Thursday, July 30, 2009

Psychoanalysis of Frank

Psychoanalysis of Frank says he is a pathological control freak (authoritarian).
This being the case, it would not make sense for him to appoint anyone else as President other than himself, especially since the other candidates all have the vanua aristocracy edge on him (he is a kaisi with no significant lineage).

First of all, he would like to stick it to the chiefs, church, and anyone else who questions his authority. Without a rubber stamp empty carcass president to push around, what would he do? How would he justify unilateral decrees from little ole blustering foot-in-mouth bad boy Frank?

Most Fijians perceive that the President is higher than the PM, even though this is questionable under the 97 Constitution. In any case, the President controls the appointment of the Commander of the RFMF, even according to the dumped Constitution.

Can you imagine Koila taking orders from Frank or watching while Her groper takes orders. No, Koila must take over her father’s shoes, and she probably cannot wait to get rid of the Kiuva city boy upstart goon who forced her Father out of the Presidency, a situation which she says caused his and her Mother’s death.
So Frank has no choice but th take over the Presidency, and also carry on with his campaign to stick it to anyone who had success in life, whether from hard work, intelligence, lineage, or whatever, all the things Fanko does not have and apes for himself.

So as President, Franko brings in his mercenary Indians because he does not trust any Fijian. He makes the various Mara’s, Ganilaus, and Ro’s from Rewa grovel (or tries to) in order to elevate his authority and opinion of himself.
Now who is going to run the nation?
He has already kicked out all the good guys. Now what?

Now if he keeps on “not running the country” how long will it take for his troops to become disgruntled, if they are not already from the imposition of the “Oqo Nei Atu” religion, a “crack” pot religion requiring a certain orientation preferred by the non-adventurous chauvanistic types.
Doesn’t this bizarre state of affairs provide some light at the end of the tunnel (not Frank’s tunnel)?
Would Koila by any chance just tell Franko to get lost? I mean they have at least three army leaders in the family. Who needs Franko? Frank has proved himself to be less maleable than the Tall Man thought, and it is time for time out.
The suspense has reached a new level.

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