Friday, November 13, 2009

Budhau attacked CRW officers

I NEVER said that – that ""Freefiji, freewheely the whale dont talk rubbish my man!! all CRW poofters are either dead, St Jiles or shamefully living their own lives!"

Now – you go figure.

BTW I think it is Free Willy not freewheely….you see, I would never make a mistake like that.

With you being no school and all that – maybe I should also offer you some roti-curry…but then you may accuse me of imposing the Indian way of life on you – I will just give that roti-curry to my dog.

Oh and CIA – as for the scare tactics – many have come before you – and they were smarter than you and soon figured it out that scaring people in here does not work and it is not good for your cause – it only makes you look like thugs, just like the other guys.

I remember Natewa Prince in here long time ago, he pulled the same crap you are doing. BTW – Natewa Prince was a bright, intelligent guy – what he did in trying to scare me was stupid and it was more emotional – but he was not a stupid person – you, on the other hand, are just an idiot.

BTW – if you see Natewa Prince on that "worldwide" crap – you tell him I said hi.