The lies and untruths of this pathetic fairy have been exposed today for the whole world to see [ again ].
The NZ government is steadfast in the explanation of their treatment of the illegal wonabee judge. They DID NOT refuse her a visa as they kept her passport whilst they sorted out the compassionate grounds. gates should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for trying to put blame on such a compassionate administration as NZ.
Maybe the poor poofter's piles are playing up and he needs to go to NZ for surgery.
Of course he can't go to India for his treatment as he knows that he would leave their hospital / butcher shop minus a kidney.
To make it worse for the irrational lunatic, the Australian govt today refuted his nonsense of them refusing visas for the pathetic fools coming from Ceylon to prop up a failing military junta.
It was wonderful for the Australian govt to tell these desperate for work idiots that they would not be allowed into Australia once they have taken an illegal oath.
They have not realised that the international legal system will now black-ball them along with gates and connors.
Talk about small fish in a big pond.
Whilst these fools are in Fiji, they may like to explain their part in the killing of so many of their countrymen. Perhaps these pathetic individuals are getting out of Celyon before their crimes catch up with them.
To sum this missive up, garter clade gates has again been proved to be a fool, an idiot and a liar by the international community.
Maybe he will respond by citing again the "Magna Carta".