Let me show you the crap the you and others like you shovel in here.
The the mataqali folks are at the bottom of the totem pole – that is why we have this problem – those land owners, when they cannot afford to shoes for their kids, they blame the Indians for the situation they are in – while the Ratu rides around in the SUV – purchased from the land rent money – BTW – those Mataqali folks get about 50% of the rent revenues – while the Ratus upline take their percentages.
So don't give me that crap, that the Ratu and Mataqali cannot be separated – They will be separated – it is just a matter of time – and it ain't no Indian that will do that – this is how things evolve. BTW – those Indos, they also used to have their own "Ratus" about 50 some years ago, they don't have them no more.
So you separate the Ratu from the Mataqali – and your rent revenue goes up 50%.
On the position of land – what I said was not the "Indian" position. Those Indians have already accepted that the land belongs to the Fijians – and no Indian have ever stolen or attempt to steal a single square inch of the Fijian land – ever.
What I said was that almost all land – anywhere in the world, was stolen from someone who was there before them – in case of Fiji, the early inhabitants of this land were most likely conquered and eaten and their land taken away by the current owners – you have a problem with that. So land was taken by conquest.
As for the Indos leaving Fiji – why are you stating the obvious. The way the immigration trend is and you add that to the declining birth rate of the Indians – in 30 years, the Indian would probably make less then 20% of the population – from a high of more than 50%. Therefore, idiots like you should be addressing the Intra-Fijian conflict that has been going on since 1987 – instead of your racist crap of the Indian as the bogey man.
Anonymous wrote – "You've tried the same everywhere you've been – driven out of Africa – Carribbean – suppressed in Asia (Malaysia) – banned from Lau – Rotumah etc – currently causing mayhem in Australia – UK – your record of non assimilation says lots about your misplaced arrogance – Indians do not travel well – & no it is not racist –
merely cultural."
Cut out your bullstit – that you ain't a racist, this is all cultural.
Indians in most of Africa went there as small businessmen and were very successful – and one can understand some of that resentment.
The non-business community, like the one is South Africa, are equal participants in that country's economy and politics. Idi Amin Dada kicking out Indians – he was an idiot, and since then Uganda has invited those same Indians, who were mostly from the business community back into Uganda.
In the Carribbean, I see that you keep reading that Professor Davis crap – Where ever you have different groups of people living together there is bound to be some friction – in Fiji this friction can be easily managed – if it wasn't for some racist bastards like you, who try to capitalize on this and come up with wedge issues to gain political power.
As for that Fijian spelling – there are probably 3 Fijian speaking people in the whole state of MA, so it is no biggie for someone from Harvard to approach someone living around there on the subject of the language – It don't make you no professor – BTW – they won't even let you teach at a community college with that undergraduate degree in some lab technology.
The idiot wrote, "We as a people know who we are – know where we come from – know where we belong – whereas yourself?"
Here again is that same fricken argument – that the Fijians are Gods gift to humanity – listen, you bytch – every race of people have the same belief system – they know who they are, where they come from and all that crap. So that canoe that landed at Vuda, where exactly did that come from – you figure that out and it is very likely that you will find out that we are all cousins.
Here we see your confusion once again in your conclusion "your immediate concern should be directed whether we (iTaukei) will come to your aid when he eventually turns upon you"
First, no matter how hard you try, I don't think Fijian people are idiots, they they will buy into your bogenman argument and turn on Indos or refuse to form coalitions when it is in the mutual interest of both groups.
What is more likely is that because this is a Intra-Fijian conflict, the Fijians will turn on each other – specially as you suggested that the Indians are moving out and their numbers are declining and becoming more "manageable".
Do you honestly believe that with the Indians gone, there will be no conflict between Fijians – why don't you go look up your history, before the Indos came to Fiji and see the kinda conflict that was there. Or look around the other conflicts in the region where the conflict is between the various indigenous factions.
So my suggestion to folks like you is by inciting people to racial violence you are introducing a new element into this conflict – and once they start the killing, this will not stop for generations – go study the history of any people. Those Indos will get the next flight out – but what will you do when they come for you.
Maichod balluk – you don't don't even see that this racist bytch and her white boy husband have been trying to incite racial violence on these various websites since 2000 – the good thing is that they are so marginalized that it does not make much difference.
Sosi – As for foul language and being low – I think you and that white boy husband of yours are the lowest of the low, with this racist crap that you push. BTW – things Fijian should be sorted out at the GCC – when it come to the parliament, the president, the PM, the constitution and the like – I think all citizens of Fiji must have equal say in those matters – and as for me, I can have an opinion on whatever I chose.
Sosi – sorry for the foul language – I am sure you have objected to the foul language on this site when it was aimed at me – I am sure you find the use of the word "maichod" by Balluk also objectionable.
Tikotikona – you should learn to distinguish the small group of Indo businessmen, mostly Gujjus from the rest of the Indos – Many of these same businessmen were cutting deals with Ratu Mara and his Alliance, with SVT, and the SDL and they are doing the same with Frank and I am sure they will be around doing the same with whoever comes to power next. Why don't you get it – many of these businessmen are successful because it was the Fijian leaders who sold out to them – if it wasn't these businessmen, there would be other, Indians and more recently some of the Fijian elite crowd are doing the same.
It is this group of businessman, together with the thieving ratus who have joined forces to screw the common Fijians. The problem I have is not with the businessmen – they are only looking after their own bottom line – and this is what every business is supposed to do, maximize profits for its shareholders – If it wasn't them, someone else will step in and fill that vacuum. I have problem with the thieving Ratus – for they have a fiduciary duty to their people – they have to put the interest of their people first, even above their own person interest. IN all these scams that we have had – the only people who were harmed from that are the poor common Fijians who have money that was earmarked for their benefit scammed away.