This blog has been created to allow stories and information that have been supressed or banned by the administration of Commodore Frank Bainimarama, to impose Public Emergency Regulations, which has led to heavy handed censoring of the media.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Oni Kirwan says"Rise up People"
Tui call all the oppositions,Chiefs and churches of Fiji to rise up against thieving governments
We see Voreqe globetrotting the world and reading from QORVIS prepared statements and kept away from the limelight, to minimise risk of further embarrassment to his spineless, pretentious government, whilst Aiyarse the real power rules Fiji.
If we truly believe Aiyarse is continuing to destroy Fijian Institutions and is placing his relatives and 'yes' man in strategic government positions and unashamedly abuses his position to control Parliament to ensure the real status of his wrecking the Fiji economy is not disclosed.
If we truly believe Bainimarama committed treason in December 2006 and is implicated in the murders of the CRW soldiers and have stolen from the Fijian taxpayers, why are they still allowed to rule?
If the Opposition led 10,000 people to get up and confront them, what can they do?
Fiji doesn't have enough prison space to contain them all and it will spark a revolution in Fiji!
Are Opposition Members, Church & Civic Leaders, Fijian Chiefs and the people, willing to defy Voreqe and Aiyarse, even if it means imprisonment, loss of income or harm?
The Opposition, Church & Civic Leaders and Fijian Chiefs have the moral responsibility to lead the protests, etc to fight for freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of the press, recognition of the Fijian Chiefly system in Fiji, etc otherwise they should relinquish their positions and give the younger generation the challenge to face these usurpers!
If not, then nothings going to change and Fiji's coup culture will continue to perpetuate and destroy Fiji because of our cowardice.
Speak the truth minister!!!
Was Trade Minister Faiyaz Koya caught blatantly lying to a visiting trade delegation from Thailand earlier this week?
In a speech at the Thai promotion trade seminar on Monday, Mr. Koya, a lawyer by profession, uttered grossly misleading information about Fiji’s political and investment environment.
Here’s what he told the seminar according to a report in the Fiji Times (30/9/15): Claiming there was never a better time to invest in Fiji, he added … “We have a thriving democratic and politically stable environment, as well as respect for the rule of law, separation of powers, a free media, an independent judiciary, strong civil society, strong anti-corruption measures…”
Oh really Mr Koya; Let’s see:
#A thriving democratic and politically stable environment? You have obviously not read the United Nations Human Rights Council report on Fiji issued earlier this year. One of the key recommendations of the Council is for the setting up of a Constitution Review Commission to review the imposed 2013 constitution to make it more democratic so that it reflects the will and aspirations of the people of Fiji.
As for a #politically stable environment – some 70 people were recently charged and are facing court action re seditious activities. There is significant opposition to the FF Government which is being suppressed by restrictions on freedom of association, assembly and expression, including media restrictions. Opposition MPs are required to obtain Police permits to hold meetings in their constituencies but this does not apply to government MPs who campaign freely at taxpayer’s expense.
#Separation of powers and an independent judiciary? Another key recommendation of the UNHRC is to amend the legislative and constitutional framework to maintain separation of powers and cease any executive of political interference with the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession
A free #media? The regime’s draconian Media Industry Development Decree 2010 featured prominently among the decrees recommended to be scrapped or amended by the UNHRC. It said there was a need to end the intimidation and harassment of people who express criticism of the State, adding “…There is a need to change the climate of fear and self-censorship to ensure no one was arbitrarily arrested and detained for exercising their rights.”
#Strong anti-corruption measures? (a) We are still waiting for the FF regime to implement anti-corruption provisions in the Constitution ie establishment of a Transparency and Accountability Commission, a Code of Conduct for holders of high office and Freedom of Information legislation.
Independence of #FICAC is highly questionable. A substantive Commissioner has still not been appointed. A Deputy Commissioner, brought in from the RFMF since its inception in 2007, cannot be considered independent. FICAC has been under the oversight of the Attorney General’s office and has been very selective in its prosecution of cases. Reported instances of corruption against the regime, including the PM’s office, are ignored by FICAC.
