Friday, August 7, 2009

Police Commish Teleni abusing their PER powers

Police Commish Teleni is a very bad example of what a christian crusader is all about.

He thinks he’s doing God a favor by imposing his “souls for Jesus” draconian rules onto his officers and the public of Fiji.

The endless rolling over of Fiji’s Public Emergency Regulation powered by Teleni is nothing but a bully tool he uses to instil fear and control the populace.

The PER lie has been abused big time by Teleni.

Case in point is Sakiusa Raivoce’s two nights detention who was later released yesterday without any charges.

So Teleni, now that you’ve failed to find any legal charges to hammer Raivoce with, will you allow Raivoce to use his rights to seek redress on your unfounded allegations?

If Teleni can apply PER on Raivoce and others, then it is only proper that these law-abiding citizens be given the equal chance to go to court for their unfounded random detention based on some flimsy personal vendetta by Teleni and others.

But Fiji is a pariah state.

There’s no such thing as fair justice nor rule of law in coup coup land.

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