Haven’t Graham Leung and Ratu Joni joined some blog site by now – like everyone else on the other side. If they haven’t, they should also be doing the right thing and start blogging – I better go check who all are there posting stuff on Raw Fiji crap.
Why can’t you buggers get it – that this regime will not be brought down by some sanctions and pressure from ANZ, the UN, the EU, Commonwealth, the Forum and rest. And just because you folks post some mean stuff about the regime in here – that does not mean you have done your share.
You want to figure know how how to stand up to a military dictator who has just pulled a coup – go see what those guys did after 1987 and 2000.
To bring down this regime, a whole bunch of you buggers have to put your asses on the line – it ain’t gonna be done by posting some anonymous messages.
You need grassroots organization – you need the trade uinions, the farmers unions, the merchant groups, the big industries organization like the Hotel Owners Association on your side. You religious groups other than the Methodist Church on you side. For that to happen, you need so good committed leadership – not this idiots who have their own agenda and a lot of baggage.
….look at the sorry arse leadership that we have – there is Qarase and his lot – who are more interested in getting some paid positions back, then there is the loser NFP crowed who think that Chaudary is their center of universe – guys like Pramod Rae and that Attar Singh, whom Qarase put in there as head of the Democracy movement, than there is your Dor Sami Naidu guy, president of the FLS – those lawyers should have known better than to elect a former president of the NFP as the head of Fiji Law society – politicizing the FLS especially at a time like this – A politically neutral Law Society would look much more credible making a stand against this regime….and than there is you Methodist Church group – these buggers were behind every coup we have ever had in Fiji except this last one, and now they are our savior – they are the ones who will help us get back democracy? Oh and we should not forget folks like Tui Savu, Victor Lal and the like – complete fricken mediocrity.
When are you guys going to realize that those folks mentioned above ain’t gonna give you your democracy back – you better start looking some place else for people who should be fighting for democracy – and a good place to look is the mirror.
The point here is not that the above mentioned folks are a bunch of losers – whats funny is that you buggers seemed to have accepted that these are the people who will get you your democracy back.
BTW – why don’t we just talk about the price of gas, or weather and such stuff in here rather than this crap that somehow we are here fighting for democracy and making a difference.