The trading relationship between Fiji and Thailand is so highly imbalanced in Thailand’s favour, that one wonders why the Minister raved on about opportunities for our business people.
The $144.3m trade between the two countries last year as reported in today’s Fiji Times was grossly in favour of Thailand by way of export to Fiji of motor vehicles, machinery, a wide range of food products, textiles etc.
We on the other hand are not in a position to sell much to Thailand because they produce almost everything we have to sell. Such being the case, one wonders whether the Minister could be taken seriously for his statement that: “Thai and Fijian businesses were set to explore a plethora of opportunities between the two countries”.
#What a tamasha, Faiyaz!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Fiji Delegation meets Tony Abbot
A high profile delegation of unionists, business people, NGOs and civil society groups to travel to Canberra to seek to meet with Australian Prime Minister on Fiji's human rights abuses.
As we all know human rights abuses are sanction by international law so Australia will have jurisdiction, as any other country to, to raise this at the relevant UN/ human rights forums.
The torture video, the CRW murders, the Verebasaga and Rabaka murders as well as the torture of civilians, including women and the well documented case of Ben Padarath will all be part of the materials forwarded to Mr Abbot and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.
Time to take the campaign to a new level.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Fiji Dictator forged Elections results
Taken fron coup point five
REDDY: One eyed perspective?
The so-called 1500 votes for Frank Bainimarama on the last day of the Fiji TV Personality of the Year texting competition came from just two phones, both of them government numbers.
Coupfourpointfive sources have established the texts were sent by two personnel from Bainimarama's Suva office and that one of them was using this phone number: 9905393.
FIJI TV FACE: Satish Narayan
Our sources reveal here the true scale of the dishonesty behind the vote rigging that saw Premila Kumar bumped from her win and Bainimarama cheat his away again to the top.
Here's how the sham was played out:
1) As has been established, Fiji TV made the mistake of closing the poll a day early: on December the 30th instead of the 31st. But on the 30th, Premila Kumar was already way ahead of Bainimarama by almost 600 votes.
2) The mistake was picked up by Vodafone boss, Aslam Khan, who alerted Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum. Vodafone also informed the regime the revered leader was trailing badly behind Premila Kumar.
3) On December the 31st, two government numbers, which typically begin with 9905, were used to send more than 800 texts supporting Bainimarama. The two personnel who wrote the texts were from office of the illegal prime minister.
4) These two then called Vodafone (their contact person and Aslam Khan's trusted man) to see if their texts had gotten Bainimarama ahead of Kumar. They were informed that while the numbers had indeed put him in the lead, the text initials were wrong. Bainimarama's two officers were texting "FB" instead of "VB" as advertised by Fiji TV.
5) The two officers then re-sent more than 800 texts with the initials "VB".
6) These texts were discounted by Fiji TV because they had already closed the poll by mistake, a day early.
7) Khaiyum, Bainimarama and Khan then got the pay-ad Fiji TV to strip the title of Fiji's Personality of the Year from Premila Kumar to give to Bainimarama.
8) Khaiyum then decided to lay a complaint with the Commerce Commission claiming: "The allegation is that members of the public could text in and give their vote and the announcement was going to be made on the first of January. Unannounced to many members of the public, Fiji TV closed the actual polls on the 30th of December as opposed to the 31st of December.'
Khaiyum has been quick to take the high moral ground but as Coupfourpointfive sources have revealed in the above information, the slight of hand came from the regime.
Consider the following, folks:
1) Even if the poll closed early, Vodafone broke all ethics by informing an interested party - the regime - about the result of the poll. Khan is of course a regime supporter and has been proven to be a colluder time and time again. If this happened anywhere else, there would have been an outcry.
2) If Mahendra Reddy is fair and impartial, then he needs to man up and acknowledge that text messages for Bainimarama were sent from two government numbers. Two years ago the Nausori town clerk, Satendra Singh, used his work mobile to send hundreds of texts and won a car offered by Vodafone as part of its birthday giveaways. Singh was sacked by the regime, which had control over municipal councils through Special Administrators. He had offered to pay the phone charges. His dismissal was justified because he abused his power. Will justice be done here as it was then?
