Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stand true to your calling Methodist Church and not bow down to this demigod Bainimarama!

The Methodist Church hierarchy have again shown their unsuitability for high office. FBCL reports President Tugaue saying they will abide by Government's decision to cancel the divisional conference which was supposed to be held this week.

According to Fijivillage, motormouth Leweni cited the reason for Government's cancelling the Divisional Conference was because they had found out the Methodist Church was planning on doing 'other things' that would have breached the conditions of their permit!

What a farce? Why hasn't the Methodist Church challenged motormouth Leweni to explain what 'others things' is he referring to and ask him to provide some credible evidence! They should not willingly submit to baseless allegations without any merit or proof, unless you have something to hide? Church Members coming in from the US and Oz whom have already made their way or are in the process of making their way are in for a huge disappointment!

The 'other reasons'provided by the illegal government through FBCL for the cancellation of the Annual Divisional Conference is even more absurd! The illegal government justifies is actions to ease the monetary burden it places on the Methodist Church Members and also because of the pending installment of the Church President and General Secretary whose matters are still before the Court.

What utter nonsense! Is the Methodist Church so blind they cannot see the consequences of their willingness to submit to this demigod Bainimarama? Who is this demigod Bainimarama to tell the Methodist Church about burdening its members by holding the Divisional Conference, when he himself is responsible for Fiji's economic woes because of his coup, burdening the whole of Fiji!

Who is this demigod Bainimarama to tell the Methodist Church, the installation of Rev. Tugaue as President and Rev. Tuikilakila as General Secretary cannot go ahead because of their pending PER matters! Are not Rev. Tugaue and Rev. Tuikilakila innocent until proven guilty and furthermore, how can they be proved guilty to an illegal decree!

I challenge Rev. Tugaue and Rev. Tuikilakila to stand up and oppose this demigod Bainimarama because he's just shown you what he can do to you, if you succumb to his threats. If you give in now, what will happen when he further restricts Methodist Church gatherings of not more than 10 members? Don't tell me that you will stand up then because your future actions can be accurately determined by your current ones, so long as they know your boundaries. However, after a while, even your boundaries become more flexible and you begin extending them and very soon what you may have considered anathema 12 months ago, you now accept without question.

Where is the lost spirit of former Methodist Church Missionaries champions to New Britain Aminio Baledrokadroka, Misieli Loil, Setaleti Logova, Livai Volavola, Elimotama Ravono, Peni Caumia, Peni Luvu, Mijieli Vakaloloma & Pauliasi Bunoa? The Methodist Chirch needs to rekindle this fire from within if it wants to remain true to its higher calling and not be easily subdued by this demigod Bainimarama.

I wish to remind the Methodist Church about its champions Aminio Baledrokadroka and 8 volunteers from Navuloa and ask "why can't you be like them?"

Remember when Mr. Brown from Australia spoke to the 83 students at Navuloa on the evening of 28/6/1875 calling for volunteers to New Britain? He explained to them the dangers and hardships they were going to endure and the probability that many of them will never see their own Fijian homes again. He asked for volunteers, but School Principal Joseph Waterhouse intervened and exhorted the students to all go home that evening to speak with their wives and friends and then for quite consideration and return the next day.

Mr. Brown continues:

"Next morning we gathered together again in the hall and Mr. Waterhouse put the matter fully before them and then asked if any were willing to volunteer; and I am sure it ought to be remembered to the honour of the Fijian students that every one of the eighty-three present expressed their willingness to go. It was most impressive scene, but which left an impression on my mind which continues unto the present day."

As the Missionaries were preparing to depart aboard John Wesley, Government House intervened, fearing the Methodist Church had forced the Navuloa students to go aboard and wanted to ensure they went on their free will as they were British subjects.

Aminio Baledrokadroka spoke on behalf of the volunteers and said:

'We wish to however, to inform your Honour that this is no new thing to us. Mr. Brown told us all that you have told us about the character of the people, the unhealthiness of the climate, and the dangers we will probably have to encounter. No one appointed us to go. We were simply asked whether we would volunteer. Mr. Waterhouse also told us that we were free to go, or free to remain, and that no disgrace would be incurred by us if we decided to remain in Fiji. After consultation we decided to volunteer, and we, sir, are very thankful to God that we have been selected for this great work, and our comrades at Navuloa are sad at heart to-day that they are not able to go with us"

And Mr. Brown concludes, with words he will never forget: "We wish to also thank Your Excellency for telling us that we are British subjects, and that you take such an interest in us, and that if we wish to remain you will take care that we are not taken from our homes in Fiji. But, sir, we have fully considered this matter in our hearts; no one has pressed us in any way; we have given ourselves up to do God's work, and in our mind to-day, sir, is to go with Mr. Brown. If we die, we die, if we live, we live."

  • Tui Savu.
  • President.SWM


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