Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To fijiman from Tuks

Fiji Man..suggest you go to  Raw Fiji News and read for yourself this article about corruption and Nepotism in the Fiji military. As suggested, please have a good look at the names mentioned there, see their current positions in the illegal Regime headed by your VB and if you can, just for a moment , be honest with yourself and look at the real corrupted people as you refer to in your comments above. It is clear that all the allegations of corruptions against Qarase, Tuisolia and others are being cooked up by the Regime itself in their quest to justify their 2006 takeover of a democratically elected Government. For all the information and control they have, it is amazed that even Voreqe still can not put any of the alleged accused behind bars after 3 years of illegally taking over Government. From what we now have, I tell you that it will only be weeks b4 Voreqe and his coyots are imprisoned for the rots that is being spewed out from their current corrupt practises.
Please make sure you read this interesting article in the Raw Fiji News website. You can not miss it.