3) More worrying, though, are the implications for the supposed 2014 elections. If a texting competition can be rigged after the regime knows it is way behind its rivals and challengers, then it will cheat just as it has done in this poll. It's a poor loser.
4) Alarming, too, is this very real scenario: With electronic voting as planned, it will be much easier to rig votes because the regime has the advantage of knowing how the other candidates and parties have fared. This is the real zinger in this sorry, sordid affair by Fiji TV and Vodafone to find Fiji's Personality of the Year.
Monday, July 4, 2011
The latest on the Dictator in Fiji
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
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Madhya Pradesh Pre Medical Test (MP PMT) 2011
Madhya Pradesh Pre Medical Test (MP PMT) 2011
MP PMT 2011 Exam Date: 24th July, 2011 (Sunday) at 10.00 AM to 01.15 PM
Madhya Pradesh Pre-Medical / Pharmacy / Nursing Test (MP PMT) for Admission to MBBS / BDS / B.V.Sc / A.Hcourses is conducted by Professional Examination Board, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. Qualified candidates are eligible for admission in the following Colleges:
- MBBS Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior
- Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
- Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur
- MGM Medical College, Indore
- Pt Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur
- Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa
- BDS College of Dentistry, Indore
Date of Advertisement: 09/06/11
Start of Sale of Application Forms/Online Submission: 13/06/11
End of Sale of Application Forms: 28/06/11
End of Receipt of Application Forms/Online Submission: 02/07/11
Date of Test: 24/07/11
MP PMT 2011 Exam Fees: Rs. 800/- for General Category and OBC, Rs. 400/- for SC & ST.
Note: If the application form is requested by post, the examination fees demand draft should be drawn in the favour of Professional Examination Board, Bhopal. Rs. 50/- should be added to the examination fees as postage charges.
MP PMT 2011 Exam Cities:
Balaghat, betul, Bhopal, Chhtarpur, Chhindwara, Dhar, Guna, Gwalior, Hoshangabad, Indore, Jabalpur, mandsaur, Khandwa, Khargone, Ratlam, Rewa, Sagar, Satna, Shadol, Ujjain and Vidisha.
Application Forms:
MP PMT 2011 Application Forms will be available from 13.6.2011 to 28.6.2011 from the Board Counter and from this designated Sale Centres. The list of sale centre is availble on the vyapam website.
Madhya Pradesh PMT 2011 Eligibility:
Age Limit: 17 years on 1st July of the year of the test.
Academic Qualifications: Candidates who have passed the 10+2 level exam with Physics, Chemistry and Biology and English with at least 50% (40% for reserved category students) marks in aggregate are eligible for admission to the MBBS/BDS Courses.
Reservation of Seats: All India Entrance – 15% , SC – 15%, ST – 21%, OBC – 14%. Seats are also reserved for children of Military personnel, Freedom Fighters, Physically Handicapped and Government of India nominees.
Exam Pattern:
Paper – I: Science (Physics & Chemistry)
Paper – II: Biology (Botany & Zoology)
Each paper shall have 100 Questions (Objective type) and total marks 1200
Time: Each paper 2 hrs. (No negative marking)
Contact For Detail:
Phone: 07869596286
MP PET Counselling 2011 DTEMP Online Counselling for 2011 MP PET 2011 Counselling
MP-PET Online Counselling for 2011
The admission to various institutes in Madhya Pradesh is made on the basis of MP PET results 2011 and the availability of seats at the time of counselling. Students can check the counseling 2011 schedule on official website. MP PET seat status will be regularly updated on the website once the seat allotment begins.
MP PET Opening & Closing Ranks
It is advised that aspirants refer to opening & closing ranks of various institutes before the DTEMP counseling schedule starts. The opening & closing ranks for previous year for the participating colleges is available on the official website. This information will be helpful in choosing the right college at the time of MP PET seat allotment process. Since the process will be based on merit, securing a good rank in the entrance exam is a must for students to bag a seat in their preferred college.
