Saturday, November 14, 2009

Budhau supports Bainimarama to be in Power forever!!!

Anon – I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Anyway – Let us look at what you wrote.

First, you wrote that “You have somehow accepted that Bainimarama will stay in power forever?”

Come on lady, why would anyone accept that Bainimarama, or for that matter, anyone else can remain in power “forever”.

Here, I will tell you what my assumption is. If Bainimarama and the military were to leave voluntarily, than he will make certain that there is a airtight amnesty agreement before he leaves. No amnesty or any threat of prosecution and they ain’t leaving 2014 or 2030.

Of course you don’t have to agree to a amnesty, however, this only means that Bainimarama or the military will not leave voluntarily. In that case, I would like to hear you plans as to how you suggest we remove this military by force.

Just remember that this military rule can outlive Qarase, Chaudary, Bainimarama, you and I – it might not be for ever but it sure can stay in power for a very long time.

You do realize that this about a military dictatorship – not about Frank alone, and some of these military dictatorships have a life of their own.

Even if you have a plan to take down this military by force, we still have to figure out at what cost and than balance that with the alternative ways of getting out of this mess. Remember, if the military council and Frank are faced with a life in prison, they will go down fighting – and they will take down a whole lot of other folks with them.

As for the Global community – all I have seen so far is that the ANZ policy of destabilization – economic destabilization, collapse of the judiciary and that may lead to hardship in the population and that would lead to social upheaval and hopefully that may lead to the downfall of this regime. Is this the price that we are willing to pay.

What I see on this board and a group of bastards who are more interested in revenge than anything else. They would love to nail Franks ass to wall – never mind what the cost and by letting emotion get in the way, these buggers are not capable of thinking rationally.

Without amnesty, there will be no political solution to this impasses…. if you want a military solution to this problem, well those guys are the military.

As for your remake “A week is a long time in politics” – how long have those goons in Rangoon been running the show…and I am sure the “global community” is working hard to sort out things out there too.

We have been in this shit since 1987 – how much longer do you want this to continue….maybe another several generations.

Oh, I get it…. Fiji is a dinky little country and ANZ should not have any problem crushing Fiji – right?…. its just that they have not been able to do much in the last three years.