CIA – I think that this political impasse will end with a total amnesty for all those who were involved in this coup – so your question about who should be charged and who should not is moot (you know what that means).
If we are able to forcibly remove Bainimarama and if the people who come into power decide to charge these people with the crime if they think that would be in our national interest – I am sure the legal minds in Fiji will be able to figure out who should be charged with what – and I am sure Chaudary, like all others may have to defend themselves in a court of law. Just like if we could have removed Rabuka, then I am sure you would have supported a charge of Treason against Ratu Mara, who was in a similar situation and that time since we had the death penalty for treason – you as a supporter of law and order would have supported that Ratu Mara should he hanged for his crimes – right.
I on the other other hand do no think that either Ratu Mara or Chaudary should have been charged for treason.
BTW – CIA why did you ask me about Chaudary – because you think I am an Indian, just like when I criticize Tui savu, I am being anti Fijian.
Here is a polite suggestion – if you want answers, next time you should frame your questions a little better. "Should all those people who a played significant role in this administration that was put in place after the coup be charged with treason."
My answer is no – because that would not be in the best interest of our nation.