which occurred early in the morning ) the noise of the struggle awoke the sleeping eagles on the heights and they flew from their nests and circled about over the heads of the fighting men, all the while giving vent to their raucous cries. “They are shrieking for Freedom,” said the patriots. Thus the eagle, full of the boundless spirit of freedom, living above the valleys, strong and powerful in his might, has become the national emblem of a country that offers freedom in word and thought and an opportunity for a full and free expansion into the boundless space of the future. It seems to us that the opposition site was ordered by Driti to delete the posting below. Like the poster said; “it is a shame that Driti had to associate the majestic eagle with his version of “power” and not “freedom.” fiji4all “Driti for someone that had the intellect to write such a poem and have it published in the Fiji Times you have no common sense and it is now no surprise that those fancy words used in that stupid poem was those of a person with a higher IQ than yours. To say that oversea’s people do not have any idea of the situation in Fiji in the 21st century with all its modern technology of communication is nonsensical and must be a joke!You wanted what you think is your macho image portrayed in public when that stupid poem was published.Your writer should have done more research when you decided you wanted to use the eagle, the national emblem of the United States to show the public the powers you have obtained from the barrel of the gun!Most often poems about birds we as readers learn some of the poet’s personal conditions and how he uses it to symbolize his thoughts. It wasn’t too difficult to work out what was in that corrupt head of yours.In case you haven’t worked it out, US have used the eagle as their national emblem to symbolize “freedom” something you have robbed the people of Fiji.How you must all wish you could turn Fiji into a powerful nation like the USA! In your dreams! I am wasting my time in here to try and change the mindset of those that still think you and your dictator are moving Fiji forward.Powerful EagleOh USA the powerful “Eagle” to you democracy is fair and the answer to life’s quandaries.Oh USA the powerful “Eagle” to invade Iraq and the present daily loss of lives is fair.Your own young lives wasted in the battle field of a foreign land and with the innocent, die everyday.Perhaps for democracy or perhaps for oil.Oh USA the powerful “Eagle” only you can invade another sovereign nation.But it is for democracy you the big powerful “Eagle” are always quick to declare.To an eagle there are no boundaries;To hunt is the eagle for whatever the spoil;For the nest is important and as for the oil.Oh USA the powerful “Eagle” you rule the skies and beyond the horizon are your dreams.The whole world to rule as the eagle spreads its wings.Oh USA who then are we, the nations, to dare?God Bless Fiji! Should be more like Please God Help Me! The eagle has its place on this planet and how dare you use it for your ego!” “In an interview with FijiLive this morning, Colonel Driti said no one is above the law.”Yeah right! “no one is above the law except them!”Driti you should write more poems on the magnificent eagle but this time in that it symbolizes “freedom” not “power” These poems may help you because after reading them it gave me an inner peace and a sense of freedom so if I am lucky it may just do the same for you and your supporters and allow us the joyous shout of liberty!Below are lines from the splendid poems. The brilliant poets have used the eagle to represent freedom, living on the tops of lofty mountains, amid the solitary grandeur of Nature, the magnificent bird has unlimited freedom.
The Eagle A Fragment by Alfred Tennyson -”He watches from his mountain wall”The American Eagle by C.W. Thompson -“The joyous shout of liberty”The Eagle of Freedom by Alfred B. Street – “O, the Eagle of Freedom”The Eagle by James Gates Percival – “Thy home is high in heaven”The Bald Eagle by Don R. Wilkins – “A symbol for the strong and free I fly with no regret”From An Eagle’s View by Stacy Smith – “Have you ever wondered to fly free”Majestic Dreams by Stacy Smith – “Our national emblem gracing the sky”
The Eagle A Fragment by Alfred Tennyson -”He watches from his mountain wall”The American Eagle by C.W. Thompson -“The joyous shout of liberty”The Eagle of Freedom by Alfred B. Street – “O, the Eagle of Freedom”The Eagle by James Gates Percival – “Thy home is high in heaven”The Bald Eagle by Don R. Wilkins – “A symbol for the strong and free I fly with no regret”From An Eagle’s View by Stacy Smith – “Have you ever wondered to fly free”Majestic Dreams by Stacy Smith – “Our national emblem gracing the sky”
Ajmal Khan termination show lack of judicial independence
The termination of Ajmal khan is another reminder of the lack of judicial independence and freedom in Fiji. Never in the judicial history of Fiji nor indeed in any democratic country has a Chief Magistrate been removed without the authorities making the reasons public.
