The problem I see with Bainimarama, besides his inability to listen to qualified advise, is his blatant disrespect for figures, numbers, statistics ratios, numerical gauges that tell him proper information to act on.
The CMAG had given him a deadline of September 1st, he wrote a letter two weeks before that, to the Commonwelth Secretary General to inform him of his intent to comply with Commonweath rules and regulations, he lied.
To him the deadline of the 1st sept. did not mean a thing, just like the other figures that were served up to him as warnings and measuring instruments, telling him that the economy is in need of help. He even sacked our best economist in Mr. Narube, all because he gave him figures that were pleading for support.
Then he gave his worst indication, that he doesn’t understand figures when he corrected a reporter about our foreign reserve figures, proudly halving the numbers in front of the reporter, for the world to hear.
All forms of figures and numbers around him are telling him that all is not as he is saying, but he defies logic in the way he, sometimes sarcastically, gives a reason for them, only to find out later that, the reason did not carry weight.
We all remember the numbers 55, yes they had a reason behind them, only to be replaced with, “except if you are re-hired as cosultants or if you have needed qualificaions”
What about numbers that made the population cringe a few weeks ago, the upward hike of busfares/taxifares and electricity rates ? I won’t tell you the reason to that, because there is none forthcoming from the Regime to justify them, except the truth, they need money to supplement FNPF.
Now, there is also the MDG figures, that is set by countries worldwide for reduction of poverty by certain percentage before 2020, I don’t think he knows Fiji is part of that exercise, and at last count 40% the total population is living in those very conditions.
The only figure he carries around with him and his co-conspirators are 2 0 1 4. They will not give legitimate reasons for those figures except that that is when they think “the time is right”
An American reporter was quoted to have said, “I dont know why he (Voreqe) needs all that time to draw up a Constitution, we did not need all that time, and we were a bigger Nation”
He has a problem answering dichotomous questions, (questions that have only two answers,eg YES-NO, or MALE FEMALE) the chances bigger figures have to be understood by him is practically zero.