September 19, 2009 at 7:40 am
Budhau you ulukau, no immagination and total BLOCKHEAD,the Indians you see all over the 3rd world today, were mostly the by-product of the British&other Europeans, Indenture Labour System.
These includes Indians you found in Africa,Middle East, South-America, North-America, West-Indies and FIJI. Why trying to hide our history?
Its an open book for everyone to read. We're a bunch of Untouchable, unloaded by our own RAJAS, to the then British Sahib, to take us off their rich hands and land?
It was the BIG SAHIB humanity that saved our ASS, they figured hey why kill these poor bugger, ship them to the new colonies and get them to work under the slavery Indentured labour system?
What you should remember was that it was our Rajas and Sahibs that led the Indian revolution to overthrow the British from our home land.
It was the BIG SAHIB humanity that saved our ASS, they figured hey why kill these poor bugger, ship them to the new colonies and get them to work under the slavery Indentured labour system?
What you should remember was that it was our Rajas and Sahibs that led the Indian revolution to overthrow the British from our home land.
We too get involves in removing most of these Europeans colonial empires from around the globe-now who is going to help these natives to toss us out of their land? So i say, it time for us to step back and give the I Taukei the freedom to do as they please in running their own country? What is good the goose is also good for the gander? Or rather give unto ceasar what is ceasar?????????????????
Lets all the vulagi remain as they are-VULAGI-and allow the I Taukei to build their house?We can offer to help and they can accept the offer and allow us to participate but it doesn't mean that after the house is built we can demand to live for ever in it. Because the house was never ours from the begining? I for one have always known my position in Paradise-I can enjoy all the priviledges the Fijian landowners have kindly allows me to have, but i also know who is the legitimate giver & taker and theTrue owners of these beautiful land? You see Budass,thats the reason why you're over there(no mans land) and i'm still over here in Paradise Fiji.