MP PET Seat Allotment Procedure
Online registration facility will be available to the candidates. Directions for the registration process for online counselling are available at the official web link. Candidates should carefully read all the instructions and completely fill all the required details. After the submission of all required details, students may proceed to make the payment.
Documents and certificated will be verified during the counselling process. Admission may be denied if a candidate carries any false document. After the documents have been verified, seat allotment will follow. Based on the seat status at DTEMP counselling, candidates will be allotted seat in his/her choice of institute.
Contact For More Information: -
Phone:- 07869596286
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
CG PMT 2011 Exam Date, Result
Eligibility- Only those candidates will be eligible to sit for the entrance exam who:
- Is a citizen of India
- Is a domicile of Chattisgarh
Explanation- Domicile of Chattisgarh- A person will be considered domicile of Chattisgarh if he follows the domicile policies of Chattisgarh which are made public by the Chattisgarh government.
Educational Qualifications- General category students who have done Physics, Chemistry and Biology in higher secondary and who have got minimum 50% marks in them combined will be eligible for the entrance examination. Reserved category students who have done Physics, Chemistry and Biology in higher secondary and have got minimum of 40% marks in them combined will be eligible for the entrance examination.
Age- Any candidate will not be given entry to the medical university who has not completed 17 years of age before 31st December or before it, in the year in which the exam is held.
Selection Process:-
1. The entrance examination will be conducted by Chattisgarh Professional Examination Committee
2. All the candidates from the general category will be selected in the merit list who get a minimum of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany combined in the entrance examination. Similarly candidates from the reserved category will be selected in the merit list who get a minimum of 40% in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany combined in the entrance examination. The merit list of the candidates will be prepared according to the marks secured in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany.
3. For candidates who get the same marks in the merit list:- Weight age given to subjects-
- Zoology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Physics
Contact Address:
Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board, RaipurPhone No : 07869596286
Monday, June 20, 2011
MP PET Results 2011 - 2012 Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test
On today as per their latest announcement Madhya Pardesh Professional Examination Board ( Madhya Pardesh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal) has announced MP PET Results 2011 - 2012 online at their official website.
MP PET results 2011 - 2012 can be check out online now on through on these page. Only candiadtes check MP PET results 2011 - 2012, who has appeared in this exam.
Contact for MP PET Result
Mr Vikas Sharma
Phone: 07869596286
Releated Keyword : MP PET 2011 Exam Dates, MP PET 2011 Eligibility, Application Forms of MP PET 2011, MP PET Syllabus 2011, MP PET 2011 Entrance Exam Form, Application Form of MP PET, Madhya Pradesh PET Engg 2011 Datess, MP PET Online Form 2011, Madhya Pradesh PET Forms, MP PET Test 2011, MP PET Examination Date, MP PET 2011 Application Procedure, MP PET 2011 Exam Forms, MP PET 2011 India, Online Application Form of MP PET, of MP PET Exam 2011, MP PET Online Registration, MP PET Test Date 2011, Forms of MP PET 2011, MP PET Entrance Form 2011, MP PET Papers, MP PEPT 2011 Exam Date, Madhya Pradesh Engineering 2011, MP PET 2011 Papers, Madhya Pradesh PET Exam 2011, MP PET 2011 MP, Madhya Pradesh PEPT, MP PET Admission Forms, MPPEPT, MP PEPT, 2011, MP PET 2011 Online Form, MP PEPT 2010 Examination Date, www vyapam nic in, www dtempcounselling org, www mponline gov in, MP PET Counselling, Counselling Center, MP PET Engineering Colleges, Top Colleges, Indore Engineering Colleges
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Roko Ului to attend Fiji Pro Democracy rally
The conference will be held in Canberra and Ului is expected to be one of its key speakers.
It’s an event that is sure to attract lots of media attention with Ului’s presence and will jolt Frank Bainimarama’s weakening junta with more expose` on their corruptive practices to be revealed by Roko Ului.
Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Kevin Rudd, also told the media that he is expecting Roko Ului Mara to visit their shores soon, which means that Australia have also embraced Ului’s efforts to return Fiji back to democracy with his truth-telling.