Indeed the FMF has been the curse and scourge of the nation since 1987 and a clear picture is emerging of certain dynasties behind all the upheavals just to maintain their well being. As has been repeated many times there is no need for such a proportionately large standing army doing nothing constuctive but ceremonial duties. There is no external enemies neither is there internal ones.
They are themselves the enemy of the state. Only justification is the UN peace keeping but this is only a limited opportunity which has been further undermined by the coup. I mean we could go on and on about the negatives of our army but these are well known.
They are now in a propaganda of capturing hearts and minds by spinning all the lies they can conjure and supressing our freedom by controlling what goes on air and paper to "not say anything bad about the regime". Lets pull back review regroup and relaunch our effort to do our own clean up on this filthy garbage that has beset the nation against our will. WE will not stop till our aim is achieved. God bless you all in this festive season.
Peace Pipes