That's a good piece by the Australian, EFT. Now they know where to hit where it hurts. We have been saying the very same thing over and over again that the UN needs to repatriate Fiji's peace keepers for the following reasons. One to demonstrate to the illegal regime which is run by the military that it cannot be accepted to keep the peace abroad when it itself breaks the law at home and secondly to hurt these same sods economically and to embarass them for being a pariah in the international community. For some sad reasons the UN has failed the people of Fiji miserably. Its time for them to make atonement and take action immediately and cancel all peace keeping contracts asap. The soldiers will only be restored to these duties when a legal civilian government is in power.
Another terrible news is the PER has been extended for another month. This of course has been expected since they are enjoying this enforced gagging of the people's freedom of expression. What is sad though is that it has passed without a murmur and any form of protestation from anyone. Whilst it may be expected from the mainstream media in Fiji it should raise alarm in the informal ones and overeas press. Every month our rights are being deprived and it seems to be a deliberate attempt by the military regime each time to add insult to injury by putting it to our face at regular intervals.