Our regular contributor "Lastpolarbear" has this to say,As much as I respect Mr. Qarase and what he stands for and the great job he was doing for all Fijians prior to the 2006 coup, I have to question his judgement a little.
Why would anyone try and broker a deal with Chaudhry after all the divisive things he personally has done to Fiji and it's people ?
Along with the Amnesty bill, the Qoliqoli bill and including 2000 coup perpetrators into Parliament, is this another mistake.
Why would anyone try and broker a deal with Chaudhry after all the divisive things he personally has done to Fiji and it's people ?
Along with the Amnesty bill, the Qoliqoli bill and including 2000 coup perpetrators into Parliament, is this another mistake.
I understand the tactic behind trying to bring all sides together, but if Fijians continue to ignore the Rule of Law under the Constitution and try and circumvent the Law to create their own style of Justice, then fiji will be doomed yet again, if not immediately, then in a few years time.
People must be held accountable for breaking the Law and it is ridiculous to continue to try and whitewash their crimes just in order to try and bring about peace.
It won't work, not in Fiji.
Nothing short of a return to Democracy, an elected government, arrest, prosecution and detention of all those involved in this and previous coups, will suffice.