China is not filling any vacuum. IG talks about their so called look North Policy is crap. 3 years on and Jim Ah Koy's press releases on China coming to Fiji's rescue amounted to a big fat 0. Nothing coming forth from both China and India resulting in the IG's wild goose chase to Malaysia. Millions of dollars from Malaysia to the IG is the newest lie and here too nothing will materialize.
Why should Malaysia give away hundreds of millions of dollars to a dictator to pocket. Same reason India and China were no_shows. Interestingly observation is the IG forecasted millions to flow into Fiji without a word from their named donors. The only stupid and naive players in current climate are the IG beneficiaries and supporters.
Australia and NZ should stop using the people of Fiji as an excuse barring a full blown embargo. 100 % Sanctions do not hurt the people of Fiji. It hurts the IG. Speed up the process of bankrupting the country by applying full blown embargo on the IG if they can't trade they can't pay their bills. Pulling punches is appeasing the IG. The people of Fiji are resilient and it will be nice if both countries stop using the people as an excuse.