The essence of good governance is public accountability and transparency. When is this AG and Bainimarama going to abide by those centuries old canons of civilised society.
Ajmal Kann’s late father Mr. Gulab Khan was person of remarkable social standing and widely respected. His contributions to Nadi and indeed to the people of Fiji ranks amongst the most outstanding citizens of Fiji.
That a jonny come late like Aiyaz can destroy the legacy of such a fine man is a shame on Fiji. I will tell you also that I not related to him .
The essence of good governance is public accountability and transparency. When is this AG and Bainimarama going to abide by those centuries old canons of civilised society.
Ajmal Kann’s late father Mr. Gulab Khan was person of remarkable social standing and widely respected. His contributions to Nadi and indeed to the people of Fiji ranks amongst the most outstanding citizens of Fiji.
That a jonny come late like Aiyaz can destroy the legacy of such a fine man is a shame on Fiji. I will tell you also that I not related to him .
Sakiusa Tuisolia travel ban
The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) is trying to stop former Airports Fiji Ltd chief executive Sakiusa Tuisolia from travelling to New Zealand.
FICAC lawyer Aca Rayawa told Suva High Court judge Justice Daniel Gounder that Tuisolia intended to travel to Auckland on Sunday for job interviews, the Fiji Times reported.
He was charged with 22 counts of abuse of office and 22 counts of false pretence by the commission in the wake of the military overthrow of Fiji’s elected government, and pleaded not guilty.
Rayawa said the commission wanted to have Tuisolia’s bail variations revoked even though he had previously been permitted to travel overseas.
Judge Gounder instructed Tuisolia to postpone his planned visit on Sunday until FICAC’s motion is dealt with sometime next week.
Tuisolia was dismissed in December 2006 as chief executive of the government-owned Airports Fiji, by the military administration that seized power in a earlier that month coup.
The allegations about his management of the company subsequently
FICAC lawyer Aca Rayawa told Suva High Court judge Justice Daniel Gounder that Tuisolia intended to travel to Auckland on Sunday for job interviews, the Fiji Times reported.
He was charged with 22 counts of abuse of office and 22 counts of false pretence by the commission in the wake of the military overthrow of Fiji’s elected government, and pleaded not guilty.
Rayawa said the commission wanted to have Tuisolia’s bail variations revoked even though he had previously been permitted to travel overseas.
Judge Gounder instructed Tuisolia to postpone his planned visit on Sunday until FICAC’s motion is dealt with sometime next week.
Tuisolia was dismissed in December 2006 as chief executive of the government-owned Airports Fiji, by the military administration that seized power in a earlier that month coup.
The allegations about his management of the company subsequently
Fiji needs new balanced leadership blood
true man of character is not one that steals. Funny how people make reference to God after they get caught doing something that they knew it was wrong in the first place. Irrespective of his humbleness he still committed a crime and was found guilty.
When you do the crime you pay for it. He just happened to be caught- how many others have not been? The leadership of our country is shameful to put it plain and simple.
Its time for a change- completely eradicate people whether they have been through the yellow or blue or whatever campaign- its time for new blood.
There’s a generation of people who have the qualities to lead our country that we haven’t even tapped into. Our older generation has failed us and we continue to forgive and forget- like we haven’t got a choice.
We do have that choice. The people of Fiji need to start thinking long and hard between now and when Fiji returns to democracy about who exactly should be there to lead us.
Let us not go back to the people who have led us astray. Let us think about people who are competent enough to call a spade a spade and who is willing to step aside when their time is up for the next generation to lead.
We need people who are able to articulate the importance of keeping our culture and traditions which is our identity. At the end of the day it is about keeping this alive but at the same token acknowledging the diverse cultures that have come to make Fiji their home.
The clean up campaign is yet to come. But its time of the old guard to step aside and its time for Fiji to usher in the next generation of good, strong, educated leaders who are able to balance culture, religion and politics. And that is a skill that is rare to be found.
