Monday, September 7, 2009

Frank, the deranged man of the Pacific

Fiji Village quotes mouthpiece Lewensky saying the final decision whether Sir Paul Reeves is allowed to meet with Qarase and Chaudary is up to Frank. Well it reveals just how gutless Frank truely is. Having all the guns in Fiji is still not reassuring for him because he cannot face Qarase and Chaudary. You see his fear is from within and no matter how many guns without, it still is not enough!
Now he wants to prevent Sir Paul from meeting with them as well. Frank, don't talk the talk, if you cannot walk your talk! Why are you so afraid of insignificant Qarase and Mahendra Robin Hood Chaudary meeting with Sir Paul Reeves? Do you have something to hide?
Frank is paranoid and greatly fears anyone standing up to him because of this post traumatic disorder and any meeting, especially with a notable like Sir Paul in his deluded mind spells conspiracy. Qarase's words after his Wellington Talks with Frank in December 2006 as he tried to diffuse the political standoff still holds true today when he said: 'how can you talk with a deranged man.'
Tui Savu.