Two and half years later if Frank Baimarama thinks that his is “victory” he should think again. Dishonest victories are sure to backfire and Frank’s is no exception.
We can only conclude in saying that the illegal regime’s actions after the 2006 has resulted in a “Pyrrhic Victory,” a victory by them that has been accompanied by enormous losses and has left them as winners in as desperate shape and isolation as if they had lost. It is a victory gained at too great a cost, a victory or success that comes at the expenses of great losses or cost to the nation and its people.
Pyrrhus, an ancient general who after defeating the Romans told those who wanted to congratulate him; “one more such victory and Pyrrhus is undone.” Let us hope Frank and his regime realizes sooner than later because they will never be given a chance to do it again or get away with all the misery and hardship they have brought to the people of Fiji.
Force and not moral reasoning is Frank’s ally, an ally in which exploits and negates the triumph. Frank and his team have gambled away the trust placed in the nation’s constitutional powers for the use of the guns and has temporarily secured their power base by means of suppression and now tenuous monopoly on any information.
The cancellation of the Methodist conference is a great disappointment but like all of us and the Roko Tui Dreketi we are learning to cope and survive. It is a case of have to and we will do it.
However, what concerns us greatly is the Vunivalu of Rewa, Epeli Mataitini, undermining the Roko Tui Dreketi publicly in his statement of her. His attitude will reflect greatly on the youth of today. With proper upbringing it is not acceptable that another chief undermines or embarrasses another chief in public, no matter the provocation.
Proper upbringing when practised should mean something and sadly it is not happening in our beloved Fiji.
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