When you do the crime you pay for it. He just happened to be caught- how many others have not been? The leadership of our country is shameful to put it plain and simple.
Its time for a change- completely eradicate people whether they have been through the yellow or blue or whatever campaign- its time for new blood.
There’s a generation of people who have the qualities to lead our country that we haven’t even tapped into. Our older generation has failed us and we continue to forgive and forget- like we haven’t got a choice.
We do have that choice. The people of Fiji need to start thinking long and hard between now and when Fiji returns to democracy about who exactly should be there to lead us.
Let us not go back to the people who have led us astray. Let us think about people who are competent enough to call a spade a spade and who is willing to step aside when their time is up for the next generation to lead.
We need people who are able to articulate the importance of keeping our culture and traditions which is our identity. At the end of the day it is about keeping this alive but at the same token acknowledging the diverse cultures that have come to make Fiji their home.
The clean up campaign is yet to come. But its time of the old guard to step aside and its time for Fiji to usher in the next generation of good, strong, educated leaders who are able to balance culture, religion and politics. And that is a skill that is rare to be found.
Young military police recruits don’t know any better than their tyrant superiors
What concerns me is the last passing out parade by the police and the military. The majority of those that have passed out would have been around 19 and in their early 20s?
What concerns me is the use of young people in enticing them into institutions which has a culture of following orders without reason. The police has reverted to para-military practices- although the religious ‘enlightening’ bit is just window dressing and part of the military propaganda to keep the people of Fiji diverted. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work that one out if delve into military propaganda strategies.
But let me get to the point. The recruitment of young people into the institution is something we all need to be worried about. Should there be civil unrest- who will be the first ones deployed onto the streets? Those of course who have had experience but more so those who are fresh in the job and in their mindset, they are ‘conditioned’ to follow orders at any cost.
Regardless of whether you are family or foe, there minds will be conditioned to see black and white and nothing else. This is the danger.
Therefore we must counteract this at the local level- in our homes.
Parents must be more vigilant than ever in speaking to their young people about what is the right thing to do if and when civil unrest take place- which is inevitable. It must be preached from the pulpit more than ever about the conscience and the right thing to do if and when something happens.
Why am I saying this? Because let me make this clear- when these recruits get into the workplace, they are being conditioned to see things in black and white 24/7. They are taught about loyalty to the uniform and institution at any cost.
It is then our responsibility as the wider community, to then do our part in the home and in places of worship regardless of race and creed.
Let us be conscious that at the end of the day, these people are not going to give over easily- they are in protection mode to the highest degree for there is no way out for them. So how much more must we proactively be preparing ourselves and the impressionable minds of our children and young adults?
Even more so than ever..
What concerns me is the use of young people in enticing them into institutions which has a culture of following orders without reason. The police has reverted to para-military practices- although the religious ‘enlightening’ bit is just window dressing and part of the military propaganda to keep the people of Fiji diverted. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work that one out if delve into military propaganda strategies.
But let me get to the point. The recruitment of young people into the institution is something we all need to be worried about. Should there be civil unrest- who will be the first ones deployed onto the streets? Those of course who have had experience but more so those who are fresh in the job and in their mindset, they are ‘conditioned’ to follow orders at any cost.
Regardless of whether you are family or foe, there minds will be conditioned to see black and white and nothing else. This is the danger.
Therefore we must counteract this at the local level- in our homes.
Parents must be more vigilant than ever in speaking to their young people about what is the right thing to do if and when civil unrest take place- which is inevitable. It must be preached from the pulpit more than ever about the conscience and the right thing to do if and when something happens.
Why am I saying this? Because let me make this clear- when these recruits get into the workplace, they are being conditioned to see things in black and white 24/7. They are taught about loyalty to the uniform and institution at any cost.
It is then our responsibility as the wider community, to then do our part in the home and in places of worship regardless of race and creed.
Let us be conscious that at the end of the day, these people are not going to give over easily- they are in protection mode to the highest degree for there is no way out for them. So how much more must we proactively be preparing ourselves and the impressionable minds of our children and young adults?
Even more so than ever..
Big deal Aiyaz Khaiyum!
