Orion our regular blogger.
Perhaps there’s alot of movements behind the scene competeing for influence to sit up there. EN is surely up there amongst the tops. He has more power than FB. He has the backing of the b-in-law in the military. This is critical. He has the backing of his wife and followers. Together with the bro in laws etc and their influence. He has the backing of his wifes father’s network locally and internatiionally. That’s the edge they have above all their rivals.
My bet is still on him to be President. But then, why do they need a president when they can seek legitimacy their position using other means. well you know issueing decrees, presidents mandate etc. A shadowy figure advising frank once complained that he is tired of giving him advise cos he doesnt listen any more. has the poles shifted to the muslims or others yet?? perhps, but for his longevity, frank will have to play his card carefully with the people I have mentioned above IMO. Thats where his real power resides.
or has his international backers and financiers (incl. AUST US etc?) shifted gear to use an “Obama”- type model at this juncture and use someone else from the minroity community as part of the broad strategy to dismantle nationalism, nationa states and promote globalism and the new global order?. May be Im goign too far. But my bet is still on EN. He has the best chance on my card. He (and the clan he represents) will have to be at the forefront of choice. if they are sidelined, I would say then they will have to be well compensated to maintain their loyalty. But then I could be wrong.
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