@ Budhau.
You have no idea who & what your dealing with – which is good – keeps us amused – you confused. Valid & heartening point about Macuate & its recources which you & your predatory bretheren are continually exploiting – 25% gone – 75% to get rid of – tick tick tick…And no you are again wrong again- the traditional don't want them back. No racism or hatred in this – simply a cultural reality.
You somehow labour under the mistaken illusion that colonialism only applies to the British? Sorry but its an ongoing phenomenon – essence of the word means 'too colonise' – a task you have failed at in Viti.
Repeat – you are not Fijian – you never will be reconised as a Fijian – here or anywhere else – everywhere you go in this world identifies you as Indians – thats not racist more a reality that you won't acknowledge.
Your only claim to Fiji is that your an Indian born here – get over it.
My advise is concentrate on the declining 75% of your invasion force who'll be stranded here – especially those currently being exploited in the Olosara sector – scapegoats for your bretherens gross incompetence & greed. I mean what sort of culture are you? Bringing 'slave labour' from India to upgrade the mills – come on?
Tell you something? Right now you (Indians) are being set up as fall guys – when all this eventually comes to its inevitable conclusion & blows up – guess who'll bear the backlash? Not you and your like who'll bolt back overseas at the first hint of trouble – but those poor 'buggers' you'll leave behind. As for mental related issues? Imagine you know a lot about such things?