Was quite hilarious hearing iAG over the radio, in his most serious tone (the one he uses for diversionary tactics), telling one and all that his puppet regime is changing the marriageable age in Fiji for females from 16 to 18yrs (males of course, remained at 18yrs).
Like hellooo! Firstly, what are the statistics (in the last 5 -7 years) that parents in Fiji were rushing to marry off their daughters when they’re still barely out of their teens?
This lulu iAG tells us that these changes will ’stop the practice of female children being regarded as commodities and sold for financial gain’. Yeah right…16 or 18yrs..what’s with the 2 year difference, and if that were indeed a problem, what is there to stop it from continuing or even escalating given our dire economic circumstances?
Sadly, nothing boojoo!
Secondly, what is the rationale behind this so-called ‘equalizing’ the marriageable age at 18yrs for both sexes (pls don’t bore me with yr interpretation of equal rights for women/females)… when I understand that the earlier threshold at 16yrs for females reflected society’s sound recognition of the female sex as the more emotionally mature of the two, of the same age. And was that not a biological fact then as it is now??
Inanycase, I am told that even at 16yrs (for females) and 18yrs (for males), both had still needed parental consent before marrying under Fiji’s laws and if parental consent was withheld, then they could turn to the Court for a decision, which of course the Court would carefully weigh in the light of clear parental disapproval to one or both parties.
But now, with the IDIOT iAG informing us that parental consent for marriage that existed for both minors will be abolished; the safeguards for young, impulsive, ill-prepared, ill-equipped and infatuated couples who mostly can’t tell the difference between love and lust, is practically gone! And sadly, those losers with New Methodical Kei Atu style church will gladly step in to fill the vacuum with their stupid preachings on the roles of husband and wife. Goodness me, even the courts won’t be able to protect these youngsters from themselves.
Personally, I would rather if the marriageable age for both sexes was increased to 25yrs, with or without parental consent, BUT with the prerequisite that engaged couples undergo compulsory marital counseling with qualified marriage counselors (certainly not with the kei Atu types kere2!)
That just might go a long way in reducing the increasing stats on divorce with all its related social ills for affected families, aside from the costs that has to be borne by us, the poor taxpayers of this country.
Shame on you AIYAZ, pls try another tactic. Loser.
Like hellooo! Firstly, what are the statistics (in the last 5 -7 years) that parents in Fiji were rushing to marry off their daughters when they’re still barely out of their teens?
This lulu iAG tells us that these changes will ’stop the practice of female children being regarded as commodities and sold for financial gain’. Yeah right…16 or 18yrs..what’s with the 2 year difference, and if that were indeed a problem, what is there to stop it from continuing or even escalating given our dire economic circumstances?
Sadly, nothing boojoo!
Secondly, what is the rationale behind this so-called ‘equalizing’ the marriageable age at 18yrs for both sexes (pls don’t bore me with yr interpretation of equal rights for women/females)… when I understand that the earlier threshold at 16yrs for females reflected society’s sound recognition of the female sex as the more emotionally mature of the two, of the same age. And was that not a biological fact then as it is now??
Inanycase, I am told that even at 16yrs (for females) and 18yrs (for males), both had still needed parental consent before marrying under Fiji’s laws and if parental consent was withheld, then they could turn to the Court for a decision, which of course the Court would carefully weigh in the light of clear parental disapproval to one or both parties.
But now, with the IDIOT iAG informing us that parental consent for marriage that existed for both minors will be abolished; the safeguards for young, impulsive, ill-prepared, ill-equipped and infatuated couples who mostly can’t tell the difference between love and lust, is practically gone! And sadly, those losers with New Methodical Kei Atu style church will gladly step in to fill the vacuum with their stupid preachings on the roles of husband and wife. Goodness me, even the courts won’t be able to protect these youngsters from themselves.
Personally, I would rather if the marriageable age for both sexes was increased to 25yrs, with or without parental consent, BUT with the prerequisite that engaged couples undergo compulsory marital counseling with qualified marriage counselors (certainly not with the kei Atu types kere2!)
That just might go a long way in reducing the increasing stats on divorce with all its related social ills for affected families, aside from the costs that has to be borne by us, the poor taxpayers of this country.
Shame on you AIYAZ, pls try another tactic. Loser.
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