Thursday, October 15, 2009

where is the evidence of corruption??

where is the evidence of corruption??

we (poeple) shall never forget the harasment, torture, murder, threats, intimidation, etc.

all soldiers and everyone else who had a hand in this misery must pay. we shall never forget.

Ratu se sona…mate ga nikua.

the military & coup apologists keep harping about charging the mindset of poeple. what they don't realize is mindset is matured and much more eductaed now. its them (military) that have to grow up.

ni veicai kei nomudou koma(da) … vutuka nona sona. is this the better fiji u all harp about?? ni yavu tamata lamusona cicilevu … kuamada na vakarerevaki tiko… sa ivei na vaqakoro dou kauta mai ena 6.12.06?? o cei sa rerelevu tu na gauna qo? ni yavu tamata boci.

totolo … dou play cowboys talemada mai na keba.
By Bodyguard the blogger