With you there Nostradamus…and have this many times before…the idiot Voreqe going off to talk to/with world thus making him think he is acceptable in theri midst but the sad thing is….THIS PERCEPTION OF HIS IS HIS REALITY…and that is just soooooo saaaaaaaaaad.
He can talk until the cows come home with these leaders but NO ON WILL SAY BOO UNTIL ELECTIONS IS HERE AND DONE!
However, I believe what we should also be bringing up now is 'THE OFFICIAL CAPACITY THE MILITARY IS WANTING TO PUSH TO OVERSEE THE WORKINGS OF OUR FUTURE ELECTED GOVTS. Hullo!!!! there is no other kind of threat that we have to be afraid of like in Turkey, with the idea of AN ISLAMIC COUP looming rather than the MILITARY COUPING OUR ELECTED DEMOCRATIC GOVTS.